Invincible Hero of Necromancer

Chapter 2346: Mercenary Rating

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"Do you know what that Elliot did?" Berry asked proactively as he walked towards the test point.

The brown-haired mercenary I met halfway nodded quickly and patiently answered Berry's doubts, not only because of Berry's beauty, but more importantly, her status as the head of the business. What work did you receive: "As the head of the business group, you should know the rules of the mercenary assessment."

Berry turned slightly and turned his gaze to Graar, who was on the side. The elf took the initiative to add: "I've heard about the rules of the assessment, it's just a passing scene, as long as you register the information, you can get the status of an F-rank mercenary. .Any mercenary who wants to increase his rating in the mercenary organization of the Freelance Chamber of Commerce needs to complete a large number of tasks to do so.”

The brown-haired mercenary nodded and confirmed Graal's statement: "It's just for ordinary people, powerful mercenaries will be given preferential treatment no matter where they go. In addition to improving the rating through tasks, mercenaries have another The only way to improve the rating is to win under the siege of three higher-level mercenaries at the same time."

After a pause, he continued: "There have always been many strong mercenaries. When they joined the Freelance Chamber of Commerce, they relied on this method to directly raise their rating to a high level. B-level, C-level, Those ordinary mercenaries need to spend decades to complete the task before they can be promoted to the rating, but they can directly achieve it, that is really enviable..."

"However, compared to that Elliot, these are nothing. According to the Yaojin Merchant Group's odds, he is at least a Grade A mercenary. The speed at which he passed the test was also unexpectedly fast. It is said that When he was surrounded by three mercenaries, he could defeat them all with a single swing of his sword, no matter if the three mercenaries were C or B rank. The last time I saw such speed, Still on the hero Kenlo."

At the end, the eyes of the mercenary lit up, and there were various indications that the Elliot would probably defeat the powerful enemy all the way and be promoted to the position of A-rank or S-rank mercenary.

After joining the Chamber of Commerce, without any task, he has the status of an S-rank mercenary, and only the hero Kenlo is alone.

The brown-haired mercenary has seen the test of the hero Kenlo. Even in the face of the siege of three S-rank mercenaries, the hero Kenlo did not give in. He violently waved the big axe in his hand, and was about to destroy everything in front of the enemy. cut off. The ground of the entire mercenary camp trembled because of their battle, and the hero Kenlo was the one who won in the end.

In the odds given by the Yaojin Merchant Group, the odds of Elliott becoming an S-rank mercenary have reached a scary point, and the huge remuneration he may win has already made the brown-haired mercenary red-eyed. With the integrity of the Yaojin Merchant Group in the Freelance Chamber of Commerce, they absolutely cannot do such things as break the contract. If they can bet, the money will be enough for him to squander until the end.

Taking a deep breath, the brown-haired mercenary turned his gaze to Berry and the others, and asked proactively, "You said, what rating will that Elliot get in the end?"

The elf Graal glanced at Berry and remembered that the mercenary was brought by her from Werning, which was occupied by the Necromancer, and shook his head: "Being able to become a Grade A mercenary, he is already lucky."

Berry didn't think so. She seemed to have sensed the desperate greed in the eyes of the brown-haired mercenary. She didn't want to mislead the mercenary, and she couldn't tell Elliot's true strength. of his own will."

"What do you mean, he can become an S-rank mercenary? I knew it would be!" Hearing this, the brown-haired mercenary showed a bit of surprise. Berry's words were like a beacon, dispelling him. The last few doubts in my heart, "That's where the assessment will take place, and Elliott is there, I'll go somewhere else first."

After he finished speaking, he said goodbye to the two of them and ran quickly towards another place where the crowd gathered. Berry looked from a distance and could see a huge gold coin was drawn on the flying flag over there. It is the symbol of the Yaojin Merchant Group.

"He went to the market of the Yaojin Merchant Group. Does he really want to bet on that Elliot? He doesn't know Elliott at all." Looking at the distant brunette mercenary, Berry Shaking his head.

"I've seen this kind of person a lot. He has long been frightened by the odds given by the Yaojin Chamber of Commerce and has lost his ability to distinguish. He asked us just to get a reason to support him to continue his actions."

On the side, Graer snorted, and then he stopped looking at the direction over there. All the markets in the Freelance Chamber of Commerce were controlled by the Yaojin Business Group, and the rest of the business groups could not get involved at all. How many times has this been the case.

In the market of the Yaojin Merchant Group, some people made a lot of money, and some people lost their money. In Grall's view, the blind brown-haired mercenary obviously belongs to the latter. When he closes his hand, there will be a moment when he loses all, and he even owes a debt. At that time, what awaits him will be the most cruel task in the mercenary camp.

"Compared to this, I am more concerned about that Elliot. Mr. Captain, I can't imagine that the seemingly ordinary mercenary has A-level strength. It seems that those undead lords in Werning are not useless, not worthless. We took such a big risk and went to the City of the Dead to trade."

The elf Graal said slowly When he heard the head of the team proposed to go to the City of the Dead for trade, he held an objection, and finally made concessions for the benefit. Now it seems that doing so is not without gain.

"Do you really think that Elliot only has A-level strength?" Berry asked slowly, as if thinking of something.

"Otherwise?" Glar asked with a somewhat surprised look, "Those S-rank mercenaries all have the strength of a seventh-rank legend, and even if they leave the Freelance Chamber of Commerce, they can still make a name for themselves on the mainland. Think To get the rating of an S-rank mercenary from the assessment, you need to defeat three S-rank mercenaries at the same time, I don’t think that Elliot is a powerful legendary creature.”

"Legendary..." Berry shook his head and didn't say much.

According to the rumors circulating in the mouths of the necromancers, although Lord Rhodes has not yet been promoted to legend, there are no longer known how many legendary creatures died in his hands. Berry believed that if he made a full effort, it would not be a problem to face the siege of three S-rank mercenaries, but he did not know if he still had such strength after covering up his identity.

(End of this chapter)

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