Hearing Rowling's words, the people around the square were in an uproar, and the blond angel's complexion was blue.

Before that, the Necromancer under trial, but no one could say such words, either they didn't think it was a sin at all, or they tried to confuse it with lies.

What embarrassed the blonde angel was that from Rowling's body, he did not feel any strong sinfulness, only the crimes she had committed.

This also means that it is not the original sin that human beings bear that supports her actions, but is based on her own will.

The will always supports Rowling's actions. She can feel the sin she has borne, and even feel pain for it, but with the blessing of her will, she still moves on the path she chooses.

"What did you do? I want you to make her confess, what did you say to her?" The blond angel looked at Marsiah angrily and asked.

Marsiah shook her head and said respectfully: "I just asked her to express her innermost thoughts. Although you have given me unique powers, I have no right to change the will of other creatures."

"Why doesn't the Holy Word always listen to my orders? Your current behavior has completely deviated from the guidance of the light." The blond angel said in a deep voice, his face sank, and his majesty was added.

Marsiah bowed his head: "After the trial is over, I am willing to accept all punishments."

The sight of the blond angel swept across Masaiah's body with majesty, and finally stopped on Rowling who was aside.

He raised the blade in his hand and draped it on top of Rowling's head.

"You are guilty of unforgivable sins, and you have never repented for these sins. I sentence your soul to complete silence."

Facing this result, Rowling's body trembled faintly. She pursed her lips, but her eyes were unsteady and she said:

"From the first day I was rescued by him and became a Necromancer, I thought of my fate, but unfortunately, I didn't get his approval until the moment the trial came."

The blond angel shook his head and was waiting for the final judgment to come down. Suddenly, his eyes were fixed and he looked towards the distant sky.

"What are you talking about? I have recognized everything about you a long time ago. You are like an indispensable part of me. Every move affects me."

Low-pitched words resounded throughout the square, and the evil aura permeated everywhere, and the Necromancer, wearing a pitch-black cloak and stepping on the bone dragon, appeared in the sky.

"Have you waited so long, Rowling, I'm here to save you."

Above the sky, Lord wearing a mask said loudly.

On the high platform, Rowling's figure trembled, she looked at the figure above the sky, and the heat filled her eyes.

"How did the Necromancer come here? Where are the guards in the city?" Above the stands, Queen Catherine asked in a deep voice.

"If you mean those useless humans, unfortunately, they have become one of us and have gained the power of the corpse witch."

On the ground below, there were those who appeared in the eyes of humans with Rhode, as well as the liches who followed him.

Facing the lich who has been dormant for many years, ordinary human guards, where are their opponents? Only those angels have the power to contend with.

"It seems that you are the evil lord Rhodes. I never thought that you could unite with those liches. Fortunately, this trial ritual lacks someone like you who has long been entangled in sin."

The blond angel looked at Rod's figure and said loudly.

Following his words, holy angels gradually appeared in the sky.

These angels have only two or four pairs of wings, but they still exude a strong holy breath. In front of this holy breath, the death energy will only quickly dissipate, like the invisible darkness under the shining of light. .

"Guardian of Cloud City, against those liches in the early stage, let me solve you personally, evil lord!"

The blond angel said loudly. However, Marsia on the side offered a different plan: "Don’t be so troublesome, great archangel. I can feel that these witches are controlled by a special power. Their will has been completely changed, and I can restore them to their original state."

Upon hearing the words, the blond angel ordered: "Show the power of the Holy Word."

Masaiah's words immediately resounded on the battlefield:

"Lichs from afar, wake up, your will is free, and you won't be enslaved by any power."

In the sky, Rod also heard Masaiah's words, and a bad premonition flashed in his heart.

Above the ground, many liches, and the undead creatures under them, stopped their forward trend. They watched each other as if they were exchanging something.

"What are you doing? Don't attack the enemy as soon as possible!" Rod scolded angrily, but in exchange for the indifferent stare of the Lich.

"Lord Rhodes, we need an explanation." Among the many liches, the leader Asri said actively, "The experiences that happened during the past period are all in my mind. I want to ask you, what do I use What power has changed our minds?"

Lord's face sank, he looked at Marsia in the distance with a vigilance in his heart.

The worst happened. The spirit-like holy spirit actually mastered the power of the oracles, and it was still the true oracles, which could be effective against all living things.

Relying on the power of the word that Marsiah mastered, Rhodes had already been relieved of the control of those liches at this moment.

"Can't you just let them surrender?" Not far away, the blond angel asked Masiah.

Marsiah shook his head: "I once learned a lesson in Eri that I remembered in my heart. Will is the most precious thing in a creature. Even if I learn those doctrines, this idea has not changed in the slightest. I will not use this power to fundamentally change the will of a creature."

The blond angel was speechless for a while, and could only ask: "Forbidden to use space spells, it's just a limitation of power, isn't it a change of their will?"

Masaiah's words immediately resounded throughout the field: "All Liches and Necromancers, it is forbidden to cast space spells."

Even Rod, when he heard the words of Marsiah, he was also shocked, but fortunately, the sign in the system log made him understand that he, who has the word of darkness, cannot be affected by the word of the enemy.

"You destroyed my territory and killed my people. I will definitely kill you!" On the ground, Smed looked at Rod and said fiercely.

Not only the other lich around him ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, they also understand what kind of disaster Rhodes involved them.

"This is not the time to settle accounts with Rhodes." Stephen said slowly on the ground, "Think about how to escape from the angels. We can't use space spells."

In the distance, the blond angel looked at Rod, and his majestic voice spread throughout the field:

"Evil Lord Rhodes, your wings have been cut off, and you are helpless now, and I will put you on trial!"

Above the ghost dragon, Lord sneered: "It's just some liches. I only need to save Rowling. I don't expect them to go back alive anyway."

From Rod's words, these liches seemed to realize something, and their expressions changed.

"Do you want a trial? I'll tell you what a real trial is." Rod said in a deep voice.

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