After arriving on the ground, Inota looked at Rod with a smile, but Rod looked at the corpse kings around him.

Under Rod's gesture, the undead creatures that had just been transformed moved quickly, spreading around, using their fleshless hand bones to scavenge the snow on the ground.

"What are these skeletons doing? Did you find anything?" Seeing that Rhode's attention was not on him, Inota couldn't help but ask.

Rod nodded and explained: "Among those savage creatures, there are a few ogres who were not afraid when they saw the cloud of death, but they seemed very familiar. They knew the power of the cloud of death and they also knew how to avoid it. The attack of the cloud of death made a response in the first place."

When he was in the sky, the floating magic eye beside Rod covered everything below with his omnipotent vision. The actions and reactions of every savage creature can be seen by Luo Luo, which is the effect of the omnipotent vision.

Facing the falling cloud of death, the few ogres glanced at each other, and did not choose to flee far away, but bent down and turned the snowy ground below, and then was submerged by the dark clouds.

Hearing what Rod said, Inota looked at him puzzledly, obviously not understanding Rod's meaning.

At this moment, there was a sudden sound in the distance.

Beneath the snowy ground, the big turquoise hand suddenly came out and grabbed the slender torso of a nearby corpse. With a tremor on the ground, the huge ogre separated the surrounding snow and climbed up from the ground.

The ogre twisted his hands, and only heard a click. The head of the corpse witch he had grasped turned around, and the flame in his eye sockets slowly extinguished.

In addition to this ogre, there are a few savage creatures in the nearby snowy ground that escaped the erosion of the cloud of death in this way and were able to continue their lives for a short time.

"Stupid savage creature." Looking at the scene before him, Rhode said with disdain, "You killed my corpse witch king, I have to transform you into an undead creature to make up for my loss."

The arrow of the Titan appeared in Rhode's hand, and blazing lightning emerged from the sword. He waved the blade in his hand, and the lightning shot straight out. With a speed that cut through the space, it instantly hit the ogre's huge and difficult to move body.

The ogre had not yet reacted, and he was hit hard by the spell, and quickly collapsed to the ground, but Rhode seemed a little dissatisfied.

After falling from the sky, Rhode did not release the great demon form. Due to the negative characteristics, in this state, Rhode’s Titan Arrow can only cause half of the panel damage.

The Titan Arrow, which had lost half of its damage, failed to directly kill the ogre. Rhode was a little dissatisfied, and immediately prepared to swing the blade again.

"This ability... wait, I remember you..." Seeing the next Titan's arrow is coming, the seriously injured ogre seemed to have discovered something and said loudly.

Rod's movements stopped. According to the feedback from Peeping Eye, the ogre did not lie.

"You actually know who I am? It seems that you are still a little different from other savage creatures." Rod said in a deep voice.

Rhode's appearance now looked like a real **** demon. He was puzzled and didn't understand how this ogre recognized himself.

"Although your appearance is no longer the same as before, but I deeply remember your breath. You are Rhodes, the evil necromancer who controls Savina." The ogre said quickly.

The existence of the peeping eye allowed Rhode to see the memory in the heart of this ogre, Rhode saw Crullod's Colosseum, and himself who once had the body of a lich.

Rod frowned and said, "I remember, you are the ogre who should be put to death. What is your name?"

"Bad," the ogre added. "My name is Bad."

"Unexpectedly, Savina let go of you, such a high-quality corpse king, and reached an agreement with you to assist you in the battle for the throne of Crullod. From your body, I have not seen that kind of powerful Potential, you are not even a hero." Rod said regretfully.

Relying on the peeping eyes after the ascension, Rod saw many secrets in Badu's heart, and the reason why they came to the site of the Dragon Kingdom.

"What are you going to do to let us go?" Without the slightest idea of ​​revenge in his heart, Badu asked Rhodes.

Shaking his head, Rod did not answer Badu’s question. Instead, he said to himself: "You came to the site of the Dragon Kingdom not to search for the remaining treasures, but to trigger an avalanche from the top of the mountain and drown it in one fell swoop. Trisi City at the foot of the mountain. Although this idea is good, it can't help those powerful mages."

"You... how do you know this?" Badu asked in amazement, with an unbelievable look in his eyes.

"Your heart has told me all this. I care more than you, but the powerful spellcaster who told you this method in your memory. Barbarian creatures alone cannot cross the border of Bracada. Not to mention coming up with such a strategy."

Badu's expression became dignified, he looked at Rod, as if he wanted to say something, Rod did not give him such a chance, and then said:

"I already know everything, other savage creatures, there is no need to stay. As for you, if you are lucky, I am very interested in the mysterious spellcaster in your memory. You will not die for the time being. ."

The words fell, and the surrounding corpse witch kings released a strong cloud of death. The pitch-black cloud instantly swallowed the remaining savage creatures, leaving only Badu an ogre in the field.

Badu was lost for a while, staring at his dead companions in a daze, his voice choked and he couldn't say anything.

"That spellcaster seems to be protected by a special the information about him, I can't detect from your heart and tell me everything about him." Rod said in a deep voice.

"No, I won't say this." Badu lowered his head and said as he looked at Rod before him.

"You still don't know the current situation? Your life is in my hands. Could it be that you want to accept torture and torture before you will tell me everything." Seeing the ogre refused to cooperate, Rod threatened.

"Because of this, I can't tell you the situation." With the death of his companion, Badu seemed to have figured out everything. The original companions died. He looked at Rod again without any fear. , "When you get the news you want, there is only a dead end waiting for me."

"No, after you tell me all the information, I will let you go. Do you think someone like me will lie to you?" Rod asked.

Badu didn't answer, his eyes kept staring at Rhode, as if he had already seen through his thoughts.

(End of this chapter)

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