Invincible Hero of Necromancer

Chapter 2402: Shadowgate

Remember [New] for a second,! "etc……"

Just as Rhodes and Ender were talking, an untimely voice interrupted the conversation of several people.

When Inavin's words reached Rhodes' ears, he showed a somewhat puzzled look and asked, "I heard you say so much, but there is still one doubt, who is Rhodes?"

On the side, Berry couldn't help but stretch out his hand to support his forehead, and the corner of the swordsman's mouth twitched, and said, "You don't have to worry about this, you just need to know that I will protect your life."

Following the conversation of several people, the pale golden portal opened quickly under the guidance of the advanced space ring. Ender greeted the others, and under his reluctant gaze, sent them into an absolutely safe and independent space.

Inavin, who still didn't understand what happened, also entered with those people under Rhode's signal. If Rhode wants to maintain the effect of becoming the King of Mercenaries, he must ensure that the quest issuer, that is, Inavin, will not die due to any circumstances. The space in the ring can undoubtedly ensure this.

After putting away the ring and the space gem connected to it, Rhode put his attention on the few people left beside him. At this moment, he seemed to have discovered something, and he couldn't help turning his body sideways.

"Lord Rhodes..."

Ender's words were just halfway through, but Rhodes interrupted him: "Someone is coming."

Berry was slightly taken aback by Rhodes' prompt. This was the evacuation location she had chosen in advance. The news was very secret, and it should be impossible for anyone else to know about it.

"This is one of the hiding places left by the Qizhen business group in advance. Any traces that can prove that someone has come must be reported as soon as possible."

A powerful voice reached Rhodes' ears. Rhodes felt a little familiar with this voice, as if he had heard that voice not long ago.

Looking at the reputation, Rhode found a mercenary with a scar on his face. There were some people beside him. If Rhode remembered correctly, that person was the shadow who was defeated by him in the mercenary assessment. One of the members of the mercenary group.

Aware of the sense of peeping from a distance, the man suddenly felt his heart tighten, stopped for the first time, and found Rhodes and his party who were staying in the distance.

"Brother, we found those people..." Beside him, a slightly emaciated mercenary with injuries immediately reported.

"It's up to you to say that?" After hearing the report from his subordinates, the Scar Mercenary couldn't help but glared at him, and then he stared at the swordsmen in the distance again.

"Are you looking for us?" After seeing a few people in the distance, the swordsman stepped forward and asked slowly, releasing a suffocating pressure invisibly.

In the face of the terrible pressure released by the swordsman, the Scar Mercenary was almost out of breath, and hurriedly explained: "Lord Elote, we are all defeated by your subordinates, how dare you come to trouble you again? Let's come here, It's because someone wants to see you."

Rhodes looked interested. The people in front of him were not pure mercenaries. They belonged to the status of mercenaries, more like a disguise for them. The members of the Thieves Guild will not show their identities with great fanfare, so doing so is no different from courting death. Thieves and robbers are a cover for their identities, including the mercenaries in front of them.

"I'm here now, who on earth wants to see me?" Rhode asked slowly.

"I can't reveal that person's information, please go there yourself, maybe that way you can figure it out." Saying that, the Scar mercenary tore a magic scroll, a pitch-black portal, in his appear before.

"That's... the Gate of Shadows?" On the side, Ender seemed to have discovered something, and suddenly showed a vigilant look, "I have heard rumors of the Gate of Shadows, that kind of portal leads to the shadow position that is full of crises. Face, they have no good intentions."

With his extraordinary knowledge, Ender immediately recognized the uniqueness of the portal in front of him, and hurriedly reminded Rhodes.

Rhode did not take this to heart. No matter how wise Ender was, he would not have guessed his relationship with the Thieves Guild. For Rhode, the opposite of the portal was not a dangerous place, but a Absolutely safe place.

"Let's go." Rhodes said lightly without explaining anything.

Ender was slightly taken aback, but considering the current situation, he reluctantly approached the shadow portal.

"Wait... They can't go there, the only person that person is looking for is you." On the side, the scarred mercenary seemed to have found something, and hurriedly reminded.

"I'll make it clear to that person. Or are you trying to stop me?"

From the swordsman, feeling the pressure that was almost condensed into substance, the Scar Mercenary did not dare to say anything, and finally made way for a few people to pass smoothly.

Passing through the pitch-black portal, the nearby light dimmed, only barely able to see, and they arrived at the distant shadow plane.

It was not until the portal was completely closed and Rhodes confirmed that no one was following behind him, and then he raised his hand to open a bright golden portal.

"You go back to Sau City first, this is not the place you should come."

Although the members of the Shadow Mercenary Group are all affiliated to the Thieves Guild, Rhodes can't guarantee that they will not leak the information. For this reason, he specially waited until he came to the Shadow Plane before opening the door to another dimension~www.wuxiaspot .com~ Send the two back to Sau City.

Ender didn't want to stay in the dangerous shadow plane, even the city of Sao, which was ruled by necromancers, was much better than here. He hurriedly entered the portal, and Berry glanced at Rhodes and opened his mouth, as if He wanted to say something, but in the end he didn't say a word and disappeared into the portal.

After sending the two away, Rhode finished casting spells, and at this moment, a familiar voice reached his ears: "It seems that you had a good time in Erathia, what should I call you,' Ai Luo special'?"

The darkness wrapped around Rhodes' body, and the familiar words were also passed from the source of darkness. In this deep darkness, Rhodes finally opened his long silent scarlet eyes.

Sally's figure appeared in his eyes. Perhaps because she was always shrouded in darkness, Sally's dress was very casual, just a simple black dress, but it also showed her tight figure.

"Are you looking for me?" When the leader of the thieves appeared, Rhode asked unsurprisingly. His whereabouts in Erathia were noticed by Marion in the Shadow Mercenary Group from the beginning, and naturally he couldn't hide it from Sally. , that unique magic hand crossbow was given to him by Sally.

"I haven't seen you for a long time, I miss you a little bit, and I also prepared a gift for you." Sally said with a smile.

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