Invincible Hero of Necromancer

Chapter 1453: Underground Lord

The blood gathered on the dagger held by Rhode, and the mysterious pattern gradually became clear around the ritual dagger.

Perceiving the abnormal fluctuations around him, Lord looked forward, where a portal was slowly opening.

The appearance of the portal seems to be the same as the space spells that Rhodes is familiar with. The only difference is that the entire portal is made of scarlet blood.

Checking the system log, Rod noticed that after completing the blood sacrifice, the basic damage of the ritual dagger has increased a bit. It seems that as long as he completes the ritual a sufficient number of times, the dagger in his hand can be greatly improved.

According to common sense, the upper limit of the growth of treasures will be limited by the materials used to make the treasures. Most treasures do not even have the ability to grow at all. However, the ritual dagger in Rhodes’s hands is obviously not among them. Can continue to be improved.

Rod even suspected that the [Blood Praise] he exchanged for [Doomsday Omen] is most likely the final form that the ritual dagger can grow.

Weapons that belong to the devil, and even the **** demon itself, often need to be killed in order to gain strength.

"The portal has been opened, and I feel a familiar breath. The underground lord is behind the portal." Asri looked away from the corpse on the ground and looked at Rhodes. "This portal is only The leader of the ritual is allowed to pass, other creatures cannot pass, and, it is worth noting that the underground lord is a powerful hero."

Rod nodded: "You and Smed will stay here and wait for me. I will be back soon."

After speaking, Rod quickly stepped forward and entered the blood-colored portal alone.

The space changed for a while, and once again stepped on the solid ground, Rod fell into darkness.

In the ear, in addition to the subtle sound of water flow, there is also a very dense "hissing" sound. In the perception, the breath of a large number of living creatures is surrounding Rohde at this time.

Rod raised his hand, and the flame ignited from above his palm, illuminating the surrounding space. The eyeballs on the farsighted pendant kept turning, allowing Rod to see everything around him clearly.

In a fairly spacious enclosed space, densely packed small snakes are attached to the surrounding walls. Rod’s arrival seems to have disturbed them. These snakes are constantly wriggling their bodies, and the whole wall seems to be alive. .

Rod frowned, and dark clouds spilled out of his body. Under the erosion of the death cloud, no snake could hold on for a while and fell from the surface of the wall one after another.

"Who dared to hurt my child?"

In the depths of the darkness, a roar came over, echoing continuously in the deep underground passage.

The eyeballs on the farsighted pendant followed the prestige, only to see a man with a snake head, and a hero with red snakes entrenched on his head, slowly emerging from the end of the deep passage.

"Medusa..." Rod recognized her. He couldn't think that the underground lord Asri said was actually a Medusa. From the perspective of her rank, this Gorgon had a legendary creature. Strength.

Medusa is one of the common creatures in the underground world. Because of the snake's hair, it is also called the Gorgon by enchanters. As long as they look directly into their eyes, they will be petrified by Medusa. Because of this, in the underground world, their heads are good magic materials.

Rhodes seemed to have discovered something, and his mood became dignified. According to common sense, they are born to reach Tier 4 Medusa. Their growth is poor. Higher-order creatures are already their culmination, and it is almost impossible to touch the domain of legendary creatures. Needless to say, a legendary hero was born.

From the aura that this Medusa exudes, Rhode seemed to feel a familiar aura, which was exactly the same as the [Blood Praise] in his hand, which belonged to the aura of a **** demon.

While Rhodes was observing Medusa, Medusa was also observing Rhodes, as if she had discovered something, she let out a cold snort:

"You are also one of the judges who accept the gift. Do you understand the rules? This is the area where I, the Judge Kanathon, is responsible. How dare you hurt my children in my territory and get out of me? territory!"

Rod was taken aback. He obviously did not expect that Medusa would say that. Fortunately, Medusa saw his human identity and spoke a common language. Although he had a lot of accents, Rod could still understand. .

Perhaps because of [Doomsday Omen], Rhodes realized that Medusa in front of him regarded himself as a judge.

Following the words of this Medusa, Rhodes may be able to obtain a lot of useful information, but he is not prepared to do so. No matter what the doomsday believers have, Rhodes’s top priority is to rescue Rowling. soul.

"I'm not a judge. I'm here to find you. I heard that Asri said, you can go to any town in Elasia through the underground passage, is that right? I want to join hands with you to tell Ella West Asia launched an offensive." Rod asked in a deep voice.

"Asri? I remember, you were talking about the Lich in the surface world." As he said, Kanathon showed a thoughtful look, and then looked at Rhodes with an unkind expression, "I did dig out those Underground passage, but why should I join hands with you? I haven't settled accounts with you for your killing of my children."

Rod slowly said, "If we join forces, we can cause Elasia to suffer heavy losses. I believe that the devil in the depths of **** will be happy to see this happen, and you will be rewarded, right? Not to mention... "

Speaking Rod raised his hand, and the rich death energy spilled out of his palm.

Following his movements, on the ground around, the dead little snake shed its flesh and blood, and stood up again in the form of a corpse witch king, with scarlet light shining in his eyes.

"I didn't hurt your children. They are just useless ordinary creatures. I gave them new life and allowed them to complete the transformation. You should thank me for this, don't you?" Rod asked with a smile. Tao.

"You..." Kanathon was so angry with Rod that he couldn't even speak coherently. The little snakes on his head let out a low roar at Rod, exposing those sharp fangs, "Get out of my territory quickly. , Otherwise I will let you understand, the unoffendable majesty of the judge."

"You shouldn't refuse my request." Rod's expression turned gloomy, and he drew the blade from his waist. "However, this is only temporary. When I kill you, and then transform you into a death knight, you will be forever. I cannot refuse my request."

When the voice fell, Rod's figure flashed, and the next moment, he appeared behind the Gorgon.

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