Invincible Hero of Necromancer

Chapter 2414: Legion Mission

Remember [New] for a second,! "Sad human, your life will be completely deprived of me."

In the human village that turned into a sea of ​​flames, the great demon Glago showed a hideous smile.

For this moment, he has endured for a long time. From the moment he stepped through the gate of the devil, he has been coveting everything in the surface world. Now, he can finally get what he wants, let the flames burning forever in the depths of hell, Completely engulf this village.

The corpses piled up at his feet. Those Erathians who didn't know whether to live or die even had the courage to resist, but unfortunately, in the face of the mighty power of the Great Demon, everything was in vain.

Glago looked up, and soon felt the humans in hiding, who were trying to escape death, and he would shatter the delusions of those humans.

Soon, Glago slammed open the closed church door. He listened to the melodious human screams and cut open the bodies of each human with a huge scythe.

"Demon, you will be punished by God!"

The grief-stricken priest let out a painful cry, just condensed the spiritual ball, and the next second, in Glago's disdainful sneer, his head was cut off by a giant sickle.

"Your **** can't save you." Glago pulled his corpse aside, and then turned his attention to the object he was protecting, which were the few children in the human village, and the corners of his mouth curled into an arc. , "So, who wants to be the first to be eaten by me?"

Hearing the child's heart-piercing screams, Glago felt extremely invigorated, and his whole heart contracted tightly, as if he had seen a wonderful moment coming.

When Glago seemed to feel that something was wrong, he lowered his head and saw that the blade had cut open his chest, and his heart was being held tightly by a hand.

With a puff, his heart was crushed, and the man just seemed to have done something trivial.


The man said lightly, and then disappeared with Glago's body, leaving the children in the church staring blankly at this scene.

"Did the great **** save us?" a girl asked uncertainly.

"It must be like this!" The slightly older boy stood up, with a faint tendency to become the backbone of everyone. He lay in front of the priest's corpse and said a little sadly, "Priest Ren, you can rest assured."

In a faraway place, Glago, who was taken away, was still in a state of being covered in a circle, and the pain had subsided from him. Besides him, there were dozens of great demons here. He could even see To the confidant of General Selron: "Who can tell me what happened?"

"Don't you know? The master brought us here. Carefully perceive, in your mind, there is a message left by the master." Said Selron's cronie, the great demon covered in flames.

Glago lowered his head suspiciously, and soon, as the information in his mind gradually emerged, his face became wonderful: "I'm already dead? Now it's just an undead creature? This is impossible"


A burst of powerful words interrupted Glago's thoughts, and the noise in the vicinity gradually subsided. Looking at the reputation, he saw a small Erathian man. He held his saber in front of him, and the bright red cloak behind him slowly floated. His body was much lower than that of the big demon, and his strength was far inferior. In terms of the momentum displayed, it can overwhelm other demons.

"I believe you have understood the current situation. I am the commander of the Undead Legion. You can call me General Farezer."

In the eyes of the great demons, fearful, or contradictory, his eyes swept across the audience, and all the great demons who looked at him could feel the impressive power: "You are now a member of the legion. , all obey my dispatch. Besides, you are the property of my Lord Rhodes, your soul belongs to him, and even death cannot take you away from him."

With the commander's words, Glago only felt that his thoughts were different, an invisible force that changed the concept in his heart. Suddenly, the message in the mental imprint reappeared in Glago's mind. The object that crushed his heart and awakened him from death was the master he would always be loyal to. When it comes to the master, he can't feel any resentment for being killed, and some are just endless piety.

"Go to hell, human!" A great demon roared angrily, and his words were exchanged for the unkind gazes of other nearby demons, "Wait, did I say something wrong?"

The next moment, as the sickle swept away, his legs were cut off, and the great demon with a more distant bloodline directly suppressed his ability to cast flames.

"It seems that the master forgot to apply the ability of the dark holy word to you, but it doesn't matter, the succubus in the legion, they will correct your thinking." Fareze said lightly in the pain of the rebellious demon.

After dealing with the big demon, Faarezer looked around the audience again. This time, no other demon dared to look down on him.

"Now there is a task for you. Carl, you lead these great demons to the city of the legacy of the western border of Vernin, and then proceed to the northwest, where the junction of Bracada and Erathia is located. Located in the southern part of Erathia, I want you to cut off the connection between them and create the illusion of a demon invasion. If Erathia is found to have plans to send reinforcements to need to Report as soon as possible." Soon, Farezer called a big demon with a ferocious expression and ordered the entire mission to him.

"Guaranteed to complete the mission, you will not be disappointed, Commander."

Carl took the task without hesitation. Some of the great demons who had heard of Carl's name in **** were surprised. They never thought that this great demon, who was in the name of rebellion in hell, would become like this. obedience.

"General Farezer, I know the location you are talking about. Before I was brought back by the master, it was in the southern area of ​​Erathia. Maybe we can go directly back there and start the whole mission from there." Ge seemed to have thought of something and took the initiative to speak.

"Very good." Fareze nodded approvingly, "I appointed you as the team leader of this team, and now lead the others to South Erathia."

The other big demons nearby put their hands on Glago's body one after another. When the firelight flickered, their figures suddenly disappeared, and there was only a faint smoke in the air.

"Did you miss me?"

Reappearing in the abandoned church in South Erathia, Glago couldn't help showing a hideous smile as he looked at the child who had just survived the disaster and now has a terrified face.

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