Invincible Hero of Necromancer

Chapter 2047: Arrogant king

   Seeing that Rod did not seem to understand what he meant, Rowling felt helpless for a while and explained:

   "Brother, have you forgotten what Alama told you before? For those angels born from the souls of the dead, gender is meaningless to them."

Listening to Rowling’s words, Rhodes undoubtedly thought of something. Before that, the enchanter Alama had said the same words to him when he was studying angels. Among all kinds of alien creatures, angels are here. The aspect is undoubtedly very peculiar.

"Then you say, who is this archangel in the trump card? There are only three archangels in Elasia. After Gabriel is excluded, there are only two remaining. I don't think they are among them. Which one of you can help me in the trial of hell."

Rod curled his lips, and then said: "The angels who fell into **** have caused chaos in the trial of the devil and became the targets of destruction by other demons. You asked me to take the archangel to the trial of the devil? It was a deep provocation, and it was not much better than a full-scale war with hell."

   At the end, Rod looked at Rowling with a suspicious look. Why did she not see him for a while, her idea was almost the same as Inota? If it weren't for his incomparable understanding of Rowling, he would even doubt the intention of this move.

   Facing all the doubts of Rhodes, Rowling smiled confidently: "Who told you that there were only three archangels in Elasia?"

   Rod was taken aback, not only because he felt the self-confidence that belongs to her from Rowling's tone, but more importantly, the content mentioned in Rowling's words shocked Rod in his heart.

   As Rowling said, there are only three archangels in Elasia at present, but this does not mean that Elasia has always been like this.

   The ancient Elasia was once glorious on the mainland. The apostle and the archangel divided the world together. The powerful wizard empire in the future was nothing more than a remote and barren land in the eyes of the Elasias at that time. Although the era at the beginning of the game is extremely far away from the glorious era of Elasia, Rhodes has learned all this from the various records of the holy kingdom Elasia in the game.

   Rowling’s words undoubtedly reminded Rod of many things.

   "You mean, the angel drawn on the trump card, she is..." Rod sternly said, he did not say the name of the angel.

   "It seems you understand what I mean." Looking at Rod, Rowling nodded, her eyes were as solemn as him.

"How could this be?" Seeing Rowling confirmed this, Rod felt extremely surprised for a moment. He subconsciously held up this card. "I just want to know now, how did Mexijia draw that angel? It's in her card. It's simply..."

   While talking, Rod took a deep breath.

For Rowling’s hand, Rhode has checked the trump cards in that set of prophecy cards several times. Unfortunately, apart from the **** of the mage, Lord did not know any of the characters on the other five trump cards, and at most they were just Occasionally, I heard rumors about them from other creatures.

   What surprised Rhodes's heart was that even though he had already imagined the characters drawn on the remaining aces to be very powerful, the identity of the angel in front of her, who belonged to her, was still beyond Rhodes's expectations.

"Unbelievable, isn't it?" Rowling added to Rod's unfinished words. She stretched out her hand and took the trump card with the angel drawn from Rod's hand. "I once called the angel on that piece of angels briefly. Coming out, she told me her name, Lucy Morningstar. You may not have heard her name, but you must know her current identity."

"She gave up everything that belonged to the angels and took on the name of the curse. She is now the head of the king of hell, and the arrogant king." Under Rhodes's uncertain gaze, Rowling said about this name. Everything about angels.

   "The arrogant king..." Rod said the name silently, and many thoughts flashed in his mind.

  In the previous game, when the Doomsday Blade expansion was opened, the name belonging to Lucifer Kregan spread to all players' ears. He is the well-deserved protagonist of the third expansion, far surpassing Tanan, who led the barbarians against the Mage Empire in the first expansion, and Sandru, the second expansion, the leader of undead creatures sweeping the continent. , What Molly, Griffin Hart and others would stand aside in front of him.

Not long ago, when checking the trump cards in Rowling’s hand, Lord did not think of the white-haired female angel to the arrogant king. The reason is simple. In Lord’s memory, no matter what the expansion of the previous life has arrived. During that process, the arrogant king always appeared in the image of a man, who had never revealed the appearance on the card.

Looking at the white-haired angel on the card, Rod’s body trembled faintly. Although her image was slightly different from that of the real arrogant king, although she had not yet shown herself in the image of a demon, she was once The arrogant king.

   Those demons, have the guts to stop the arrogant king? Rhode thought about and came up with a negative answer. Even General Sellen probably has no such guts, let alone other demons.

With this trump card, Rhodes can even predict that the gates of **** have completely opened up to him. Even other kings are no longer a hindrance to themselves at this moment. The only thing to worry about is to run into it. The real arrogant king, in that case, might do very bad things.

He turned his gaze to Rowling again. At this moment, the slight dissatisfaction that Rowling’s fortune-telling did not bring him to him was in Lord’s mind. At this moment, Lord looked at Rowling. Among his eyes, there is only full of joy left.

Rhodes did not expect that just a trip back to the city of Sao on the surface, and the process of seeking help from Rowling for divination could bring him such a great help, even drawing the card of the arrogant king, at this moment. He has already taken it.

   According to Rod's understanding of this set of cards, only if anything is drawn on the card, then the owner of this set of prophecy cards, Rowling, can summon it. Compared to how to summon the creatures in the card, how to make such a set of prophecy cards may be a more difficult process.

   Thinking of this, for the original owner of this set of cards, that is, Maisijia who was imprisoned in hell, Rod also had an inexplicable vigilance in his heart.


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