Invincible Hero of Necromancer

Chapter 2037: Karl miscalculated

   Following the words of the great devil, the demons of the Chaos Troops were taken aback. Their previous experience of fighting on the lake of fire was also recalled by them at this moment.

   "How can there be a shelter in that giant's belly?"

   Karl seemed to have discovered something, and shouted dissatisfiedly at the demon nearby. In the last stage of the trial, many of his enemies escaped from his hands because they hid in the shelter. He knew more about the capabilities of the shelter than any creature.

   "Master Carl, what should we do?" The demon nearby asked him for instructions while looking at the shelter.

   "Can't let the demon under his feet hide in the shelter! I even suspect that even the power of the gluttonous king can't break through the limits of the shelter."

Karl gritted his teeth and replied that after paying such a heavy price, he would not let the enemies go anyway, and then looked at the huge body that almost covered all the light: "Great King of Glutton, please let me help you. , Never let the demons who occupy your priest's body hide in the shelter!"

There was a loud noise in the distance. Following Carl’s narration, the sanctuary in Goliath’s belly had completely fallen to the ground at this moment. The members of the Undead Legion had been reminded by Rhode before this moment. Dispersed first, and there was no damage due to this.

   Under Carl's signal, the great demon of the Chaos Troops reacted immediately, and the fire flashed and blocked the door of the shelter. They placed the giant sickle in front of them, trying to block the members of the Undead Legion.

Looking at the big demons who were trying to stop, Fenli's eyes also showed a bit of mockery. When he used to be, he was no different from those big demons, but now, only one round of death by the Undead Legion is required. A volley of clouds was enough to completely dismantle the defenses of those big demons, and what they did was meaningless in Fenli's eyes.

   Just as Fenli was about to give orders to other members of the Undead Legion, Rod's command sound suddenly came from his ear: "Don't move, stay on the spot for the time being."

   Hearing this command sound, Fenry was taken aback, and the other succubus nearby also stopped the movement in his hand. Although I don’t understand why Rhodes made such a choice, at this moment, no demon came out to refute Rhodes’s words. Even the great demon led by Agran restrained those who wanted to fight the enemy. Heart, stay in place and wait.

   "Hela, why did you say that the master gave this order?" Ezeke, one of the succubus leaders, asked Hela.

When Rod chose the succubus leader of the Undead Legion, Yizeke deliberately looked at Hela a few more times. Among these succubus leaders, only she and Hela were not legendary creatures. The remaining two charms The demon leaders, their former status and strength, far surpassed them.

   "The master naturally has our own considerations. As his followers, we only need to do what he says." Hela did not directly answer her question, but said so.

"Have you forgotten? The master gave us eternal life. No matter how powerful the gluttonous king is, he cannot kill us. I believe that the master will let us hide in the shelter." The succubus heard their narration and proactively added.

   Aside, Fenli snorted, her gaze swept over the succubus indifferently, only when she stayed on Rod, her performance changed a little.

   And not far away, from the reaction of the Undead Army, Karl seemed to have realized something. He just wanted to give orders to the great demon of the Chaos Army to leave the surroundings of the sanctuary, but there was a sudden change in the field.

   The huge mountain-like figure, looking at the shelter that fell from Goliath, made a dull bell-like sound in his mouth: "Very...good..."

   Its voice kept getting longer, and the tone was lost in the air wave formed, but at this moment, all the demons felt the satisfaction of its words.

   Hearing the voice of the Glutton King, Carl's complexion suddenly became hard to look at. He didn't understand what Rhode did to satisfy the Glutton King. Just as he wanted to say something, a fierce air current swept over him.

  The King of Gluttony took a deep breath, and the airflow centered on the shelter that fell, forming a huge vortex visible to the naked eye in the air, attracting everything around him.

   For a time, the violent air currents stirred up waves of heat, and the shelter on the ground was also attracted by the vortex and flew towards the sky, along with the nearby demons.

Attracted by the air currents, the big demons who just stayed trying to resist the entry of the Undead Legion did not have any strength to resist at this moment. They followed the shelter and were sucked into the sky by the violent air currents. Not only that, in the air currents. Under the interference of, they even lost the ability to show off the flames. Whenever they tried to shuttle through the flames, the violent airflow would immediately blow out the flames on them.

The members of the Undead Legion are also the same at this moment. The thin succubus was swept into the sky by the airflow without even struggling. The exclamation in his mouth was also submerged by the howling of the wind. Seeing that he lost, Rhode, who discovered the abnormality, immediately led most of the members of the Undead Legion to the back of the body of Goliath, if there is anything that can stand tall in the wind. Do not move, that only belongs to Goliath's body.

   "No! Aglan, and Master, please help me..."

   The great demon Marlin in the Undead Legion was also swept into the sky by the gust of wind, and uttered a violent cry for help.

   Aglan looked anxious, he didn't want to see his companions being swept away like this, but Rod was unmoved, just looking solemnly in the direction of the center of the storm.

   Rod noticed that the gust of wind rolled up by the Glutton King was able to isolate the ability of space spells, and even the special flame escape of the great devil could not work in the wind.

Even Rod, there is no good way to deal with this hurricane for a time. If he rushes to the rescue, the final fate will probably be no better than the demons that were swept away, and he was swallowed by the gluttonous king. , And being swallowed by Goliath are completely two concepts, Rod can not easily try.

   In desperation, the dignified Rhode could only order Goliath to spread his arms as much as possible to protect the undead legion on the ground to avoid greater losses.

   As for the members of the Undead Legion who were swept away by the wind, although Rod was very helpless, he could only sigh secretly.


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