Invincible Hero of Necromancer

Chapter 1931: Conflict and Union

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In order to pursue the limits of spells, the wizards of the Magic Guild rarely use treasures, and all their abilities are derived from the mana in their bodies.

For this, Luo Luo felt deeply. He once obtained a powerful artifact from the potion competition.

If it is an ordinary mage, no matter how strong he is, he will cherish the artifact parts, and it is impossible to let it go out, but the mage of the magic guild does not care about this.

Thinking of that artifact part, Rod's heart was tight again. From the treasure house in the cloud, he got the last piece corresponding to the artifact part, which was enough to assemble a real artifact, but unfortunately, the soul came to **** first before the heat. , The body is also trapped in the treasure house in the cloud.

If he can get his body back, Rhode can not only get back the previous artifact, but also the source of magic power that was used by the **** of the mage.

"President of the Magic Guild, you seem to have a great opinion of the Thieves Guild. You can change your appearance, but you cannot change the disgusting magical breath in your soul."

I don’t know when, there was a black mist in the distance. Rod was just a daze, and his whole body was submerged by the black mist. He could not see anything in his sight, even his perception was paralyzed, and the whole person fell into a deep dark.

Rod felt very familiar with the sound that sounded in the black mist, it was Sally's voice.

Knowing the arrival of the president of the Magic Guild, as the leader of the Thieves Guild, Sally chose to come out to meet her in person.

Her voice was suddenly far and near, Luo Luo couldn't find her position at all, and there was only extreme darkness in front of him, which also made Luo Luo's expression more solemn.

If a person came here, in this deep and dark realm, Rhode could not resist the thief leader at all. Although Goliath's body has extremely strong defensive capabilities, thieves are the profession with the most armor-piercing weapons. The weapons in the hands of legendary thieves can even cut through the armor of the heavy cavalry of Eracia.

What's more, Rod, who has seen Sally's fighting style, understands how powerful her strength is. Rod is afraid to perform the fusion ritual with all his strength and cannot keep up with the speed at which she leaves wounds on her body.

Fortunately, at this moment, there is still the president of the Magic Guild beside Rhodes. Eli, who cast his spells with all his strength, even Sally seemed very jealous. The power of the legendary mage seemed unstoppable, not to mention Eli, who had reached the culmination of the legend and possessed the resources of the entire magic guild.

"Ms. Shadow, we meet again." Eli's voice was very steady, and it seemed that he hadn't been disturbed by this sudden darkness at all.

Rod tried to open the Void Demon Eye fused in his body, but unfortunately, even the Void Demon Eye could not see through the shadow realm beside Sally, and the Void Demon Eye could not see anything.

Upon seeing this, Rod immediately said: "It seems that the two of you are familiar with it before, I think, I don't need to introduce more."

Before that, Eli had already used disguise magic to change his appearance. Now he is far from his previous appearance, but there is no way to hide it from the leader of the thieves. Sally saw through his disguise at a glance.

In the darkness, Sally’s voice came out: “Huh, you’re wrong about this. I’m not familiar with him. I only had an agreement with the magic guild to train magic assassins, but this agreement was magically used. The guild was torn apart, and even the thieves’ guild in Bracada was suppressed by the magic guild."

Hearing this, Eli in the dark frowned and said loudly: "It is not stated in the agreement that you can assassinate the mages of Brakada at will, let alone leak important information in Brakada. Don't think I am wrong. Knowing that the group of barbarians were able to drive straight into the territory of Bracada, it was because you leaked the information that you did not know how many mages were sacrificed in vain! I did not expel all of you from Bracada, it is already for the **** of mages. on."

"Dare you! If you do this, I promise that no Master Bracada will be able to walk out of Bracada's border alive." Sally sneered and said without showing weakness.

"Allowing you thieves to enter the Mage Empire is the worst thing I have ever done as the president of the Magic Guild."

Listening to the dispute between the two, Rodton felt bad. He brought Eli here not to provoke a war between the Magic Guild and the Thieves Guild, although this did happen in the game in the previous life.

As the leaders of the two forces, there was a festival between Eli and Sally, and it was almost impossible for them to put down their bodies, but this was not the situation that Rhodes wanted to see.

"You two, please listen to me. Have you forgotten the most important purpose?"

As early as when he came to the shadow position, Rowling told everything on the island, especially the information of Rhode’s return, through a letter to the leader of the thieves and the subsequent attack on the treasure house in the cloud, but in that letter, there was nothing in the letter. Nothing about the president of the Magic Guild was mentioned.

"The president of the Magic Guild will follow us to attack the treasure in the cloud, and all he needs is a treasure in the treasure." Rod said to Sally in the dark.

As soon as the words were general, Rhodes felt a special touch on Goliath's shoulder, not the touch when he was attacked by those shadow creatures before, but a cold touch in the dark.

At some point, Sally came to the shoulders of Goliath's body, and Rod tried to look at that position, but there was only darkness in front of him.

"You really can't see me anymore, it also makes you no longer special."

In the darkness, Sally's voice was a little disappointed, and Rod keenly caught this.

"But I still have a don't you?" Rod slightly turned sideways, facing Eli's direction not far away.

Although the dark realm can paralyze perception, Rhodes can still feel where Eli is located. There is no other reason. As the president of the magic guild, the mana fluctuations on Eli's body seem too much in the sinking darkness. Strong, even if Rhodes wanted to ignore it, he couldn't ignore the mana fluctuations on Eli.


Finally, in the darkness came an answer that made Rod a little relieved.

"If he thinks that ridiculous disguise magic can really fool the angels in Cloud City, let him join in." Sally's voice was still as cold as ever, but Rod was finally able to breathe a sigh of relief.

"Worry more about yourself, how can you hide from those angels in your dark realm?" Eli replied unwillingly.

Only Rod felt a bit of a headache. From the dispute between the two, he already had a foreboding that the attack on the Treasure House in the Cloud would not go smoothly.

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