Invincible Hero of Necromancer

Chapter 1432: blindness

"Brother, what's wrong with your eyes?" Rowling asked with concern while looking at Rod, whose eyes were closed.

"..." Luo Luo did not speak, raising his hand to perform imperial water thaumaturgy.

The pure stream of water agglomerated from his hands and cleaned up the blood on the face, especially around the eye sockets, and Rod opened his eyes again.

His eyes turned grayish-white, his pupils were dull, and his eyes remained motionless. Rowling stretched out his hand and shook it in front of Rod's eyes, but his eyes did not react.

"This..." Rowling exclaimed, and there was a little more worry in the sight of Rod.

Rod let out a cold snort, and said in a deep voice: "It's worthy of being a sacred unicorn. Just relying on the light on the unicorn is enough to make people blind forever. I was accidentally hit. Now I can't see anything. thing."

In the system log, Lord has been informed of Lord's current state in detail.


"The holy unicorn releases'blind light' to you."

"The'blind light' works, you lose sight forever."


There was darkness all around, and only the attribute panel radiated dark blue light, lighting up Rod's world in the darkness.

There is still no change to the control of the property panel in the past. The difference is that Rhodes can no longer see things other than the property panel.

"What should I do now..." Rowling also felt a panic after hearing Rodr's words. She couldn't believe what would happen when Rod lost his vision.

Suddenly, Rowling seemed to have thought of something, and said excitedly: "Let's go back to Sao City and find Margaret in the city. She is an expert in witchcraft in this area and will definitely help you restore your vision."

With that said, Rowling raised his hand, ready to open a gate of time and space, and returned to Sao City.

However, the next moment, Rowling's hand was accurately grasped by Rod.

"She has helped me. Do you remember the plan I told you? There are more important things that need to be done. This is not the time to return to Sao City and restore vision with peace of mind."

After confirming that he had lost his vision, Rod closed his eyes again. Facing Rhodes at this time, Rowling felt a strange feeling in her heart, as if Rhodes had not lost his vision at all, but was looking at him.

"Can you see me?" Rowling asked softly. She raised her hand and slowly brushed Rod's closed eyes.

"Of course, but this requires the power of treasures." Rod slowly said, and showed a pendant hanging in front of him to Rowling.

It was a unique pendant, which looked like a big eyeball. The surface of the eyeball was covered with bloodshot eyes. It was constantly turning and scanning around.

"I seem to have seen this treasure." Looking at the pendant hanging in front of Rod, Rowling didn't think of it for a while.

"This is the treasure I used when I rescued you from the Sorrowful City. After Margaret's improved efficacy, this treasure is equivalent to an eye, which can help me see everything around me."

The pendant in front of Rod is exactly the enhanced [Hypersight Pendant]. After Margaret’s enhancement, all the functions of the [Hyperopia Pendant] have been greatly improved. More importantly, this treasure is equivalent to an extra eye. After Rod is blind, it can see everything it sees. , Passed to Rod's mind.

Rod recalled seeing Margaret before. Although she did not have eyes, standing in front of her, Rod always had a feeling of being watched. Moreover, it was not being watched by a certain creature, but being watched by a large number of creatures. Creature gazes.

The magic eyes that want to come to Margaret's side all have similar effects. They can transfer everything they see to Margaret's mind. After experiencing the effects of the hyperopia pendant, Rod also understood this. .

Through the feedback from [Farsighted Pendant], Rod saw the worry on Rowling's face, and also saw the Necromancer watching him tremblingly in the distance, as if he had seen it with his own eyes.

Lifting the [Hyperopia Pendant], facing his face, Rod said after thinking about it:

"Lack of vision, after all, is my current weakness. I can't always fight with my eyes closed. Once I open my eyes, the enemy will immediately find the abnormality. Maybe I will make targeted arrangements for the hyperopia pendant."

With that, the eyeballs on the [Hyperopia Pendant] glanced around, seeing everything around me.

"I need to make some preparations...a mask is best."

Soon, Rod locked on his target, his figure flashed, and he came to a human corpse witch.

A red light emerged, and the evil dagger appeared in Rod's hands once again. The scarlet light flashed across the air. With a slash that was about to see the trajectory, the corpse witch's skull fell to the side.

Before the skull fell to the ground, Lord caught it with one hand.

Rod took the skull and crossbones at the front of the [Farsight Pendant], then swung his dagger and cut it towards the skull.

The skull was divided into two parts from the side. Rod took the part with facial features, and dipped his hands into the jaw bones that were separated by the skull. He tore off the mandibles. In this way, the mask required by Rod was roughly completed. The rest is to make it fixed.

Putting the half-finished mask on his face, Rod turned to Rowling who was walking up and asked, "How does it look?"

Half of the skull was covered on Rhodes's face. As the mandible was torn apart, Rhodes's mouth was exposed. Rowling could see the smile on his face, as if blindness was not at all concerned.

Rowling knew that for Rhode, whether it was a skeleton body or other forms of body, as long as it could bring him stronger power, he would not mind. If he could get the secret method of controlling the magic eye from Margaret, he would not even choose to restore his eyesight.

"Looks...not bad?" Rowling replied helplessly.

"That's good." As he said, Rohde used water thaumaturgy again, and the pure water rushed down, flushing the unicorn's broken horn full of blood, revealing its original appearance.

The slender and luxurious broken corner was held in the hands of Rod, and Rod carefully checked the broken corner, and after confirming that there was no other energy remaining, he received it into the space ring.

"Inota should have been waiting anxiously. With my appearance this time, Eri should have believed in the words of the traitor Tori, but I don’t know how much they believed. Are you ready? As long as this is successful, We are equivalent to winning the battle." Facing Rowling beside him, Rod slowly said.

Hearing what Rod said, Rowling's expression also became dignified. Knowing of Rod's plan, her body trembled faintly, but she nodded firmly.

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