Invincible Hero of Necromancer

Chapter 1482: Secret 2

After receiving this information from Mexijia, Rod thought it over and said:

"Everything you say is just a legendary story, isn't it? No one can verify all of this, how can you guarantee the accuracy of the story?"

Messija shook her head: "This is not an ordinary legendary story, this is what happened before. You ask how I knew? Many years ago, the fallen archangel turned into a human being and asked me for enlightenment. And told me this personally."

"..." Rod was silent. From Mexijia's words, he got a lot of important information.

"You said he fell because of questioning the existence of gods, what about you? Mexijia, do you believe in the existence of gods?" Luohe asked in a deep voice.

"I don't believe it at the moment, but I have been waiting..." Mai Xijia replied slowly, "Wait for the miracle that is far beyond my comprehension and subverts everything. Maybe at that moment, I will Believe in the existence of God."

"The power of the oracles you master can be counted as a miracle. It is a gift that belongs to God, a power that God has. It is not an ordinary creature at all, and can be obtained by self-learning." Looking at Rod, added.

Rod sneered: "If God is as powerful as you say, then why does he need the service of angels? He is the strongest existence, and only words can distort the will of all creatures."

"Perhaps in order for angels to spread the gospel to people? I don't know. How can ordinary creatures use their own ideas to guess God's thoughts?" Mesica answered.

Rhode shrugged and did not discuss this issue much.

After chatting with Mexijia for a few more words, Rod took the initiative to change the subject and said: "I successfully rescued Rowling. Until the last moment, I didn't see the appearance of the aurora. It seems that your revelation has failed. "

Hearing what Rod said, Mai Xijia's complexion changed. She looked at Rod, and the amethyst above her head shone brightly: "The enlightenment in you is not over. I can't see new content."

Luo Luo was taken aback, he seemed to realize something.

At this moment, Rowling's blood kinship came to Rhode's mind.

"I'm leaving first. If you predict something bad, remember to let your subordinates notify me in time."

After receiving the news from Rowling, Rod left. Soon, he returned to the wooden house where Rowling was and saw Rowling who was moving outside the wooden house.

"How does it feel to regain your body?" Still thinking of Mexiga's words in his mind, Rod shook his head, let himself not think about it, and asked Rowling instead.

"There is no discomfort, but mentally tired." Rowling shook his hand and replied.

She looked at Rod, with a little dissatisfaction in her eyes, and asked: "Why did you go just now, why didn't I see you?"

"I went to the Prophet, I have some questions, I need her to answer." Rod replied.

Rowling snorted. At this moment, Lord seemed to be aware of something and asked, "Are you still affected by the Holy Word?"

In the previous towns, in order to prevent Rowling from escaping with space spells, Marssia used the power of the Holy Word to forbid Rowling from passing through the portal. Rhodes did not know whether this was still effective for Rowling.

"I don't know..." Rowling glanced at her hand and murmured in reply. Even she herself didn't know whether the Holy Word was still in effect.

Rowling raised her head and glanced at Rod: "Brother, don't you have a similar power? You should be able to lift the word of Marsiah?"

Luo Luo sighed: "What I master is the Dark Words, which can only affect creatures with spiritualism. Now you no longer possess spiritualism, and my Dark Words cannot work for you."

"In that case, as long as I relearn spiritism, right?" Rowling asked.

"No..." Rod shook his head and glanced at Rowling. "According to common sense, once you learn spiritism, you can never forget it. Unexpectedly, those angels did this, purifying all the death energy in your body. , This is your opportunity. You can embark on a completely different path from the Necromancer. There is no need to learn spiritualism anymore."

"As for the impact of the Holy Word on you..." Rod thought for a while, and said, "It seems that I can only try it first."

After speaking, Rod raised his hand, and the faint green portal slowly opened in front of him.

Rowling glanced at Rod, with a slight smile at the corner of her mouth, and then stretched her hand into the portal.

There was an unimaginable scene in front of Rhodes. Rowling’s hand went straight through the portal, but what appeared behind the portal was not Rowling’s original hand, but an illusion condensed by white light spots. Things.

"Go back!" Rhodes seemed to have discovered something and said quickly. He took the initiative to pull Rowling away from the portal.

The portal slowly dissipated, and Rowling looked at his hand with a thoughtful expression.

"Rowling, from now on, you must stay away from all portals. The effect of the Holy Word has profoundly changed your body." Rhode warned with a solemn expression.

"Did you find anything?" Rowling asked.

"Yes... As the Holy Word says, your soul cannot pass through the portal, but your body can. When you try to pass through the portal, your soul will stay here, and your body , Will be teleported to the location where the portal is connected." Rod slowly said, answering Rowling's doubts.

Rowling showed a look of surprise, and Rod's face completely sank, and he said in a deep voice: "It seems that it is time to think of a to solve the Holy Spirit who won't be harmed by ordinary people."

The effect of the holy words prevented Rowling from passing through any form of portal. Rhode naturally knew what this meant.

However, after learning of her own situation, Rowling was not at all frustrated, but looked at Rod with some surprises.

"From another aspect, this is also a good thing." Rowling said softly.

"This is not a good thing, do you understand? You may no longer be able to pass through the portal, not even the transmission monument." Luode said in a deep voice.

"I can't go through the portal myself, which means that you are the only one who can take me across the space, brother." With that, Rowling took the initiative to hug Rod, "Where you go in the future, I will go with you. , You can't leave me behind and leave alone."

Rod's lips moved, as if he wanted to say something, but in the end he didn't say anything, just raised his hand to hold Rowling, and looked up at the dark sky.

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