Invincible Hero of Necromancer

Chapter 2045: Divination moment

   Looking at the prophecy card that was just pulled out of the card pile, Rod's brow furrowed slightly.

"this is……"

Rod said with some doubts. There was an angel drawn on the card. The angel's wings were golden and slightly open. She held a golden blade in her hand, and there was a tear mole on the corner of her eye. With a pity, but also a holy look.

"You got an angel, I think this should will meet an angel?" Rowling said uncertainly, "Wait, if this is true, does that mean you will be chased by angels? kill?"

   "I don't know, shouldn't you be divination with me now? Why are you asking me?" Rod scratched his head and replied helplessly.

Compared to Mexiga, Rowling’s level of fortune-telling is not in place. Only when he pulled out the first card, Rod felt this deeply. He has never seen a fortune-telling master, and will use the tone of inquiry and conduct. The object of divination, discuss the fate that will be revealed together.

   For a while, Rod seemed a little regretful, maybe letting Rowling fortune telling herself was not a good choice.

Rowling seemed to be aware of this. The existence of blood kinship made her aware of the thoughts in Rod’s heart. Her small face suddenly became red, and the eyes looking at Rod became dodging, even the prophecy card in her hand. Now also retracted back.

Upon seeing this, although Rod was somewhat helpless, he could only say encouragingly: "However, what you said also makes sense. We have just attacked the Treasure House in the Clouds. Although the angels are preparing for the coming of the Doomsday War, they can't rule it out. They will come to retaliate."

   Speaking of the latter, Rod’s complexion also became serious. Those Angels of Elasia were also what Rod had been worried about:

"I suggest that all important facilities in Sao City be transferred to the island, especially the alien lair left by Alama and the existence of the potion factory. Under the effect of the death domain, I no longer rely on those potions. But for other necromancers, it is still extremely precious. As for the city of Sao on the bright side, just use it as a bait to attract enemies."

   Strangely speaking, when Rod recovered his body, he found that he no longer relied on the limitation of manipulating mental attributes. Any member of the Legion in the field of death can gain corresponding experience points after destroying the enemy.

   This discovery made Rod feel a little puzzled. He felt that there was something in his body, but it didn't show in the system. Maybe it was the extra thing that was taking effect, or it was just the unique ability of the death field that could help him gain experience points. After testing, Rod did not reach a conclusion. He simply ignored it and waited to study it later.

   While on the side, Rowling heard Rod’s narration and said with some worry: “But then, if too many creatures are brought to the island at once, the existence of the island will be completely exposed to the eyes of other creatures.”

For this, Rhodes did not worry: "Don’t worry, everything on the island has already been detected by the Thieves’ Guild and the wizards of Bracada. Everything there will not be hidden for long. With the arrival of the Doomsday, the island It will also be known to other creatures on the mainland. Instead of being discovered by other creatures, it is better to take advantage of the Doomsday War to take advantage of the Diya orthodoxy and declare the existence of the island to the world."

   Shaking his head, Rod took a deep breath and added: "It's too early to say this. Let me talk about all this when I come back. Now what we are going to do..."

   Rod caught the hand that Rowling wanted to hold the prophecy card and wanted to withdraw. After the previous dialogue, Rowling's unwillingness disappeared completely, and she was able to continue the prophecy card fortune-telling.

   Under her gaze, Rod drew a card again.

   "You got a hero card."

   Looking at the card that Rod drew out, Rowling looked surprised, and then leaned forward, staring at the card carefully.


On the card, a young boy is drawn. He is sitting under a big tree, holding a dead hound in his arms. He himself seems to be crying with his mouth open. If you look closely, you can see his face covered. Tears.

   "Nimbus...I think this should be the hero's name." Rowling struggled to spell out the hero's name marked on the prophecy card and said to Rhode.

   "He is a hero? You mean this little boy?" Rod looked at this prophecy card with some confusion. How could the heroes on the card be so different from the powerful and unmatched heroes in his memory.

   "According to the pattern drawn on the card, yes." Rowling nodded, "It is impossible that the hero is the dog in his arms? Should I summon him out and ask?"

"Forget it, it doesn't sound like a good idea." Rod stroked his forehead somewhat helplessly. He looked at the hero on the card carefully and couldn't help saying, "Why the hero on the prediction card always In this way, what do they hold with what they lost and cry alone like this? I remember that card with Degar painted like this."

   Rowling glanced at him thoughtfully: "I guess maybe it's the price to be paid to become a hero... How can you become a hero without this kind of distressing"

"Then don't be a hero." Rod smiled, took this card in his hand, and asked, "Then, my fortuneteller, please tell me, what is the interpretation of this card? "

Rowling stared at the card carefully. She thought about it for a long time, but she still didn't have a clue about the person drawn on the card. She had never heard of the existence of this hero, and seemed to be about everything about that hero. , Only exists in the card.

After a long silence, Rowling finally said frustratedly: "I don't know...Many heroes on the cards live in extremely remote eras. If you want to understand the interpretation of each card, I must first take the card. The heroes are summoned, and only by understanding everything they have experienced from their mouths can they interpret the full meaning of the card."

Listening to Rowling’s account, Rhodes nodded. The set of prophecy cards left by Mexiga is very powerful. On the contrary, it is extremely difficult to master, even with Rowling’s talent, until now. , She also only mastered part of the card.

Speaking of this, Rowling sighed: "Unfortunately, until now, the card faces I have really mastered are also very rare. It is not a simple matter to gain the trust of those heroes and learn everything they experienced from their mouths. At least this Nimbus card, I haven't even understood it before.


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