Invincible Hero of Necromancer

Chapter 2419: bloodline

Remember [New] for a second,! "Bracada..."

From above Inota's back, overlooking the ice field that was about to be submerged below, Rhode said slowly.

In his previous life, he was only a member of Bracada, and he never thought that there would be this moment when he would use his supreme power to completely conquer this snowy area.

Aside, Rowling heard the words in his mouth, knowing what he was thinking about in his heart, and couldn't help but glance at him.

At this moment, a loud dragon roar interrupted everyone's thoughts.

"Don't look at me, I don't think I'm hungry now, that's not the sound I made." Inota said first.

"I can hear it." Rhode nodded, then turned slightly sideways, and turned his eyes to the direction of the sound, where a group of giant dragons were attacking with their teeth and claws.

"Damn Rhodes, how dare you offend the great Moriel! Under the order of the Dragon King Moriel, my general Lacante will tear your body to shreds!" The golden dragon let out a loud roar.

"Dragon... It's just right, let you see and see, it belongs to the power of the ball of destruction."

Seeing the group of giant dragons attacking, Rhodes not only did not have any panic, but his eyes lit up, as if he saw something long-awaited happening.

The current Rhode's strength is different from the past. Maybe he used to have no way to face those giant dragons that can resist magic. The dragon blasted away far away without causing any damage, but with the blessing of the Orb of Destruction, everything was different.

After destroying the dragon's anti-magic ability with the ball of destruction, the damage of a single mirror self-destruction is enough to easily destroy a giant dragon and overflow thousands of points, but the cost is only 20 mana points used to condense the mirror image, in the recovery of the magic source. Below, this consumption can be completely ignored.

No Mage can compete with Rhodes in continuous spell combat or short-term spell bursts. When Rhodes's two abilities have all come to the extreme, he has already stood at the apex of a group of mages, and perhaps the same is true of the former **** of mages.

As the black light shone, those giant dragons suddenly felt cold all over, as if they had lost some important shelter, and Rhode also condensed a mirror image, ready to let it explode, but when he heard a sound.

"Wait, I can feel that those giant dragons have received orders from Moriel's bloodline. Maybe I have a way to lift their orders and bring them back to their senses."

Listening to Inota's words, Rhodes stopped, stopped the self-destruction of the mirror image, and thought about it and said, "Let's try it."

Rhode was a little curious about the power of the holy female dragon inherited by Inota, a power he had never seen before. The ability that should belong to the hero Moriel has now come to Inota. Rhode does not know whether she can use that unique power. The giant dragons in front of her just gave her a chance to practice her hands.

After receiving Rhode's permission, Inota nodded happily, and then looked at the Golden Dragon general not far away.

"Obviously give up your resistance! And that fairy dragon, quickly surrender to the Dragon King Moriel, this is your destination..." Golden Dragon Lacante's words were just normal, but suddenly he felt his whole body tighten.

At this moment, he saw the fairy dragon staring into his eyes. What kind of dragon eyes are they? Lacante didn't know how to describe it. When he was stared at by the pair of dragon pupils, Lacante felt trembling all over, and the dragon blood flowing in his body was cheering at this moment.

From the fairy dragon, Lacante felt a familiar feeling, just like the feeling that his mother, the Golden Dragon Queen of the Green Crown, left him in his memory.

At this moment, the bloodline restraint that Moriel had placed on him no longer existed, replaced by an unusual sense of warmth. When Lacante's consciousness was detached from the warmth that enveloped him, he only felt that his eyes were wet.

"Mother..." Golden Dragon Lacante murmured a title that appeared in his mind, followed by endless sadness.

"How are we here? Who can tell me what happened during this time?"

"Have you forgotten? All this is the ghost of that Morrel! She used her bloodline command ability to enslave us all and let us do things under her hands. She is simply a scum among the dragons!"

Lacante hadn't said anything yet. The subordinates who were originally led by him also got rid of Moriel's bloodline orders at this moment, and recalling what happened during this time, he couldn't help but yell at the big red dragon.

"Damn, my baby is about to hatch. If I'm not around when the eggshell cracks, my baby will treat the other creatures that he sees as his mother, and you'll have to settle accounts with Moriel for me! "A green dragon said angrily, and then he planned to spread his wings and leave.

"Who knows how to get to the Elemental Plane of Qi? I heard that there is also the Land of Dragons there. I really want to go there and see." Another poisonous dragon asked around.

"You all wait first!"

At this moment, accompanied by a loud dragon roar, the golden dragon general Lacante took the initiative to speak at this time, and the bloodline was purer than ordinary dragons, which also caused other dragons to stop making noise involuntarily and put their sights on it. on him.

"I believe that everyone, like me, was under the control of Morrill's bloodline before this, and there was no way to escape. Until this moment, we were able to get rid of the Thanks to this The help of one of our mates."

With that said, Lacante turned his gaze to the side, and following his movements, the other giant dragons also looked away, looking at the fairy dragon not far away.

"It's so tiring, the power of the holy female dragon is really a big drain on himself." Inota turned his head and looked at Rhodes behind him, and said weakly, just at this moment, Rhodes' feet There was a cooing sound.

Inota laughed: "This time it's my voice, Rhodes, give me some magic eyes to replenish energy."

"Can the magic eye replenish energy? Why didn't I know it had this effect?" Rhode scratched his head and asked strangely. At the same time, several unique magic eyes also appeared in his hands. It is a more elastic magic eye after Margaret's transformation.

He threw the magic eye in his hand, Inota turned her slender neck and swallowed the magic eye in one gulp. At this moment, she seemed to see the movements of other giant dragons, so she couldn't help but turn her body, and a group of giant dragons He stared at her with such wide eyes.

Chapter 2419 Bloodline Command


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