Invincible Hero of Necromancer

Chapter 1571: Chain Dragon Head

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The sudden change made Grete stunned. He never expected that such a powerful green monster would be cut off three dragon heads in an instant.

Not only Grete, but even Jenny, who was fighting the monster, felt unbelievable.

After fighting with monsters for so long, Jenny knew very well about the monster’s abilities. The speed of the green monster was definitely the fastest creature Jenny had ever remembered. Even the golden dragon in the Dragon Kingdom could not be compared. But it was hit hard in an instant. The creature that suddenly appeared in front of you was stronger than the green monster in speed!

"Demon..." After noticing the sudden appearance of humanoid creatures and the reddish skin, Jenny instantly recognized his race. However, his body exudes a familiar breath that Jenny is familiar with.

As if she had discovered something, Jenny showed an unbelievable expression.

"Ever the Guardian? How did you become like this?" she asked loudly.

"I'll talk about this problem later, the most important thing now is to solve this monster." Yves, who was recognized, said slowly.

"I hate this feeling, why are you here again?" The blood-filled red dragon head was cut to the ground and said dissatisfiedly.

"He is not a human being, his blood is the same as the creature we swallowed before, no, there are still some differences." Looking at the red humanoid creature not far away, the pure dragon head said quickly.

"I don't know what kind of creature he is, but I know that he is dead now!" The dragon head that was chopped off along with the animal skin shouted loudly.

While talking, several dragon heads crawled towards the body of the green monster one after another like snakes, but they were completely blocked by the dark green barrier, unable to go any further.

Noting the appearance of this spell, Jenny felt a little bit, and when she turned around, Sotophie's figure appeared in her eyes. Jenny, who was already insufficient in mana, did not cast this spell. It was Sodophie who cast the spell at the back.

"Damn, we are all on the ground, and there is no way to control our bodies. Otherwise, where can we be trapped by this kind of barrier?" the animal skin dragon head said with some dissatisfaction.

The animal skin dragon head turned around and spouted a filthy venomous dragon breath toward the enemy, but was dispersed by a gust of wind. The dragon's breath poured backwards, causing the other two dragon heads to cough.

"Don't worry, we still have a brother." The pure dragon head will look at the only chain dragon head remaining on the green monster.

"The human on my back, it's time to unlock the chain of the last dragon head!" the red dragon head said loudly.

Behind the green monster, Gret was taken aback. He did not expect that at this juncture, the green monster would take the initiative to help him.

After a little hesitation, recalling the horrific performance of the green monster in the battle, Grete made a decision, climbed to the top of the chain dragon head, and labored to untie the chain that bound him.

The warm hot wind blew Grett's face, he didn't react yet, he felt his body soft, he fell down and fell heavily to the ground.

Grete tried to get up, but couldn't exert any strength at his feet. All he could feel was the bone pain. He stood up slightly with his hands, but he saw that the lower part of his body fell in the distance. The waist was cut in two, and the cut was flat, consistent with the broken heads of the nearby dragons.

Except for fear, Grete's mind was blank. He swayed his arms frantically, trying to escape from the center of the battlefield.

"You did very well."

A voice that had never been heard reached Grete's mind, and when Grete fell, he had already unlocked the last chain of the dragon's head.

The dragon claw swept away, and when Grete recovered, he once again came to the back of the green monster.

"This is your reward."

The pain went away from his body, replaced by a kind of itching, a scene that made Grete horrified, the fracture of his waist was slowly blending with the back of the green monster, and there was no more blood left. He Become part of the green monster.

"How could this be?" Grete said desperately. Maybe he should flee while the monster's dragon head was cut off. Now he can never escape from the body of the green monster.

"What kind of monster is this?" Yves also noticed the abnormal changes on the monster's body, and he asked Jane.

"I don't know, it looks like the creation of those crazy magicians, and I don't know how it got here." Jane replied quickly.

"Aren't you a witch? How could you not know?" Yves asked in disbelief.

"I haven't studied alien creatures." Jenny glanced at Yves. "You should have a good talk about why there is a devilish breath on your body."

Yves did not answer, but just waved the blade in his hand. The wind that rolled up became an extension of his sword. On the neck of the last dragon head of the green monster, a burst of blood bursts but nothing more happened.

"Sure enough," Yves muttered to himself.

"Did you find anything?" Jane asked.

"I wanted to cut off its four dragon heads at the same time, but in the end only three were cut off. The wind told me that the slash had worked, and its last dragon head should have fallen, but it hasn't waited for the dragon head to leave. , The injuries are all healed, so it looks intact." Yves replied.

"What?" Jenny said in disbelief. He didn't expect the last dragon head of the green monster to have such an ability.

"Hurry up and take us back!" On the ground, the red dragon head shouted loudly, and she couldn't wait to return to her former body.

However, her words were exchanged for the indifferent glance of the chain dragon head.

Ignoring the other dragon heads that fell on the ground, the green monster flapped its wings and quickly rose into the sky, and then flew away without looking back.

On the ground, the abandoned dragon head looked at each other, not knowing what to say for a while.

Looking at the green monster going away, Yves was waiting to wave the sword in his hand to solve the dragon head on the ground, but Jenny stopped him.

"We need samples for research in order to explore the origin of the green monster. These surviving dragon heads are undoubtedly the best materials."

Hearing what Jenny said, Yves nodded, he no longer paid attention to the dragon head on the ground, but turned back and came to Sotophie.

He sighed, but heard Sotophie said with some worry: "You promise me that you will come back."

"I will, I have some more words, I didn't say to you." Yves looked at the sky where the green monster went away, as if staring at something.

A breeze swept over, bringing up the nearby dust, Sotofi closed his eyes slightly, and when she opened it again, Yves's figure had disappeared.

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