Invincible Hero of Necromancer

Chapter 2407: warm heart

Remember [New] for a second,! "Thank you very much, Inota, you let me see this scene with my own eyes, solved a doubt in my heart, and let me put down some... concerns."

Looking at Ann who became a real dragon with the help of Inota, Rhode lowered his tone and said slowly.

"Really?" On the side, the purple-haired girl showed a surprised look, and before Rhode could react, she plunged into Rhode's arms, "Actually... I also let go of some concerns. Looking at Ann's current appearance ,I feel extremely happy!"

"That's fine." Listening to Inota's words, Rhode exhaled, reached out and patted her behind, "Without those worries, I can finally let go of everything before and do what I should do. "

Speaking, Rhode's eyes became sharp, and now, he finally solved the doubts about human blood. There is a guy as old as the holy female dragon, that person is the source of all human beings, and the characteristics of human blood come from that person. The dragon's blood characteristic that exists in An's body is proof of this.

If that's the case, the man is now staying in the holy city of Erathia. According to ancient legends circulating in Erathia, only one person fits this status. After vaguely guessing who that person is, Rhodes can't rashly destroy the blood of people. The strength of that person is still higher than that of the elemental monarch. Even if he can find him, it doesn't make any sense. Instead, he will bury his life in his hands. It's Bracada's battle, now imminent.

Hearing this, Inota nodded with satisfaction, and couldn't help but hug Rhode tighter: "I am very happy to hear you say that."

"I believe our concerns are the same! Can you tell me, what concerns have you put down?" After releasing Rhodes, Inota asked expectantly.

"...You should talk first." From Inota's eyes, Rhodes suddenly felt something was wrong, and then pushed aside.

Inota didn't suspect it, she opened her eyes wide, twisted her body and said, "That's it... When I hatch eggs in the future, I don't have to worry about hatching that kind of strange baby... Even if they have a little Strange, I can also use this power to replenish their blood vessels and restore their bodies to normal."

Listening and listening, Rhode felt more and more wrong. Why did the topic suddenly turn to hatching eggs? Aren't they talking about human blood?

Seeing Inota's happy appearance, Rhode couldn't help but slap his forehead. She and she were not thinking of the same thing at all. Her concerns were actually on the hatchling of the deformed young dragon. Only when dragon blood is mixed with the blood of other creatures will a deformed sub-dragon species be born, and the baby she hatches means...

Shaking his head, Rhode quickly came to his senses, but he didn't expect his thoughts to be deviated by Inota. Is this the power of the holy female dragon? What a terrifying ability.

"Rod, is this your concern too?"

Listening to Inota's happy inquiry, Rhode wanted to deny it, but he touched his nose subconsciously: "Of course... that's it. I'm glad that you are no longer bound by your bloodline and can hatch a healthy... baby. ."

Inota approached Rhodes, and her warm breath was imprinted on Rhodes's face: "You said just now that you are going to do what you should do, what is that?"

Conquer Bracada and trample the Mage Empire under your feet.

Rhode wanted to answer like this, but he couldn't say it. This was an inappropriate answer. Intuition told him that if he said that, something terrible would happen. Is that also the power of the holy female dragon?

"I mean... see An? Yes, I mean, An has just replenished her bloodline, she must be full of doubts about her current body, she doesn't know how to control the body belonging to the dragon, you can Go and teach her how to become a dragon. Not only that, after the bloodline is replenished, she can also use the secret method that belongs to the dragon. You can teach her the secret method of transformation, and maybe we can see the human form of Ann, to her It is also a good thing.”

Aware of Ann on the side, Rhodes reacted immediately, and then gave a more suitable reason.

Inota showed an expression of sudden realization, and hurriedly looked at An who was on the side. At this time, she was flapping her dragon wings, but unfortunately she couldn't fly, and knocked down a lot of furniture in the room.

As Rhodes said, Ann really needs careful teaching to understand everything that belongs to the dragon, flight, dragon breath, and more importantly, prey, hunt, and tear the enemy.

"Oh, Rhodes, you are so considerate." Inota's face was a bit flushed, and she looked at Rhodes with more joy, and seemed to be very satisfied with Rhodes' answer.

The corner of Rhode's mouth twitched, and he didn't know how the Bracada Mage, who was about to be conquered, would feel when he heard this evaluation.

"Teach Ann here first, I still have some things to do. I need to go to the magician in the city. I have a task to give them..." As if thinking of something, Rhode said slowly, and then Prepare to say goodbye.

There is one thing that has troubled Rhodes for a long time. Rhodes experienced the inconvenience during Erathia's mission. He hoped that the magician in the city could help him solve the problem.

Just as Rhodes turned to leave, his back was suddenly held back by Looking down, I saw Inota stretched out his hands and wrapped himself around him.

"Don't go, stay with me." Inota's request reached Rhodes' ears, "There is nothing that can hinder us... Even if it is a different bloodline, it is no longer an obstacle."

Rhodes took her hand and turned around to look at her slightly shy face. After waking up from a long slumber and resolving her long-term worries, she could no longer suppress the fiery feelings in her heart.

"I've always been worried that something bad will happen to me after seeing those Yalongs from the Ice Prison and drawing the card of Messika..." Inota's tone fell, fortunately, Rhode in front of him , seems to give her some kind of courage, "But now, when I know that I have the ability to change this, I am really happy. There will be no deformed babies, just me and you..."

From her, Rhodes felt a burst of warmth, and finally stopped.

Under the guidance of the bloodline of the holy female dragon, An staggered and flew out of the room with a puzzled look on her face. She didn't know how she left, as if it was an instinctive guidance. It seems to be the same as the experience when the blood was restored before.

Recalling the feeling of flying, she slowly flapped her wings, finally got off the ground, stabilized her figure in the air, and flew away.

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