Invincible Hero of Necromancer

Chapter 1551: the Avengers

"Heroes and Invincible Souls (

After leaving the furnace in the center of the Temple of Fire, Graar couldn't help but stroked his forehead and exhaled deeply.

When facing Flam, it was obvious that the surrounding temperature was about to melt him, but what he felt was a bone-chilling chill. It seemed that as long as he said a wrong sentence, he would die in the next moment.

Glahr believed that if it wasn't for Flam, who had just had his own body, to be in a good mood and change to his usual situation, he would have been burned to ashes by the moody Flam, and his soul had been made into a fiery elf.

Shaking his head, Glaer, who didn't think about it, moved on. Soon, he came to a prison guarded by the fire elves.

"Judge, this is not where you should be." Perceiving Graar's arrival, the nearby fire elves took the initiative to stop him, not allowing him to go further.

"I am on the order of King Flam to release the'Avenger' from the prison and take me to see him." Graal said solemnly.

After hearing Flam's name, the fire elves showed fearful expressions, and did not intend to stop Graar, so they gave way.

In the Temple of Fire, Flam is the real master, and any fire elf has a heartfelt respect for her.

After learning that it was Flam's request, these fire elves didn't even have the idea of ​​checking the authenticity, so they let Graal in. No creature dared to do something under the guise of Flam, these fire elves understood this deeply.

Before entering the prison, bursts of wailing sound passed into Graar's ears first.

Looking to the sides, there are both humanoid creatures in the prison, as well as strange-looking creatures that cannot be named. These creatures are without exception, their hands are hung high with red chains, their bodies are suspended in the air, and there is no underfoot. Any support, the most convenient is hot magma.

Noticing the nearby creatures, Graar pursed his mouth subconsciously. Among the suspended creatures nearby, there are many doomsday believers and judges he knew before. They were finally imprisoned here because of their own faults and endured the flames. Torture.

Shaking his head, ignoring the existence of the creatures around him, Graar walked along the road in the prison, unknowingly, he had reached the depths of the lava lake.

This place is already close to the outermost side of the Temple of Blazing Fire, and if you continue to move forward, it is a lake of flames that cannot be reached by ordinary creatures, and only the Fire Elves can exist.

"You are waiting here, and we will bring the'Avengers.'" After arriving at this location, the fire elves who learned of Graar's intentions took the initiative to say, and Graar stopped.

On the lake of flames ahead, there are no longer iron chains that suspend other creatures, but stone pillars of unknown material. These stone pillars just stretch out from under the lake of fire, and are burnt red by the high temperature at the same time, and those creatures , Was bound by the chain on the stone pillar.

In Graar’s impression, those creatures that were taken to the depths of the prison and tied to stone pillars, instead of simply being hung up, often had a lot of extraordinary things on their bodies. Some of them were powerful but offended the King of Hell. The devil will also be bound here.

In any case, the depths of the prison and the lake of fire connected to it are no longer within Graar's reach. All he has to do is to wait for the fire spirit to bring the "Avenger" over.

It didn't take long to wait, and soon, the fire spirit brought back the creature that Graar was looking for.

It was a humanoid creature bound by chains. After the lake of fire burned, the part behind him that was in contact with the stone pillars was already blackened. In addition, his skin exuded an unnatural red color, only the expression in his eyes contained With a very firm light.

What made Graar cared was that although the humanoid creature in front of him was scorched by the flames, he could still see his handsome face. Besides, his ears were also longer than ordinary creatures. In Glaer's memory, I am afraid that only the elves of the surface world have such characteristics.

"You are free for the time being. Go and do what you want to do the most." At the gesture of Graar, the nearby fire elf untied the chain on the elf.

"What...what did you do to me?" Although the chains that bound the body were untied, the elf was still very weak. He quickly looked around and asked with some caution.

"Master Flam gave you the blood of the blazing elf. From now on, you are a member of the **** demon, codenamed ‘Avenger’." Glar explained.

Graar's words were exchanged for a cold snort from the elf: "I am not a **** demon, and I won't listen to your orders."

"No, you will." Graar said slowly, "The gift of flame flows in your bloodline. Every other month, you must take the initiative to come back here to replenish your weak bloodline~www.wuxiaspot. com~Otherwise, you will lose all your strength and die in pain."

Hearing what Glar said, the elf lowered his head deeply, and at the same time clasped his hands tightly, a look of unwillingness appeared in his eyes.

"Rebelling will only speed up your death. Now you have only one way to work for the devil. If you can make outstanding achievements, Master Flam will not begrudge your reward." The strong threat radiated, Glar didn't have the slightest fear in his heart, just said flatly.

"You just said that I can do what I want to do the most. What does this mean?" It seemed that he had noticed something, and the elf took the initiative to ask.

"You have to ask yourself this question. What on earth do you want to do the most?" Grall asked rhetorically.

"The thing I want to do the most..." Hearing Graar said that, the elf seemed to be touched, "I want to destroy the evil necromancer and avenge the one I love."

"Excellent, it seems that you still know what you are going to do." With that, Graar took out an emerald green blade, threw it in front of the elf, and opened a red whirlpool in front of him. Door, "This is your weapon, take it, and then return to the surface world."

The sword blade was inserted on the charred black rock in front of the elf, and the elf silently picked up the blade. When he held the weapon in his hand, his aura suddenly changed. A strong threat radiated from him. It was true. With the breath of legendary creatures, nearby fire elves looked at him vigilantly, and once he had any changes, they would fight.

Feeling the blood in the body, in the end, the elf let out a long sigh, he condensed his aura, without any words, his gaze swept through Graar coldly, and then entered the red portal.

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