Invincible Hero of Necromancer

Chapter 1505: Water Spirit Orb

Looking at the sudden arrival of Thousand Eyes and the feedback of Peeping Eyes, Rod realized that this monster with a large number of eyes also mastered the ability of sight.

In other words, the space where it is, no matter what happens, it will be known to it for the first time.

Flames surged from under Rod's feet, and in the next moment, he appeared behind Qianyan.

Thousands of eyes in the shape of a sphere can't distinguish the front and back of the body at all. No matter which side it is, there are a lot of open eyes. These eyes blinked, deeply bloodshot in them.

As soon as Luo Luo appeared, he met those fine eyes, and before he could attack, countless lasers enveloped his whole body.

In desperation, Rod could only escape through the flames, avoiding the laser beams.

The laser passed through the afterimage left by Rod, extended straight to the distance, and hit the wall of the underground space, causing a burst of collapse.

After pulling the distance, Luo Luo raised his hand, and with the blessing of god-level spiritism, he released a rich cloud of death.

The dark clouds swept past, but were penetrated and ablated by the laser, unable to move forward any further. On the side of Thousand Eyes, hundreds of lasers were released from its eyes. The lasers penetrated the cloud of death, and even Rod at the back had to use flames to escape again.

Looking at the thousand eyes in the distance, Rohde felt a thorny moment. It was full of eyes, without any blind spots for sneak attacks. Even Rohde couldn't solve it for a while.

"Perfect creation..." Not far away, feeling the power emanating from Thousand Eyes, the host of the contest knelt to the ground and muttered.

The huge body, coupled with the sight without blind spots, and the eyes that shoot lasers in all directions, there is no doubt that Qianyan is the most perfect one among the alien creatures the host has ever seen.

On the side, looking at Rod, who was in a bitter battle, gritted his teeth with eight eyes, and finally made a certain decision in his heart.

"Its weakness is directly below! All eyes in contact with the ground are closed!"

Eight eyes yelled, and the nearby evil eyes immediately glared at her, shooting lasers in their eyes.

Hearing the words spoken by the eight eyes, Rhode also realized something. He raised his hand and began to cast the spell.

In an instant, the huge Thousand Eyes was a bit short, and the ground below it turned into quicksand, slowly engulfing its huge body.

Qianyan rolled his body, trying to get rid of the imprisonment of quicksand. In the struggle, a large amount of fine sand entered its eyes, which also caused great pain to Qianyan. Slowly, its eyes closed. more.

Unwilling to be swallowed up by quicksand, the upper half of the eye is intact, frantically scanning everything around with the laser. The first thing that is affected is the evil eye that comes with it. They are shattered by the laser and not far away. The sorcerer who was watching was also badly injured for a while.

Under Qianyan's unremitting attempts, the laser penetrated the upper space above its head, triggering the collapse of the underground world, and rubble fell from the sky, finally burying it deeply.

Not far away, Rod had already raised the Aegis of Hercules, blocking the collapse of the upper space.

"Is that monster dead?" When everything around him calmed down, Inota asked by Rod's side.

"It's still alive, but it's not a threat anymore," Rhodes replied. In the system log, there was no experience value belonging to Qianyan, and it didn't just die.

The battle was over temporarily, and for a while, Rod also had to sigh with Qianyan's body structure. If it weren't for its weakness, if he wanted to defeat this monster, he could only exile it by magic.

"All the obstacles have been removed by me, and the results will not be announced soon." Rod said in a loud voice.


The host hesitated for a while. Seeing Rod’s gaze looking over, coupled with the surrounding dead corpses, there was a spirit in his heart, and he hurriedly said: "I announce that this time the champion of the alien creature competition is this... An unknown enchanter, he leads the audience with 12.4 points. Let us congratulate him with applause!"

The arrival of Thousand Eyes, coupled with its indiscriminate laser beaming in the frenzy, had already caused the surrounding enchanters who had sensed danger to escape, only to talk about a few creatures, which remained on the booth.

Not far away, eight eyes looked at Rod with a little embarrassment, not knowing what to do for a while. And beside Rod, Inota didn't have any thoughts, and clapped happily.

"Thank you." Rod looked at Inota with a smile, "This honor belongs to both of us."

After speaking, Rod looked at the host again: "Where are the prizes that belong to me?"

"The champion's prize is stored in Dean Lowell's space ring. I'm looking for..."

After that, the host looked bitterly among nearby corpses, and finally found a headless corpse. Rod recognized that it seemed to be the enchanter he killed in the first place, but he did not expect that he was actually an academy. Dean.

After taking off the space ring from the corpse's hand, the host took out a black medal and a water-blue brilliance orb.

"Since there is no suitable person to present the prize, it is up to me to award the most noble ‘Black Dragon Medal’ of Nigon to the champion of this competition, and award the prize ‘Water Spirit Ball’, which belongs to the champion."

After speaking, the host stretched out his hand tremblingly, put the medal in front of Rod, and handed him the blue orb.


【Black Dragon Medal】

Quality: Treasure

Type: Pendant

Equipment requirements: none

Basic attributes: Nigon creature favorability +50%, magic ritual success rate +30%,

Special attributes: The medal contains the power of the black dragon. After it is cast, it will stun all surrounding enemies, reduce its full attributes by 20%, and interrupt the enemy's spellcasting. There is a certain chance that the enemy will be immobilized. Cooling time: 1 day.

Evaluation: The Black Dragon Medal will only be awarded to those who have made outstanding contributions to Nigon, and the wearer will be respected by all Nigon creatures.


【Water Spirit Ball】

Quality: Treasure

Type: Pendant

Equipment requirements: expert water magic

Basic attribute: The damage of casting water magic increases The damage of water magic decreases by 50%.

Special attribute 1: When under water, all abilities will not be restricted by the environment. All attributes are +3, and water magic damage is increased by 50%.

Special attribute 2: The holder is always blessed by the state of [Water Thaumatology Lv15].

Evaluation: The treasure of the water mage, all its abilities need to be demonstrated underwater. But in the underground world, the effect of this treasure is extremely limited.


In the system log, the attributes of these two treasures appeared in front of Lord's eyes. Feeling the effects of these two treasures, Lord also showed a satisfied look.

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