"Heroes and Invincible Souls (

It seemed that he was aware of the thoughts in Rod's heart. On the side, Margaret took the initiative to ask the enchanter:

"Alama, what is your purpose in coming to the surface world this time? How long will you stay here?"

Alama looked at Margaret on the side, and replied firmly:

"I will stay in the surface world, capture the various powerful creatures here, and then fuse them into the most perfect witchcraft creation. In the next alien creature competition ten years later, I will definitely win the championship and get the witchcraft. The supreme glory of the teacher!"

"In that case, I suggest that you be loyal to the lord here. In this way, you can study fusion methods in the city with peace of mind, and the lord will provide you with the various powerful creatures you need, just like I am now." Margaret suggested.

After the transformation of the Scarlet Eye, coupled with the control of the Dark Word, Margaret at this time is helping Rod and persuading the powerful wizard for him.

If this powerful magician can be left behind, Rhodes can also find him to solve many matters related to magic.

After listening to Margaret's proposal, Alama frowned: "How could there be such a good thing? What do you want from me?"

The experience of being a wizard makes Alama keenly aware of the anomaly in Margaret's words. Such a beautiful condition often hides one trap after another, and he will not make a decision so easily.

"The witchcraft knowledge in you is far more precious than those creatures. I need this knowledge." On the side, Lord took the initiative and said to Alama, "Soon, the entire surface world will usher in a scene. Catastrophe, the devil from **** will sweep the entire world, no place is safe, and you don't want to lose the precious knowledge of witchcraft, right?"

Hearing what Rod said, Alama showed a touch of emotion, and for a while, he seemed a little hesitant. After a while, he said: "Your proposal is good, but I will not be loyal to creatures whose knowledge of witchcraft is not as good as mine. . Nothing else, this is my own habit."

"I still remember your performance in the Alien Creatures Competition. Although I only got second place, you were the last one. As a witcher of honor, I really couldn't agree to your request." Alama shakes He shook his head and rejected the offer.

Hearing that, Luo Luo looked at him with interest, and the nearby magic eyes were also touched: "It seems that you don't know what happened in the alien creature contest. That's right, you left before the final result was announced. "

Alama looked at Rod with some doubts: "What do you mean by this sentence? Did the result of the competition change after I left?"

"Yes." Rod showed a sneer. "Those magicians found their mistakes and chose to make me the champion of the competition. The other players who are still alive have no opinion."

"How is this possible?" Alama frowned and asked with some confusion.

"By the way, they gave me this back." With that, Rod took out a unique medal from the space ring.

"This is... the Black Dragon Medal?" Alama took the medal in Rhode's hand, and his eyes were extremely shocked. He didn't expect that he would not be able to pursue it with great effort. It was a medal that symbolized the champion of the alien creature contest. It was taken out by Rod at will.

"How can you receive such a precious medal in the space treasure? You should wear it in front of you all the time!" Recalling how Lord took out the Black Dragon Medal, Alama suddenly became angry, and he eagerly said to Lord .

However, in the face of Alama in this state, Rod did not care: "The basic attributes of this medal are not as good as the other pendants on my body. I have no extra place to wear this medal."

"You..." Holding the Black Dragon Medal in his hand, Alama didn't know what to say for a moment. He stared at Rod, his body trembling faintly.

Compared with the Black Dragon Medal itself, Alama values ​​the meaning behind the medal. This is the underground world Nigon, the medal awarded to the top sorcerers. Ordinary sorcerers are not qualified to obtain it.

What Alama can confirm is that this medal in Rhodes's hand contains the exclusive aura of the King of Nigon, and this aura cannot be forged at all. The situation was clearly as he said. At the end of the Alien Creatures Contest, there were some unforeseen circumstances that Alama hadn't anticipated, and Rhode won the final championship.

"How are you thinking? Are you willing to stay and be loyal to me?" Noting that Alama fell silent for a while, Rod actively asked, "After all, according to what you said, I am the champion of the xenobiotic contest, you Is there any reason to refuse?"

Seeing Alama's hesitation, when he looked at the Black Dragon Medal, his eyes showed desire ~www.wuxiaspot.com~Rod thought for a while and said, "If you agree, I can give you this medal. As far as I am concerned, this medal does not have much effect."

"What you said...is it true? This is not an ordinary treasure..." Alama asked with a trembling voice.

"Of course it is true." Rod replied.

After finding the [Magic Talisman] from the plane of fire, the four pendant-like treasures equipped on Rhode’s body are almost fixed, including the [Dead Talisman], one of the parts of the Ghost King’s cloak, which can be used to look at objects at any time [Farsight Pendant], [Magic Talisman] from the Potions Competition, and finally [Magic Talisman].

Among the pendant treasures that can be replaced, there are also treasures with unique functions such as [Water Spirit Ball] and [Holy Griffon’s Shelter]. Similar to the [Black Dragon Medal], treasures that cannot provide powerful attributes are not in Rhode’s consideration. Rhode will hardly have the opportunity to wear other pendant treasures.

For the black magician, the [Black Dragon Medal] increased the success rate of the black magic ritual will exert an extremely powerful effect, but for Rhode himself, this treasure appears to be of little significance.

If this treasure can be used in exchange for the allegiance of a powerful magician, Rhode is willing to do so.

"It's just..." Looking at Alama with an exhilarating expression in front of him, Rod said in a deep voice, "My treasure is not so easy to take. You need to prove your ability and prove that you are qualified to get this treasure. I will give you this treasure."

Hearing what Rod said, Alama immediately calmed down, "What do you need me to do?"

"It's very simple." Behind him, behind him, the strange-looking Death Knight Vera slowly stepped forward, "I need you to restore the blood in his body to prove his ability."

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