Invincible Hero of Necromancer

Chapter 1537: Silent will

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Under the action of the flame escape, the surrounding environment has changed greatly, and the surrounding temperature is no longer hot, but a little more cool.

"Rode, why are we back?" Noting the changes in the environment, Inota asked with some doubts.

The sky was shrouded in black clouds and mist, and the sound of waves surging in the distance came from a distance. Everything was explained to Inota. It was clearly an island on the Elemental Plane of Water, not the Elemental Plane of Fire. This It also made her very puzzled.

"You also heard what the Tombkeeper said, there is no longer what we want in the Elemental Plane of Fire." Luo Luo sighed and said, "There is no phoenix there anymore. We continue to search for it, it's just a waste of time. It's better to come back quickly and find a way to send a Necromancer to search for it later."

"Then what about your mission?" Rowling asked with concern from behind.

"It doesn't matter, the blood of these phoenixes is enough to complete the task."

With that, Rod took out a group of phoenix blood wrapped in water droplets from the spatial ring. The red blood was wrapped in the center of the water droplets. The high temperature emitted from it had already made the water droplets boil.

The blood belonging to the phoenix possesses all sorts of miraculous effects, and it is enough to satisfy Frum's request to come from the blood of the phoenix.

Seeing Rhode's answer, Rowling seemed to want to say something, her mouth opened, and before making a sound, she was interrupted by Inota at the back.

"But I haven't had enough! Back on the island, I'm going to start studying magic rituals again..." Inota lowered his head and said unhappily.

Rod looked at her helplessly, then took another look at Rowling. Rowling just smiled and looked back, as if supporting all her decisions.

"Soon, I will go to Diya's side. Counting the time, the preparations there should be almost the same, go with me." Rhode offered an invitation.

Hearing what he said, Inota nodded happily: "Okay, when shall we leave?"

"It may take a while...I need to make some preparations." As he said, Lord looked into the distance.

Aside, listening to Rodriguez's words, coupled with the existence of blood perception, Rowling seemed to understand something, and she looked at Rodriguez with some worry.

"I'm going to see how Ann is going, and see you later." After speaking, Inotta cast a space spell and left.

"Rowling, give me the picture of the hero Degar in the prophecy card." After only himself and Rowling were left, Rod said after thinking about it.

Rowling took out the prophecy card and lowered her head in silence.

The golden and red cards flew at her fingertips, but stopped when she cut one of them. Rowling handed this card out and handed it to Rod.

This card is exactly the one Rhodes wanted. On the front of the card, Degar, bathed in a rain of blood and wearing a large cloak, was holding a pitch-black human-shaped scorched corpse, snarled in pain on his back, and monster corpses at his feet.

Not long ago, during the Prophet’s fortune-telling, Rod had drawn this card. At that time, Rod was still wondering how he would have drawn this card. Now, he undoubtedly understands something.

Combining all the known information, including the rumors once received from the Lich of Diya and the prophet, Rhode realized that the hero who slaughtered the phoenix was most likely the Degar on this card. 18 Novel Network

Vampires have a strong ability to regenerate, not to mention the lack of eyes, even if they lose their hands and feet, as long as they have enough blood, they can be restored to their original state.

However, in Rhodes's memory, Degar, whom he had seen on the top of the Soul Recruitment Tower, did not possess the powerful abilities in the legend. Although Degar's eyes are also scarlet, they can no longer transform other creatures into vampires at a glance.

Degar may have had a brilliant heroic will in his body, but after countless years, this will has also been silent, and his heroic specialties no longer exist, which also gave Rhode an opportunity.

All heroes who have lived through the long years will face this situation. This also made Rod sigh. Although he didn't know what happened to Moral Gall, he would regret the silence of the hero.

Compared to dying with a brilliant will, the sinking of the hero after losing his will is perhaps the most painful.

"Brother, what are you thinking?"

Just as Lord looked at the card in his hand, Rowling took the initiative to notice his abnormality, came to him, and asked.

"Nothing..." Shaking his head, Rod returned the prophecy card in his hand to Rowling.

Seeing that Rod was a little bit emotional, but didn't want to say anything, Rowling gently took his hand and said:

"Do you know? I can replace the original card face on the prophecy card with a person or thing I think is appropriate, that is, if my brother agrees, I can also draw you into the card."

"Forget it." Rod's mouth twitched and waved his hand and said, "I'm not interested in this."

Hearing what Rod said, Rowling’s mouth suddenly bulged. She stared at Rod and said with some dissatisfaction: "Why did my brother agree to her request so quickly? Every time it was my turn, my brother always agreed. It’s so careless..."

Perceiving the dissatisfaction in Rowling's heart and the Inota in her words, Rod gave a dry cough and said, "Did I do this?"

Seeing Rowling still staring at him dissatisfied, Rod explained: "Did you forget? When your soul was taken away by those angels, I tried my best to rescue you..."

Hearing what Rod said, Rowling turned her head slightly, but the light from the bottom of her eyes was always on Rod: "Of course I remember... My brother always cares about me when it comes to big things, but it's just such small things Come on, I am very dissatisfied!"

"Well, if you ask so..." Rod patted her shoulder This set of prophecy cards was made by the prophet. Which one of them do you plan to replace? Or do you plan to make some new prediction cards to add? "

"Forget it." After speaking, Rowling glanced at Rod, and then took out a book of books and read it.

Rod looked at Rowling strangely, not understanding what she meant. It was obviously that she proposed to add herself to the card face, why did she forget it after she agreed?

Shaking his head, no longer thinking about these things, Rod said: "I went to Margaret's. I have a special task that needs her to complete."

Hearing what Rod said, Rowling was holding the hand of the classics, and at this moment he couldn't help but force. She blinked, but did not look at where Rod was.

It was not until the figure of Rod dissipated in the flames that Rowling put down the classics in his hand and looked at the direction of Rod's departure, with deep concern in his eyes.

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