Invincible Hero of Necromancer

Chapter 1490: Satire and blessing

The sound of thunder resounded across the sky, lightning blasted through the ridges, breaking the snow layer, and strong vibrations spreading along the surroundings. On the snow-capped mountains, the thick snow fell downwards, covering wider and wider areas, and finally formed an engulfing everything. avalanche.

On the top of the mountain, Rod looked down at everything below, his eyes arrogant, the cold wind blew, and the dark cloak behind him rose high.

"I use various spells such as Thunder Explosive Bomb, Titan Arrow, Earth Shake, etc., to create a decent avalanche. How can you do this with the barbarians who don’t know spells? I am afraid that the avalanche that you have worked so hard to create is not half the scale of what I have created."

Looking at Badu who was wounded on the side, Rod asked in a deep voice, with undisguised slander in his words.

"go to hell……"

Badu clutched the broken part of his arm and screamed towards the ground.

Rod noticed that after this period of rest, Badu's untreated arm no longer had blood dripping, and even had a faint tendency to heal, which also made his physical condition a lot better.

"It's worthy of being an ogre. It has a recovery ability that other creatures envy. As long as it can replenish food in a timely manner, no matter how much damage you receive, you can recover. You are the most desired experimental materials for those magicians."

Badu looked at Rod indifferently, without saying anything.

"I'm not kidding. If you go to the underground world, you will understand what I mean. But judging by your size, I am afraid that if you can't even get through the underground passage, you will get stuck in it. It seems that there is no such opportunity."

"He looks delicious, there is a lot of meat on him, can I have a bite?" Aside, Inota looked at the tall Badu, and said eagerly.

"Oh, what kind of combination did I encounter?" Hearing this, the ogre could no longer bear the silence, and swearing and complaining, "Terror and evil necromancers, and cold-blooded cruel monsters, you really are match made in heaven!"

"Really? Thank you for your blessing." Inota said in surprise. She glanced at Rhode secretly, wanting to see his reaction.

Lord Luo helplessly stroked his forehead and looked at Badu and said: "I originally wanted to return the doomsday crystallization to you, and then send you to Tellus City, so that you can accomplish what you want to do most, and use your life in exchange for it. The Doomsday Judgment is coming, but now, if someone wants to cast this spell in person, you don’t have this chance."

Badu glared at Rhodes, but he heard Rhodes continue to say: "It just so happens that I need an important refining material, the heart of the ogres. Those ordinary ogres, their flesh and blood have been killed. The cloud melts, please use your heart to satisfy me."

With that, Rod took out the blood tribute, and under the shining of the sun, the surface of the dagger shone with cold light, with a chilling arc.

Taking advantage of Rod’s attention, the moment he moved away from him, Badu jumped, and his whole person rolled down from the top of the snow mountain, leaving a long red mark on the white snow trail with his body. .

"You can't escape, no one can escape from me, no one..."

As he said, Rod narrowed his eyes and stared at the ogre who was constantly moving away. He shook the dagger in his hands tightly, preparing to cast a flame escape to give the ogre the final blow.

At this moment, a sudden sensation of touch caused Rod to stop his actions. His hand was being held tightly by Inota beside him.

After noticing Inota's actions, Rhodes had to stop casting spells, and at the same time dissipate the flames from him, looking at her with some doubts.

"Rhodes, can you let him go?" Inotara shook Rod's hand and begged.

Rod shrugged and asked, "Why? I need a reason."

"He was the first creature to bless us. He said that we were a natural couple. I don't want to see him die like this." Inota leaned close to Rhodes and whispered in his ear.

"No, no, that's not a blessing..." Rod helplessly explained, "That's a kind of irony, or something like a mockery."

"Really?" Inota tilted her head, her eyes were a little bit puzzled, and she didn't understand Rod's meaning, "but I only heard the blessing."

"..." Rod shook his head, reached out his hand and gently stroked Inota's long purple hair, sighed, and said, "Maybe you are right, he is blessing us."

As Rohde knew, unlike himself who could hear the sarcasm and mockery in an instant, Inota, who had a simple idea, simply understood the words of the ogre as a kind of blessing. For her, this might also be good. Rhodes didn't want to change her mindset.

"Since that ogre blessed us so, then I will spare his life."

From the very beginning, Rhodes did not put the ogres in his eyes. He only cared about the spellcaster in the memory of the ogres, who had something to do with the coming of the end. Now that Inota said so, Rhodes agreed. .

Watching all the way down from the top of the mountain, his entire body was constantly wrapped in snow, becoming a snowball ogre, Rod said in a deep voice, "It depends on his luck if he can survive, but I think hope Slim,"

The snowball rolled bigger and bigger, and finally rushed into the rapidly spreading avalanche, Rod could no longer feel the breath of the ogre.

"What are we doing now?" Feeling the violent vibration coming from under her feet, Inotta asked. She took Rhode's hand and didn't want to let it go.

"The avalanche has formed, and it will immediately extend to Tris City at the foot of the mountain. What we have to do is to go to that town and take what we need." Rod slowly said, "At that time ~ ~It’s your turn to show the spell you've always wanted to try, and use the Doomsday Judgment to summon the rain of fire and drown everything there."

After listening to Rhode’s words, Yinota put a smile on her lips: "You really remember what I said, you care about everything about me so much, you are really the best person I have ever seen..."

Hearing what Yinota said, the corners of Rod's mouth twitched. If he were a good person, then there might be no bad people in this world.

Shaking his head, Rod continued to follow Inota's words: "Did you forget? We are a natural couple, aren't we?"

Inota nodded vigorously, Rod did not say much, and turned to look under the snow-capped mountains.

"It's time. I feel the breath of a legendary wizard. He is struggling to stop the avalanche. He is the only one who casts the spell. In other words, there are no other legendary wizards in Tris City."

After speaking, Rod clasped Inota's hand tightly, the fire flashed under his feet, and the two disappeared in an instant.

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