Invincible Hero of Necromancer

Chapter 2011: Witchcraft love

   "Hello, Margaret, I'm coming to Lord Rowling, and I will come to see you by the way."

   After opening the door, looking at the darkness, only a slight candle light shines, as if a gust of wind can completely plunge this place into a dark quiet room, Alama said with a smile.

Through those eyes that saw night as day, Alama saw that in a dark quiet room, the walls were covered with huge magic eyes that were constantly squirming, their roots entangled with each other, forming a dark red blood. The net is like the blood-colored lair where Agrand placed an angel.

In the dark, with the blinking of the magic eye, the light spot against the firelight flickered slightly, which made the quiet room a little more charming. Besides Alama, there is another person who can appreciate this beautiful scene, that is Margaret in the quiet room.

  Alama greeted Margaret, but she did not forget to shake her flowing blonde hair, releasing her own unique charm.

"You are a celebrity now. During this period of time, I have heard many people mention you. Even City Lord Vita has asked me about your preferences many times." In the darkness, Marguerite was dull. the sound of.

   "It's just that the necromancers now understand how powerful I am. If you follow me to the underground world, you will understand how widespread my name is."

   Alama said without humility, and as he said, he stepped into the quiet room where Margaret was.

  As Alama walked in, several magic eyes immediately surrounded him, and even in the void in the room, several magic eyes appeared.

   "Hey, how have you been recently? I brought you gifts."

   Alama gently stroked one of the magic eyes, gently drew his fingers across the elastic eyeballs, smiled and greeted him, looking at the magic eyes in the quiet room, he smiled from the heart.

   Seeing the magic eyes nearby swinging his body, it seems that he has been completely attracted by the words, Alama smiled confidently: "Let me find where it is? Is this this?"

   He took out a bag of spring water.

   "Oh, it's not this. This is Huantongquan's spring water. You can't drink it at all, but it can be used to cleanse your body."

   Following Alama's words, a few demon eyes showed regretful eyes, some of them showed shy eyes, and the rest showed bitter eyes, seeming to be full of his behavior.

   " this this?"

   Alama's gaze swept across the nearby magic eyes, his tone stretched out, and what finally appeared in his hands was a huge, bloody, shriveled eyeball.

Looking at the study, Margaret’s eyes were different in an instant. All the magic eyes nearby were cheering and cheering at this moment. Although they could not speak, they could use their bodies to form waves of constant fluctuations. The wave of magic eyes comes to express the joy in Alama.

   "It's the whole! You are about to have a new companion. This is the eyeball of the one-eyed king. It took me a lot of effort to make the Scarlet Angel understand what I meant, and then I brought it back!"

   Following Alama's words, the huge, shriveled eyeballs seemed to puff from the inside at this moment, and in a blink of an eye they became twice as big as his head.

   "Welcome to your new members."

After finishing all this, Alama released the hand that had been holding the huge eyeball. Under the gaze of many magic eyes, the huge eyeball in Alama's hand seemed to be awakened, moving the pupil in the middle slightly, and finally looked towards the darkness. Marguerite in the middle, her figure disappeared into the void.

   Alama, who had done all this, was also unanimously supported by the magic eyes. They surrounded Alama in the middle and kept leaping towards the body of the wizard.

"Well, little guys, your enthusiasm really makes me flattered." The hearty laughter came from Alama's mouth again, he hugged the nearby magic eye, and finally poured in a bigger than others. Among the giant magic eyes.

   "Alama, where did you get the eyeballs of the one-eyed king?"

   Margaret’s question came from behind, and Alama replied indifferently: “Of course it was collected by the angels. What’s the matter? Don’t you like it?”

   "Of course I like it. It's just that...In the ritual materials that Lord Rowling needs, there doesn't seem to be any item that mentions the need for the eyes of a cyclops."

   "What does that matter? As long as you and your little cutie like it, are you worried that those cyclops will retaliate?" Alama shrugged and said.

"I admit that you have a talent for making magic eyes that I can't match. I think at the beginning, in order to create the magic eyes of the void, I did not hesitate to plunge myself into the darkness. This is a breakthrough, but you can create it while talking and laughing. But if you do this, it will affect Lord Rowling's plan..." Margaret seemed to have thought of something and let out a sigh.

   "I assure you, this will not affect the plan. I have already collected all the materials that Lord Rowling needs for her, will this still affect it?" Alama asked while stroking the magic eye next to him.

" You have to know that the most powerful moment of an alien creature is a moment when none of the other creatures have seen it, and all its abilities are unknown. Although you have completed Lord Rowling’s mission , But also exposed your angel to the eyes of other creatures. Next time, can they win so easily?" Marguerite's eyes were full of worry.

Alama smiled and came to the blind old woman, and gently held her wrinkled hand: "I know you care about me, and I have felt your heart. What I want is to make the most perfect Creatures, and that’s also the wish of all magicians. If my angel is easily found by the enemy, it can only show that they are not perfect at all. Rather, I would rather someone do it. At this point, because that way, I can bring them closer to perfection."

Margaret also seemed to be moved by Alama's words. She wanted to hold Aglan's hand, but in the end she let out a deep sigh: "Actually, a powerful wizard like you, no matter where she is facing The lord’s allegiance can be rewarded with generous treatment, and the women in the territory are even more at your disposal. Why did you choose me? Look at my skin, it is almost dry than the bark. I don’t even have eyes..."

Alama felt the hesitation in Margaret's heart, but he just smiled and said, "Because only a black magician can understand another magician. Do you want a perfect body? That's very simple Things. But love is not easy."


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