Invincible Hero of Necromancer

Chapter 1492: Divination 1

Sulfur and fire fell from the sky, instantly engulfing the town among the icebergs, and the streets turned into huge furnaces, burning everything in them.

On the snow-capped mountains in the distance, Rod was holding Innotta, quietly watching the scene below.

"What a beautiful sight." Inota's eyes were filled with crimson flames, and his mouth exclaimed, "I have never seen such a beautiful sight before..."

Flames danced on top of the frost, and the icy blue earth blended with the sky that was dyed crimson by the flames, as if they were no longer separated from each other. Everything in front of them was deeply attracted to Innotta.

Yinota turned her head and looked at Rod beside her with a smile on her mouth. The human in front of her made her see a different world.

"Hey." However, at this time, Lord's brows were frowned, and he could not respond to Inota's thoughts. He seemed to be deeply troubled by something, staring at the empty snowfield in front of him.

"What's the matter? You don't seem to be happy." Inota stretched out his hand and shook it in front of Rhode, and asked inexplicably.

Rohde looked sideways at Inota, shook his head and said: "When the Doomsday Judgment came, I felt a lot of space spell fluctuations. Many wizards escaped first. I can't stop them from casting spells."

Inotta's head tilted, and she didn't know if she understood Rod's meaning.

"I remember there is a treasure named War Yoke that can be used to block space. Unfortunately, this treasure is in the hands of a powerful mage, and there is no way to just go and **** it."

Shaking his head, Lord didn't think about it. After confirming that the cooling of the flame escape was over, he looked at Inota on the side and said, "Are you ready to leave? Or do you want to stay here for a while? "

Inotta lightly leaned towards Rod and said, "Let's go."

At this moment, a loud voice came from a distance: "Don't you want to escape, I will definitely make you pay!"

Following the prestige, I saw an old legendary mage flying in the air. Rod sneered, and the flames under his feet flashed, and the figure of Yinota faded together.

The thunderous explosion exploded where the two of them were, causing strong shocks. Even the nearby ice also had cracks spreading, but it did not affect the figure in the middle.

When the legendary mage arrived, the atmosphere of Rhode was no longer in the field.

"No..." The legendary mage uttered a deep roar. As long as Rod was slow for a moment, he could activate the space spell and let other legendary mages descend here together. At that time, Rod had no chance to escape.

The fire flashed by, and Rod and Inota returned to the island.

The effect of flame escape is far beyond ordinary space spells. Not only can it cross extremely far, far beyond the limit of space spells in the same plane, but even different planes can be crossed without hindrance.

As the exclusive skill of the great devil, ordinary creatures can't use the flame escape, and only the existence of the blood of the great devil like Rhodes can use it without burden.

"What are you going to do now?" After returning to the island, Inota did not leave with satisfaction, but asked Rod instead.

Rod thought for a while and replied: "I am going to hand over the prophecy card to the prophet, and then let her help me divination and find out the secret method to deal with the Holy Word."

"Sounds very interesting, can I also let the prophet fortune tell?" Inota asked with interest, as if he had discovered something.

"Of course." Rod nodded.

In the system log, the attributes of the prophecy card remain unchanged, and the display is still reducing the holder's 3 points of luck. If the prophet didn't need this pile of cards, Lord said that he would not bring it.

Soon, Rod and Inota came to the prophet's wooden house.

In the process of marching, the perception of blood relationship made Rod understand that Rowling was still asleep and did not wake up, so Rod did not bother her.

"Tuk, Tuk."

"Please come in."

Knocked on the door of the prophet, and soon a response came from the wooden house.

Rod opened the door to enter. In the dim environment, Mexijia sat at a long table, the faint light of fire illuminating her skeleton-like body.

"It seems that your movements are not slow. You brought my prophecy card back so quickly." Mexijia said with satisfaction as he looked at the coming Rod and his party.

"Don't say these are useless." Rod said in a deep voice, taking out the prophecy card from the space ring and placing it on the long table, "Tell me the solution to the Holy Spirit."

Ignoring Rod's words, Mexijia stared at the pile of prophecy cards that Rod took out with a flash of remembrance in her eyes. After a long time, she took action.

She picked up the prophecy card, bent her finger bones, and the card was divided into three stacks in her hand, forming an equilateral triangle. When she closed her palm, and when she opened it again, the card moved at an unimaginable speed. Leap from one hand to the other.

Looking at Mexiga, who looked like a changed person, and the prophecy card flying in her hand, the corner of Rod's mouth twitched: "Is this also the ritual preparation that needs to be done before divination?"

"No..." Mai Xijia sighed, and stopped the movement in her hands, "I just miss it very much. I miss the past."

Rod said in a deep voice, "When there is no one, you can miss it as you like, but now, you'd better complete the divination for me first."

Mexijia stopped the movement in her hand, sighed, and then handed the whole pile of prophecy cards to Rhodes, and said, "Draw one."

Rod snorted, and then according to Mexijia's request, he drew one from the middle of the pile of cards.

Turning the card over and looking at the pattern on the prophecy card, Rod looked startled.

"You got him...the hero Mesika said slowly.

On the front of the card with gold rim and red background, there is a picture of a vampire in a large cloak. He is holding a corpse burned by flames. He has a weird look under his feet. At first glance, it is not a human skeleton. The main hue of the noodles is dyed red similar to the flame.

Right below the card, with a golden pattern, marked with the name of the creature in it, it was Degar.

"Impossible..." Rod's expression became solemn. "I once drew this card. The pattern on it is exactly the same. What did you do?"

Long ago, when he first saw this pile of prophecy cards in the Kingdom of Dragon, Rhodes pulled one out of the card pile. It was the prophecy card marked with Degar. He didn’t expect that at this moment, from the hands of the prophet. , Rod drew it again.

The nearby Demon Eye stared at Mexiga who was opposite Rhode at this moment, and Rhode's expression gradually sank.


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