Invincible Hero of Necromancer

Chapter 2427: wave ablation

With the withdrawal of Deken and his party, it also announced the complete loss of the Red Crystal Magic Academy.

Since he had sensed the approach of the huge wave in advance, Deken had already ordered the evacuation of other personnel. With the help of space magic, the evacuation of the people in the academy was extremely convenient. This is why Deken adopted the retreat strategy without any worries. Even if it is captured by Rhodes and his party, this is just an empty city, not to mention the coming huge waves, which will completely destroy everything that remains in the academy.

Standing in front of the Transcendence Teleportation Monument, the methods used by the mages to disintegrate the giant waves failed after all, and Rhode secretly sighed that the mages in the academy had already used space technology to this extent.

"Rod, do you have a way to disperse that huge wave?" At this moment, Sally's voice reached Rod's ears.

"Why do you do this?" Rhodes asked in confusion.

"Those mages have left. The academy here should have their research records. As the base camp of the hero Durken, I believe that the research results here must be more complete than the thieves' guild's efforts to imitate." Sally came to Beside Rhodes, there was a bit of fiery in his eyes looking at him.

Rhode turned slightly, looked at the huge wave, shook his head and said: "That is the power of the elemental monarch. Once triggered, it is beyond the control of others. If it is so easy to resolve, the water element plane The island will not be completely submerged.”

As Rhode said, in the past, he also relied on the power of the water spirit ball to barely preserve the island. The power of the elemental monarch is not so easy to deal with. Even a legendary mage is not easy to deal with before the huge waves. Appears very small.

Sally approached Rhodes and sighed slightly: "That's such a pity, those mages are sure that either they will win, or the academy will be completely destroyed by the huge waves, plus the incident happened so suddenly that it's too late to destroy the experimental records, I thought This time, there will be a great harvest.”

Rhodes pondered for a while: "But... maybe there is really a way."

Speaking, Rhodes put his sights on the Transcendence Teleportation Monument where Deken and his party were before. Those mages were planning to use the Transcendence Teleportation Monument to resolve the power belonging to the elemental monarch.

For the use of space spells, those magic mages always make Rhodes feel unexpected, including the gate of different dimensions used by Deken to transfer damage.

Following Rhode's line of sight, Sally also realized what he was thinking, and her eyes lit up immediately, and she hugged Rhode excitedly and said, "Great, I knew you must have a way! The teleportation monument left by the mages is to resolve the giant. The best means of wave."

Smelling the fragrance of the thief leader, Rhodes showed a somewhat helpless expression: "I must remind you that Inotar is still on it."

"What are you afraid of? She can't see us again." Sally teased. "Besides, am I afraid? I didn't kill her, for your sake..."

"If you don't want to be my enemy, then don't say such things." Rhodes glanced at her and said slowly, "Also, you are no longer her opponent."

Sally rolled her eyes: "I heard the information, it belongs to the power of the holy female dragon, the dragon king of the underground world, Moriel, is going crazy because of this, it is the power she dreamed of getting. , who knew that the fairy dragon was so lucky and got that unique inheritance. The holy female dragon is indeed a more powerful existence than the legendary creature, but I am not afraid of her, as long as there is a shadow domain, the holy female dragon It can't hurt me either."

Saying that, she reached out and stroked Rhode's face: "You are the only one who can see me, I won't just let you go. You know, take you away..."

Rhode hurriedly interrupted her words: "Okay, I can feel the water droplets splashed by the huge waves. If we don't start to act, the entire Magic Academy will be engulfed by the waves."

Hearing what Rhodes said, Sally just gave up and let Rhodes come to the Transcendence Teleportation Monument to study while she waited.

Rhode stretched out his hand and stroked the surface of the Transcendent Teleportation Monument. Unlike the solid square frame on the outermost layer of the ordinary teleportation monument, the Transcendence Teleportation Monument had a semi-open spherical frame, and inside the frame was a constantly flowing dark blue vortex. .

Thanks to the frame of the Transcendent Teleportation Monument, if an ordinary small teleportation monument intends to teleport a giant creature that is several times larger than the frame, it is necessary to project the internal space vortex, while the Transcendent Teleportation Monument does not need to do so. The semi-open frame makes it infinitely possible to go beyond the accommodating range of the teleportation monument.

Rhode put his hand behind the Transcendent Teleportation Monument, derived from the power of Wisdom and the knowledge of spells he had learned, allowing him to figure out the principle of Transcending Teleportation Monument in a relatively short period of time.

Beyond the space crack inside the teleportation monument is its true core. This is different from the structure of the ordinary teleportation monument, so that the transcendence teleportation monument does not need to be embedded with space gems, and at the same time, there is no need to be afraid of the forbidden magic power of the hero Tanan. The mages originally planned well, and planned to use this method to resolve the rush. The huge waves, but unfortunately all fell into the hands of Rhodes.

Seeing that the huge waves were getting closer and closer, the strong wind blew Rhode's robes, which was many times stronger than the magic of the mage blowing away the clouds of death. The wave flew into the sky before approaching, and Rhode did not wait any longer.

Put your hand on the Transcendence Teleportation Monument. The Transcendence Teleportation Monument, which originally required many magic mages to activate together, can only be activated by Rhode alone. The mana in Rhode's body is running wildly, and even the source of magic cannot make up for this moment. consumption.

This discovery made Rhode's heart tense. Fortunately, Rhode immediately ordered that the magic mages who had died in the battle and were reborn in the death realm came to help one after another. The monument started successfully.

In the dark, the Transcendent Teleportation Monument revealed its true capabilities. The small space crack hidden in the core of the teleportation monument seemed to open its eyes at this moment, revealing the boundless suction force. Affected by this force, the huge waves that swept in began to collapse towards the center.

In the violent sound of the waves, a more terrifying storm swept through, and everyone in front of the teleportation monument was immediately affected. The darkness deprived those magic mages of their vision, and they were weakly involved, even Sally, who was doing her best, Still being dragged by the storm, Rhode reached out and grabbed her, which made her stabilize her figure.

(End of this chapter)

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