Invincible Hero of Necromancer

Chapter 1533: Muspell giant

Looking at the Molten Giant who had lost his head but was still able to move freely, Rod also noticed the anomaly on his body.

Although the Molten Giant has an extremely large body, it is clearly an elemental creature, even if its limbs are damaged, as long as the elemental core is not damaged, it will not really die. Since the whole body is made of stones, there is no obvious fatal weakness on its body.

In the face of such a creature, destroying its hands and feet can effectively reduce its strength, but cutting off its head can only cause minor damage.

To completely solve the molten giant in front of him, he must destroy the elemental core in its body. After realizing this, Rhode put his sight on the body of the molten giant.

The elemental core is wrapped in the tough body of the Molten Giant, and a spell that does not damage enough can hardly cause any damage to it.

According to Rhodes's estimation, perhaps only a spell that damages thousands of basics can effectively break its body. However, even if the number of Titan Arrows with a basic damage of less than five hundred, it is difficult to exert too much effect.

Perceiving that Rhodes is in danger, below, Inota and Rowling quickly cast spells to support Rhodes.

A thunderous explosion came from the front of the Molten Giant. Its entire chest was sunken, and the fine rocks splashed around. When the magical elements calmed down, the Molten Giant's body broke open. A huge hole can see the scene behind.

Under the thunderous bombs cast by Inota, the Molten Giant was severely damaged. If it were replaced by ordinary flesh and blood creatures, I am afraid that this spell would have already won the battle.

In contrast, the spells that Rowling displayed were insignificant. She released an ice bolt, which was melted by the flames around it before it touched the body of the molten giant, and finally turned into a stream of water and was melted. The fire giant dodges to avoid it.

"You did a good job, Inota." Rod said loudly, as the rock protection outside the Molten Giant was blasted away, he was able to find the elemental core in it smoothly.

And beside Inota, Rowling saw the actions of the Molten Giant in her eyes, with a thoughtful look in her eyes.

With a flash of fire, Rod came to the hole in front of the Molten Giant that was blasted by Inota, and at the same time released his own perception.

However, the information from the perception made Rod secretly frowned. There was nothing in the flame giant's body, as if it had no elemental core at all, and what supported it to move continuously was another thing in its body.

Rhode is very familiar with this kind of power. It is a power that exists in the bloodline, with all kinds of incredible magical abilities.

It was too late to think carefully about why this special power existed in the Molten Giant's body, and its next attack had already come to Rhodes.

In desperation, Rod could only pull away his figure again and came to the sky above the molten giant's head.

After pushing Rhode back, the Molten Giant did not immediately launch an attack, but flew to the side.

Rod noticed that the path of the Molten Giant was exactly where its head fell.

There will be no expressions, no organs, and the head that looks like a steep rock wall from the front will pick it up, and the Molten Giant will shove it into the hole in the body.

Flames burst out from the hole, and the rock on its surface shrank for a while, as if being squeezed by some powerful force. Under Rhode’s gaze, its body was as good as before, and the injuries left by Inota had completely recovered. .

"This kind of ability..." Rod seemed to have discovered something, his expression faintly changed.

"Rain." Behind Rod, Rowling raised his hand and threw a prophecy card toward the sky.

I don't know what she did. The dense raindrops fell from the sky, causing the nearby temperature to drop by a bit. The raindrops became denser and denser, and it turned into heavy rain in an instant.

In the face of the raindrops, Luo Luo and his entourage used water thaumaturgy to form a blue barrier outside the body to avoid being wet by the rain.

On the side, the Molten Giant obviously has no such ability. The raindrops fell on it, like falling into a hot oil pan, making a sizzling sound.

At this moment, an unexpected scene happened for Rod. In the heavy rain, the huge molten giant flees irregularly while waving his arms frantically, seeming to want to avoid the falling raindrops.

However, its actions are destined to be futile, even if it has a huge body, it cannot avoid raindrops on its body.

In the end, unable to escape the raindrops, it slowly knelt down, daring not to move its body, and seemed to have completely given up the idea of ​​fighting.

With a flash of figure, Rod came to Rowling's side. Looking at the molten giant in the distance, he asked: "Rowling, how did you discover its weakness?"

"This is just my attempt. I didn't expect it to really work." Rowling said softly, "Isn't my brother noticed? This monster won't evade even the fifth-order magic, but just sticks it up. Facing the current without any threat, it chose to dodge for the first time."

Rod was silent. After Rowling said so, he also recalled the anomaly of the Molten Giant in the battle. It's a pity that during the battle, Rod was always thinking about the way to win, but he didn't notice this.

In Rhodes's view, the best way to deal with a low-mind Molten Giant is to use space spells to exile it and throw it directly on other planes, so that the battle can be ended directly.

At this time Rowling gave another answer. Just relying on the rain falling in the sky can make the Molten Giant lose the desire to fight, which also made Rod sigh.

Rod opened his mouth, as if he wanted to say something, but in the end he said nothing. He raised his head, looked at the downpour in the sky, and asked, "How long will this rain last?"

"If you don't take this prophecy card back, the rain will never stop." Rowling approached Rod on the initiative and stretched out her hand to catch the raindrops from the sky. The scouring of raindrops even caused the surrounding ashes to rest temporarily.

Rod frowned slightly. He looked at the stack of prophecy cards in Rowling's hand and said, "Are all the cards like this? After they are released, can they last forever?"

"Yes." Rowling nodded, "As long as it is a card with a physical object, the effect is the same. After the spell cards are released, they will be changed back to the card. You must wait a while before you can continue to use it."

Hearing what Rowling said, Rhodes fell into silence. The prophecy cards belonging to the prophet seemed to be more powerful and practical than he had imagined, and he didn't know how Mexijia made these cards.

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