Invincible Hero of Necromancer

Chapter 2411: Hex Transformation

Remember [New] for a second,! "Lord Rhodes, no matter what you need, as your loyal subordinate, I will definitely fulfill your wishes."

After putting away the Eternal Magic Eye, Margaret said sincerely.

Rhode nodded: "Have you seen my eyes? This is the scarlet eye that belongs to vampires, but now, I need a way to keep my sight while suppressing the ability of the scarlet eye."

Margaret nodded and looked at the pair of eyes with scarlet rays of light. She knew the effect of these eyes. Long ago, it was the eyes that she put on Rhodes herself, and she It also became the first target of Scarlet Eye, and became a vampire loyal to Rhodes: "Please wait a moment, Lord Rhodes, I will pass on your needs to Alama."

The ability of the Scarlet Eye is powerful, but it also brings some negative effects to Rhodes, making Rhodes unable to open his eyes at will.

In the mercenary camp before, Rhode closed his eyes for a long time because of his body, which made Marion discover the abnormality and guess his identity. Not long ago, when Inota replenished the blood in An's body, Rhodes couldn't open his eyes. He could only use the farsighted pendant instead of his own eyes, so that he could see what was happening in front of him.

Now, Rhodes seems to understand why the former hero Degal would give up the power of the Scarlet Eye. It is like a double-edged sword. A little carelessness will affect other people around him.

Maybe the former Rhodes didn't care about this, but now, his thoughts have changed. He wants to open his eyes and see the appearance of the people around him, instead of using floating magic eyes or farsighted pendants Observing all this, he needs to find a way to suppress the ability of the Scarlet Eye.

Fortunately, under Rhodes, there are the world's top xenogeneic masters, and Alama, who has reached the pinnacle of body transformation, will definitely be able to find a solution.

Soon, under the leadership of Margaret, Alama came to Rhodes from another quiet room: "I heard your needs, Lord Rhodes. If you don't destroy the ability of the Scarlet Eye As a premise, I have here a few alternatives to offer."

Rhode's expression was lifted, and he didn't expect that Alama came up with a solution to the problem. As expected of a well-known sorcerer in the underground world: "Tell me."

Alama nodded, then said: "The easiest way is to add a few ordinary eyes to your body, you can freely choose their positions, whether they are side by side with the current eyes, or any other position. "

Rhode's mouth twitched, that was not the solution he hoped for: "Let's do another way, I prefer a pair of eyes."

"I understand, it's better to add a pupil to one eye. The original pupil can use the ability of the scarlet eye, and the other pupil is used to see things?" Alama suggested again.

Rhodes showed a helpless expression, as if this was not much different from the previous method, and it did not necessarily guarantee that the Scarlet Eye would completely fail: "Is there another method?"

Alama pondered for a while, he carefully looked at Rhode's scarlet eye, the level of the legendary rank, so that he was not afraid of the stare of the scarlet eye, and soon, he had a new idea: "Lord Rhodes, scarlet Does the ability of the eye of the eye have to look directly at the target to take effect? ​​In other words, when the line of sight passes through the mirror surface, or the refraction of the water surface, it cannot take effect on the object it sees."

Rhode nodded, and Alama, who confirmed this, also found a suitable method: "I once found a lizard in the swamp, and under their eyelids, there is a unique protective film, which is used for Prevent eye damage without affecting your sight. Some cold-blooded lizardmen also inherited this ability, I think this is the method you need."

Hearing this, Rhode also showed an interested look, which sounded much more reliable than the previous two methods, but when he was about to ask, he heard Alama continue: "Since you may still need Scarlet Eyes Strength, I will improve the protective film into the form of the eyelid, which you can open and close on your own."

"Very good." After hearing what Alama said, Rhode finally felt relieved. He finally didn't have to worry about the accident caused by the scarlet eye, and at the same time he could retain this powerful power. After feeling the power of Inota to replenish his bloodline before, Rhode couldn't help but open his eyes several times. Fortunately, he finally held back. After the transformation of the sorcery, he finally didn't have to worry about this.

"Do you need any more materials?"

"Lord Rhodes, you can rest assured that Margaret has all the magic materials related to eyes." Allama said confidently, and did not need anything from Rhodes.

Rhodes nodded. Before starting the magic transformation, he had one more thing to do.

From the space ring, he took out the blood-suppressing potion. Rhode drank the potion in one gulp, and bursts of heat began to spread in his body. The blood seemed to boil, and it calmed down after a while.

With the help of the potion, the human blood characteristic of Rhodes was completely eliminated. After having a way to deal with Moriel, Rhode no longer needs human blood to help him fight against the magic ritual. On the contrary, the existence of this characteristic will prevent him from performing any magic Although This ability has not been eliminated from the source of human blood, but after Inota's inadvertent reminder, Rhodes has faintly noticed the truth of human blood. Under the blood resonance of the Scarlet Mage, Rhodes seems to I felt an extraordinary presence.

"Lord Rhodes, that bloodline ability on your body is." Just as Rhodes drank the potion, Alama seemed to have discovered something, and his eyes showed shock.

"You mean human blood?" Rhode glanced at him, and what caught the sorcerer's attention was the characteristics of human blood, "Is there any problem?"

"This bloodline ability is impossible." Alama's expression was a little more frightened, and his tone trembled. After a while, Rhode's bloodline breath completely disappeared, and he slowly calmed down, "Why? Is there such a human bloodline? Shouldn't the human bloodline be the most mediocre? But this characteristic is not the case, is that really the human bloodline?"

Seeing Alama for a long time, he didn't see any problem, just kept talking about the abnormality in his bloodline, and Rhode finally couldn't help but said: "Okay, what I care more about is, how long do you need to prepare before you can start the magic transformation?"

After being reminded by Rhodes, Alama woke up like a dream and said, "Lord Rhodes, if you have nothing else to do, please come with me, and we will start the magic transformation now."

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