Invincible Hero of Necromancer

Chapter 2084: Cave legend

The fire flashed by, and when Rod took off the blindfold, he was already in a different environment from before.

"Master, is this the entrance to the Tomb of the Witchcraft King? I have never commanded my subordinates to fight in this underground environment... Unexpectedly, between the surface and hell, there is such a kingdom of Witchcraft."

On the side, Valeze looked at the surrounding environment and said to Rhode.

At this moment, Rod has led the undead army to the entrance of the tomb of the witchcraft king.

Before leaving, Rod originally wanted to find Mexiga to see if she knew the reason for the changes in Inota, but instead she refused Rod's visit on the grounds of summoning the heroes in the prophecy card.

Fortunately, Margaret had already used her magic eyes to explore the surrounding conditions of the Mausoleum of the Witchcraft King. Under the flames of the great demons in the legion, Rod and his party came here smoothly.

"Are you scared? Or do you feel that your abilities are insufficient for the position of commander?" Rhodes glanced at Farrezer and said slowly.

Farezer chuckled: "I will not be afraid. Even if I fight for a difficult situation, I will do my best to command. I can follow my master, see the wonders of hell, the magnificence of death, and now I see the treacherous magic. I'm already worthy of this trip."

Roddo glanced at him, and was about to say something, but heard a faint whisper in his ear.


The voice was extremely subtle, and it contained another language that was different from the lingua franca. Not only Rhodes, but also many great demon with keen hearing, all heard the sound that came.

Agland took a step forward and reminded Rod with a vigilant expression: "Master, something is spying on us in the dark..."

"I heard it." No need for the big demons to remind him, Rod had already turned his sight first, with **** scarlet eyes, staring at the cracks in the underpass wall.


The scream suddenly came out, but soon the voice was lowered. A group of dark green-skinned cavemen broke through the hard cave walls and came to Rhode. Or, they can now call them cave vampires.

Under the gaze of the Scarlet Eye, these cavemen failed to hold on for a moment, and they completely turned into undead creatures under Lord's, and their stage position also broke the shackles of the cavemen and came to the high-level creatures. The sixth order.

Seeing the appearance of the cave vampire, Fenli, the succubus in the legion, glanced at Farezer with some embarrassment: "Commander, they are also members of the legion. Should I add them to the correctional and reformation unit? Or just give them directly to them. Captains of each demon?"

"Wait first, the master is talking to them." Valezer glanced at the cavemen, and then stopped Fenri's actions.

On the side, Lord looked at these cavemen, and after a little thought, he asked the strongest caveman among them: "Who is the leader of your tribe?"

"Gala Dilu..." he replied in a language that Rhodes couldn't understand.

Rod twitched the corners of his mouth. Unexpectedly, even the devil could speak lingua franca, but the cave people could not. So he took out a purple ribbon from the space ring, which could be used to communicate with non-verbal creatures. Then he said: "Say it again."

"Hero, Jaeger..." This time, Rod understood the caveman's words.

From the cave population, after hearing the hero's name, Lord seemed to realize something, and fell into deep thought for a while.

"Caveman..." Rod murmured.

In the Nigong kingdom of the magician, the cavemen are humble and belong to the lowest level of existence. They have no eyes. They like to stay in the deep and dark underground passages and feed on insects and carrion. They are also good at digging the underground passages. Train to be a slave in this area. Many witchcraft apprentices take the first step into the study of alien creatures, starting with anatomy of cavemen.

The only thing to be commendable is that there are a huge number of cavemen, all over the underground world. The total number of humans in the entire witchcraft kingdom does not have one-tenth of the total number of cavemen. The total number of those cavemen can even match the number of humanoid creatures in the surface world.

However, with the advent of the third expansion, the cavemen, who were not cared by any creatures, suddenly jumped up and became the King of Nigon, which is also a rare soldier in the hands of the hero Moriel. Contend with the orthodox enchanter.

In this regard, some people say that the cavemen obtained the power of the devil from hell. Others say that the cavemen have undergone a mutation under the transformation of witchcraft and become a brand-new race, but Rhodes knows that those people’s guesses are wrong. The key to the rise of the cavemen lies in the inheritance of the king of sorcerers from the tomb of the sorcerer king.

"Hero Jaeger, will he display any peculiar ability now?" Rohde asked the caveman as if thinking of something.

"Fantastic flames, noisy explosions... terrible shaking, falling rocks, collapsed roads... and ice cubes, cold water..." Under Rhodes’s orders, the cavemen kept answering, but unfortunately because of them Not very savvy, even if he was transformed into a vampire, he didn't get much better. He could only speak simple words.

Hearing the caveman's answer, Lord couldn't help shook his head. The abilities the caveman said were just ordinary spells, and there was no answer that Lord wanted to hear.

Due to limited mentality, the cavemen cannot become full members of the undead legion, they can only become slaves in the legion, and are controlled by those demons.

Generally speaking,, when creatures of multiple races are mixed in a legion, the morale of the legion will be greatly reduced. Even if there are discipline constraints, this cannot be changed. In battle, these creatures from different races can't rest assured to give their backs to alien creatures. Only the same race can be trusted.

To completely solve this problem, you need the blessing of legendary leadership. Legendary leadership skills can eliminate the influence of any negative morale on the legion, and make the morale of the legion always high. Historically, there have been only famous generals in the history of Elasia, or

Rhodes's undead army circumvented this very well. In essence, all members of the Legion are undead creatures, and there are no different races. This is also the advantage of the Undead Legion.

When Rhodes was disappointed by the caveman's answer, he heard exciting news from the caveman.

"Slave died... the warrior was resurrected..."

"Sacrifice ceremony!"

Lord's expression changed. Even though the caveman in front of him only said something intermittently, Lord had already heard from his words what kind of peculiar ability it was.


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