Looking at the newly born Fire Spirit coming out of the furnace, Rod's eyes also showed a bit of shock.

Prior to this, the only thing that other creatures dumped into the furnace were some broken corpses, plus flame crystals of not high quality. If they were placed in Bracada, these impure flame crystals might only be used by apprentices. In exchange, it was a real fire elf.

Even Rhode, who has mastered the god-level spiritism, must have the corpses of other creatures if he wants to create undead creatures. The birth of this blazing fire spirit deeply violated this point.

Looking at the melting pot in front of him, Rhode could feel that there was a certain special power in it, which was the power of flames.

"We are here." Looking at the huge furnace, the fire elf's eyes showed a bit of shock, "This is the place of Lord Flam, the flame furnace where life is born."

Rhodes seemed to have noticed something, and actively asked: "Did all of your fire elves were born in this furnace?"

Hearing Lord's question, the fire elf looked toward the front religiously, a blazing flame rose from the furnace, rushed straight to the sky, and scattered clouds of smoke toward the surroundings.

"This is the power of Lord Flam. All creatures that follow her can become true fire spirits under the burning of flames."

Following the answer from the Fire Spirit, thick smoke rose from below, and new changes took place in the field.

The flames rising from the furnace did not just rest in this way, but condensed in the smoke and dust, turning into a flame giant half-length exposed outside the furnace.

Looking at the flame giant in front of him, vigilance rises from Rod’s heart. In his perception, if the flame giant in front of him is judged by the character level, he might have the strength of the legendary eighth level, even if it is placed on the entire surface. The world belongs to the top level.

Perceiving the aura radiated by the flame giant, Rod realized that in the surface world before, the human body controlled by Flam was not worth mentioning compared to the strength contained in her body.

Flame King Flam. At this moment, Rod finally understood the meaning of this name. What makes Rod a little puzzled is that he doesn't know what kind of evil authority Flam, as the king, is in charge.

In perception, Flam’s power is powerful, but it is still a lot worse than Rod’s perception of the breath of the large snake under the ocean not long ago. That large snake is legendary tenth. A creature that is approaching God.

While Rod was observing the flame giant, the flame giant also looked at the arriving Rod.

"Judge, I remember your breath, I seem to have seen you not long ago."

The flame giant re-patted his palm on the ground beside Rod, and the strong vibration spread to the distance, and there were continuous small gravels falling from above.

"I remembered, you are the unruly necromancer! You dare to come to the depths of **** and appear in front of me!"

Unlike the huge body of the flame giant, her tone is not rough, but rather sharp, filled with unquenchable anger.

Beside Rod, seeing the appearance of the flame giant, the fire elf who had brought him here had long since dared not say anything. His body could not stop shaking, and Rod let out a cold snort.

"Your believer attacked my town in Diya, I hope you can stop this kind of action, this is also the purpose of my coming to you." Rod said in a deep voice.

"Really? I'm very happy to hear such news!" The flame giant laughed wildly, and the laughter spread to the periphery of the Temple of Fire. All nearby creatures near the furnace were in fear.

"I heard that you are the one who most wants to counterattack the surface world among all the kings." After the flame giant's laughter subsided, Rod thought for a while and continued, "You want the surface world to be destroyed forever. Burned by the flames, and the necromancers in the surface world have the same idea, we may be able to join hands."

"I don't need to join forces with you weak necromancers. My flame elves are enough to burn everything in the surface world." The flame giant wrapped his hands around his waist and said disdainfully.

Looking at the very tiny Rod in her eyes, as if he could slap to death with one slap, she said angrily: "I hate the Necromancer the most. Let the Necromancer go to death!"

"Is this the answer you gave?" Rod asked with a gloomy face.

"That's the case. I advise you to return to your own territory as soon as possible. There will be many doomsday believers who will drop flames from there."

Rod's figure flashed, and the next moment he appeared on top of the flame giant's head. He waved the crimson dagger in his hand, and the dagger passed directly through the flame giant's body without causing any damage. How can an ordinary attack hurt a burning flame?

"How dare you offend me like this!" The flame giant roared, and she waved her arms made of flames and slapped him heavily.

His arm touched Rod's body, but he didn't have the mighty power he imagined. Some were just extremely hot. The intense heat wave blew Rod far away, and the clothes on his body showed signs of melting, except for the cloak behind him.

The attributes in the form of the great devil made Rhode completely immune to fire damage. He took out the arrow of the Titan, and the lightning shot towards the flame giant, but directly passed through her body ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and hit the wall behind.

Realizing that conventional attack methods would not be effective against Flam, Rod was a little bit awkward for a while. It was not only Rhode's attack, it was difficult to work against Flam, but also Flam's attack. For a time, the two could not help each other.

Rod knew that if it were not in the form of a great demon, he had given him the ability of fire magic immunity, and his body would be reduced to ashes in the high temperature just by approaching Flam, let alone fighting with him.

Fortunately, as the leader of all demons, the Great Demon was born with an ability that other demons envied. Even if he faced a powerful creature close to the apex of the legend, Rhode would not suffer any harm.

"Damn necromancer, the blood in your body saved you. Before I can get my real strength, get out of the Temple of Fire!" Flam scolded.

"Your flame can't help me." Rod said in a deep voice.

"So what? I will never change my mind!" The Flame Giant said angrily.

"In this case...it seems that I can only use other methods." Luo Luo turned his eyes and looked at the trembling fiery elf.

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