Invincible Hero of Necromancer

Chapter 2400: Identification Master

Remember [New] for a second,! "Hardwood once left me a treasure called the Ocarina of the Banshee. When you blow it, a harpy will come and show you the way to the underworld."

Speaking, Ender handed a brightly colored flute to the hero Kenlo, and gave him instructions on how to play the flute.

Accompanied by the harsh and intense flute sound, Kenlo blew the treasure in his hand. The unpleasant sound directly made Berry cover his ears with a painful expression on his face. After a while, the harpie came from. Fly from the sky.

"I'll go first. Elliot, I hope we will have a chance to cooperate after this."

Seeing the banshee coming, Ken Luo's eyes also lit up, as if he saw a beautiful moment to complete his revenge against the liar. Go, he can't wait to let the liar learn how powerful he is.

Seeing this situation, Rhode couldn't help shaking his head, and letting Ken Luo in this state go to deal with Sandro and the hero Moriel he was attached to might not be a good choice. A mighty death knight.

With Ken Luo's departure, Rhode is not going to stay any longer. After completing the task, his mercenary status has been confirmed. Even members of the Freelance Chamber of Commerce cannot point out any abnormalities. It is time to go to Erathia. The center of the search for the source of human blood.

Although there are some big things happening on the Magic Plains, Rhode believes that his mirror image is enough to solve those things. Maybe according to what Messika said, ignoring everything that happened there is the best choice at present. .

Recalling the third expansion of the previous life, before the world-destroying demon who held the Blade of Doom and brought down the final judgment to the world appeared, players once believed that the hero Moriel was the real protagonist of the third expansion. , but Rhodes knew that the protagonist of the third expansion was someone else.

The arrogant king Lucifer, whose existence involves the ancient Holy See of Erathia, Rhode intends to go as a mercenary, not as an enemy. It is the holy city that once belonged to the Holy See and is the current capital of Erathia. Stan Dweck, if Rhodes' perception is correct, the source of human blood is there.

Although the identity problem has been solved, and the aura of the bloodline has been completely hidden, Rhode still feels a little nervous when he thinks of everything about Standwick. There is the core area of ​​the third expansion, with the archangel sitting in the town, and a little If you are not careful, your identity will be exposed.

The existence of human blood is like a thorn in Rhode's heart. Even if the characteristics of human blood are washed away with potions, he still faces the danger of all bloodline abilities being abolished. Explore the city and destroy the blood of people from the source.

"Are you leaving? Rhodes?"

At this moment, a voice stopped Rhodes. Hearing his real name, Rhodes couldn't help but change his face slightly. It was not Berry who stopped him, but Ender who had just sent Kenlo away. , judging from his expression, he seems to have recognized his identity.

"Did you tell him my identity?" Looking at the hesitant Berry, Rhode asked slowly, it seemed that the head of the business group had leaked a secret that should not have been revealed.

Berry shook his head: "He has always known your identity. The Qizhen Merchant Group will go to Sao City to conduct transactions. It was initially done under his advice. You don't have to worry about him revealing your identity."

Hearing what Berry said, Rhodes was stunned for a moment, and then he seriously looked at Ender in front of him. As Berry's father, he looked unremarkable on the outside. Only the monocle on his face could Explain his identity as an appraiser. Through the lens, you can see the shrewd light flashing in his eyes.

"I have followed the news of many young heroes, including you, Lord Lord. Since you rescued your sister from the Chamber of Commerce in the City of Lamentation, your name has left a deep impression on me. Unexpectedly, along the way, you became a powerful lord, and I was rescued by you. If no one came to rescue, we may never be able to leave the space in the ring and be trapped there..."

As if thinking of something, Ender showed a lingering look, and Rhode also followed his words and remembered what happened a long time ago: "At that time, I was just a fourth-order necromancer, that can also Does it catch your attention?"

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Ender smiled: "Coincidentally, in that auction, one of my apprentices was responsible for identifying the treasures. He was full of praise for your ghost dragon, saying that he had never seen such a powerful undead creature. I And write down your name."

Rhode nodded, unexpectedly when Ender began to pay attention to himself, and he had to go back to that period. At that time, Rhode tried his best to rescue Rowling, the hero sold by the real Elliot, from the business group. In retrospect, Rhodes was also somewhat emotional: "You said you followed a lot of heroes? Do you plan to sell their information, like the Thieves Guild?"

Heroes can be made into death knights. For Rhodes, the more death knights he has, the better. The undead army also needs new generals. Rhodes is very interested in the heroic message from Ender.

Ender corrected the mistake in Rhodes' words: "The ones that attract my are those young heroes. As for other older heroes, they are not in my consideration."

"Is there any difference?" Rhode shrugged. For death knights, this has no effect at all. On the contrary, those aged heroes have rich combat experience, and with higher ranks, they are better than younger ones. Heroes are better.

"I think there are still some differences." Ender smiled, then glanced at Berry, "My daughter is not young, and a long time ago, I began to learn from those young heroes and nobles, for She chooses the right marriage partner. I wanted to marry her to General Kendall's son, but unfortunately that man was caught by the necromancer, and I heard that he was instructed by you and the lich."

Rhodes recalled that it seemed that there was such a thing. On the side, Berry seemed to have heard something, and his face under the veil seemed to be a little flushed, and he said in a panic: "Father, what are you talking about?"

Ender shook his head: "You understand what I'm talking about. I'm an appraiser and a businessman, and you have inherited the position of the head of the business group, so you should know more about your own value."

Listening to their story, Rhodes was slightly taken aback, and things seemed to be developing in a strange direction.

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