Invincible Hero of Necromancer

Chapter 2416: Mage Envoy

Remember [New] for a second,! Under the order of the Magic Guild, the envoy of Basorat crossed the dark green gate of time and space and came to the extreme south of Brakada.

As far as the eye can see, there are continuous glaciers nearby, and the temperature is terrifyingly low. Even if he has already applied fire thaumaturgy to himself, he is still unable to resist the biting cold.

This is not the first time Bassola has come here. In the past, the Magic Guild had arranged special mages to pay attention to every move on the ocean, but those mages, because they could not bear the harsh environment, took the initiative to transfer to They moved to other areas, and even quit the magic guild. Over time, the magic guild gave up the supervision of the glacier, and instead sent snake demons who liked the cold environment to live.

Bassola, who was wearing a thick robe, exhaled a breath of hot air, and the warm air was suddenly engulfed by the cold. With his arrival, a pair of eyes also fell on him, and entrenched on the glacier, there were beautiful snakes and demons that looked unaffected by the cold at all.

"Take me to see your queen." Bassora said slowly, the snake demons saw the mage token on him, and immediately moved out of the way, led by one of the snake demons with slightly green scales, quickly traversing the glacier , Soon, a large snake demon wearing a golden crown appeared in front of him.

"Mage of the Magic Guild, I heard that you have been attacked by other forces. Why did you step into my territory at such a time?" After seeing Basora, the snake demon queen also saw the token on him, Shen Shen voice asked.

"Queen Aggis, I bring greetings from the Magic Guild." Bassola said quickly, as a unique species living on the ice field, the snake demon and Bracada have a close relationship, "The Magic Guild will not even be connected. Those enemies can’t be dealt with, you and your clan can rest assured. I came here this time because I heard that traces of undead creatures were found in the ocean of the extreme south, and the Magic Guild attaches great importance to this.”

Speaking of undead creatures, the snake demon queen also became serious: "It seems that you are here to investigate that matter. I don't know when there have been a large number of undead creatures scattered in the ocean. Those undead creatures are very aggressive, not only that , they can also turn the dead fish into their companions. Because of them, my people have to give up the ocean journey once every few years, and can only stay on the glacier here.”

Following the story of the snake demon queen, Bassora also realized that the situation was not right. She thought that the discovery of undead creatures in the ocean was just an accidental phenomenon, but now it seems that it is not so simple.

Bassola has heard rumors about necromancers. It is said that a few years ago, a necromancer who was in charge of an artifact appeared and brought deep disasters to Erathia and Eri. Due to the distance from Diya, Da was not affected. But recently, the necromancer has become active again, and even dared to openly provoke the Magic Guild, taking away the heroic remains sealed by the Magic Guild in person.

As a high-level mage, no one understands the horrors of the magic guild better than Bassola. In his opinion, the behavior of the necromancer is no different from courting death. If it weren't for the end of the world, the legendary mages couldn't take it for a while, and the magic guild of Bracada would definitely leave that person one. Painful lesson.

"Bring up the samples we caught!"

Just as Bassora was thinking, along with the reprimand of the snake demon queen, several robust snake demons carried up the packed samples one by one.

What appeared in front of Basora's eyes was a strange-looking sea undead. He saw that the entire gill was torn in half, the dry fish bubble was squeezed out, the undead salmon with bloodshot eyes, the undead sea snake that had three heads chopped off and was still twisting, and the dark purple undead starfish.

Looking carefully at these undead creatures, Bassora's expression changed very quickly. If his feelings were correct, these undead creatures in front of him had a minimum level of five or more. For a salmon or a starfish, this It is a level that they can never reach in their lifetime.

"My clansmen have paid a heavy price in order to capture the samples you saw, and the Magic Guild should compensate us for our losses." On the side, the snake demon queen didn't think too much, trying to bring the topic to compensation.

"You are a six-armed snake demon, and the ocean can't stop your movements. Can't even those undead creatures be dealt with?" Bassola seemed to have thought of something, and hurriedly asked.

The snake demon queen shook her head: "You don't know how powerful they are. Those undead creatures gather in large numbers, and they can spit out a burst of dark blisters. Any snake demon that comes into contact with the blisters will quickly fester, even if they return to the shore. It's hard to recover, in order to catch what you see in front of your eyes, the loss we have paid is beyond your imagination."

"Blisters? No, it's not a blister." Following Queen Aggis's remarks, Bassora finally realized what was wrong and could not help shrinking her pupils, "If I guessed correctly, it should be the cloud of death, the entire On the mainland, there is only one necromancer who has the ability to turn fish into a corpse witch that breathes clouds of death..."

In the end, Bassora's heart sank completely. The appearance of the ocean corpse witch was like a unique signal, which made it difficult for him to calm down. He originally thought that this visit to the snake demon's was just an ordinary inquiry, but unexpectedly, he made a surprising discovery.

What Bassora didn't expect was that the necromancer stretched his hand into the ocean. These unique-looking ocean undead revealed what he had done in the ocean. At this time, he actually let many marine undead, with the ocean as the boundary, completely surround the extreme southern region of Brakada, and cut off the connection between the snake demons and the far sea. Is he planning something unknown? ?

The more he thinks about the worst outcome, the more Bassora breaks into a cold sweat. He must quickly report the situation here to the Magic Guild, hoping that a Legendary Mage will come forward to deal with this matter.

"Something is bad, Queen!"

At this moment, accompanied by a slightly crying voice, the dark blue-scaled snake demon who had led the way before appeared in front of Basora again, with an unconcealed panic in his expression.

"What happened? Don't worry... worry..."

Bassola glanced at her, and just halfway through her words, she suddenly froze.

From the corner of his eye, he saw a monstrous wave that was rolling towards the glacier where the snake demon inhabited. Even the sun was blocked by the wave, and only the darkest shadows covered it.

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