Invincible Hero of Necromancer

Chapter 2026: Apostle rumors

"I have seen those apostles. Although they have mastered some of their divine powers, their ability to build a shelter in **** is not enough to do it. Only a level of power can do it."

To the question raised by Rhodes, Mexijia quickly answered.

Rhodes seemed to realize something, and his eyes changed slightly when he looked at her: "I remember those apostles, their strength should not be much different from the legendary demons in hell. Power even stronger than them is where the king is. Level?"

"Who told you this?" She glanced at Rod, shook her head helplessly, and denied Rod's statement, "I think you might have misunderstood those apostles. The legendary demon in hell, can't Only the king of **** can be used to measure the power of the apostles.

Listening to Mexijia's narration, Luo Luo was taken aback.

"In the ancient classics of Elasia, the apostle is called the existence together with the archangel. Together, they expelled foreign races and divided the boundaries of the world, and they have been in use today. The existence of the apostle has established Elasia’s immortal glory, Each of them is the mainstay of the Holy See. It is a pity that when the Stigmata fell, they also lost those supernatural powers, and now, none of them are left."

As if thinking of something, Mexijia's eyes showed reminiscence.

On the side, Rod also showed a surprised look. If what Mexiga once said is true, then the former Alasia may be stronger than he expected. This may be the reason why those Alasias can expel alien races from the world and occupy the center of the continent. .

Every **** king has the power of the culmination of the legend. Together, these **** kings are strong enough to make the entire surface world and even the creatures of all planes tremble. In conjunction with the upper hell, the almost endless demons can completely swallow everything.

It is a pity that due to the differences between the kings, they seldom really join hands. In the most logarithmic situation, a demon will only take orders from a demon king.

And those apostles are not as chaotic as the king of hell. They all obey the orders of one person. In other words, they have a unified will, and the power displayed is naturally more terrifying than the king. Their existence also makes Egypt. The splendor of the Holy See of Rasia has always continued. Only a drastic change, such as the fall of the stigmata, can stop everything.

"Wait..." Hearing what she said, Rod could not help but frown. "If the power of the apostles is equal to that of the king of hell, is there any stronger power than them? You said that the sanctuary was built. , Is the power beyond their level, is it...the power of God?"

When it comes to the end, Rod can't believe it in his own heart.

"You can say that." However, in the face of Rhodes's remarks that he did not believe in himself, Mesika nodded and gave an affirmative answer, "Those devil's prayers were answered by God, so There are miracles in hell."

"This is unbelievable. You mean, those demons discovered that the other demons in **** were almost killed by the hero Butch, so they prayed to God, and God used supreme power to build in hell. Have those shelters been set up to protect their safety and avoid the extinction of the demons?" Rod twitched and couldn't help asking.

Mexijia did not answer, but looked at Rhodes and said:

"Have you checked those shelters carefully? If you have checked, you should be able to find that in the shelters, the power of shelter that protects the creatures and cannot be breached actually comes from the one scattered in each shelter. A strand of broken and remnant souls, and that is the soul of the incarnation of the gods. Once he was called the stigmata by the Elasias. Even though he has fallen for countless years, his soul still shelters everything."

"Stigmata? Wasn't he killed by you? That is the ‘God’."

Lord seemed to have thought of something, and quickly asked. Before, he had heard Mexijia mentioned that the death of the stigmata had close ties with her and some other people who participated in the Battle of the Gods. Including Gwen, the **** of wizards, and the arrogant king in hell.

According to what Mexijia said before, all of their attacks would not be effective against the Stigma. At the last moment, the creature code-named'God-god' stood up and brought the final blow to the stigmata. This caused the incarnation of the gods of Elasia to fall. Unexpectedly, in the hell, there will be a holy creature. The soul of the scarred.

At this time, the distant battlefield could not attract Rod’s attention at all. Even if many undead creatures fell under the sword of hero Butch, Rod didn’t care. He looked at Mexiga, just thinking From her mouth, understand everything that has happened.

Just when Rod was slightly stunned, Mexijia replied, which also reached his ears:

" I did say so, but I didn’t say that we killed the stigma With the power of the stigma, he defeated the stigma and led the soul of the stigma to hell. According to the power of the stigma, even the soul cannot be harmed by ordinary demons. As for those shelters, I think it should be that the Stigmatians did not want to see all the demons died in the hands of the hero Butch, and took the initiative to disperse their own souls, relying on the power of shelter in the soul to establish this."

After thinking about everything that Mexijia had said in his mind, Rod's eyes stopped suddenly and he seemed to think of something important: "If those shelters are built by the soul power of the stigmata , Then if those shelters are all gathered in everything, what will happen?"

"He will wake up." From Rod's momentary change of expression, Messijia also realized that the problem was not right, " are not trying to tell me that there are demons collecting those shelters, right? Good news, ordinary demons should not be able to do so unless they are instructed by the king..."

Rod took a deep breath: "What you said is correct. Those shelters were transported to the lake of fire, and now they have gathered everything...Even the shelters that were missed have been found one by one. If I didn’t If you guess wrong, the current shelters should have all been gathered in one place."


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