Invincible Hero of Necromancer

Chapter 2430: Intelligence spread

"Respected Elf King, I have come to say goodbye to you, Bracada is suffering a terrible catastrophe. I have relinquished all the powers that belonged to the court mage, and may everything in Eri thrive after I leave. "

In the forest palace with rich vegetation, the elf king Arella is accepting the farewell of Elago, one of the leaders of the court mages.

Elago is not the first court mage to resign. Before him, there have been a few court mages who have done so, but as a member of the guardian of the jungle, he is also one of the leaders of the court mage, like Elago. Among the existences of high status, he was the first to take the initiative to say goodbye.

"Are you really going to leave? You can't be missing among Eli's court mages." Arella held his hand and tried her best to retain it.

Elago sighed deeply: "Although I like everything about Eli, I can't let the evil necromancer endanger the land where I grew up. Bracada is my homeland, where I learn and grow. Maybe I'm not as powerful as a true legendary mage, but I can't just watch Brakada get hurt. Don't worry, after I leave, Eliza and Malcam, two more capable leaders than me, will continue Lead the court mages to keep moving forward."

Aware of Elago's determination, the elf king Arella couldn't persuade any more. Eli, the elf kingdom that advocates freedom, would not forcibly interfere with the will of others, so he had to say: "Eri has also been attacked by necromancers. I understand your mood at the moment, there are treasures here, I hope they can help you. When the fighting in Bracada subsides, Eli still welcomes you back."

After Elago took the treasure, he thanked him repeatedly, looked at Arella reluctantly, and the Elf Kingdom where he had lived for many years.

After Elago left, Arella clenched her fists, and while Bracada was facing a catastrophe, why not Ellie? In the face of the impending doomsday, no force can stay out of the way. Elago's departure also caused Eli to lose a general and weakened the power of the jungle guardian.

Even Brakada, which has been prosperous for hundreds of years and whose name is resounding throughout the continent, has now fallen to this point, losing one after another under the offensive of the Necromancer, not to mention Eli who lost the guardian of the dragon.

Arella let out a deep sigh. The current Eli urgently needs a strong guardian like the hero Tularion to protect the entire Eli when the doomsday comes.

"Respected king of elves, why are you frowning?"

Just as Arella sighed, an ethereal female voice brought his thoughts back to reality.

"I saw Elago just now, is he okay now?" Under the green robe, the woman in the pure white shirt looked at Arila diligently, she was the witch Jenny in the tenth seat of the jungle guardian.

"Elago has left. He is going back to Brakada to support the mages there." The Elf King shook his head and glanced at the witch again, "Are you going to leave here and help those mages?"

"The Elf King is joking, I'm not a wizard from Bracada." Jenny shook his head, "It's just that I heard some interesting information from the Thieves Guild, so I came to see it."

Arella showed a puzzled look: "What information?"

Jenny took out a parchment and handed it to Arella. Looking at the records on the parchment, Arella's expression became wonderful, and then she read: "Master Bracada arbitrarily oppresses savage creatures, The Crulod desert has been enslaved for hundreds of years, and it is a sin. In order to get justice for the barbarians of Crulod, the great necromancer Rhodes, the freedom fighters who unite with Crolod, the immortal hero Tanan, Assemble a division of justice, vowing to make Brakada pay the price..."

Seeing this, Arella couldn't take it any longer, and he threw the parchment scroll in his hand on the ground angrily: "Are all the people in the Thieves Guild crazy? They even came up with this kind of information that distorted the facts! They actually put that Rhodes, and those undead creatures called justice."

Jane waved her hand, and the parchment fell into her hands again. After she put it away, she also sighed deeply: "The times have changed, and the wicked who used to commit great crimes are now clothed in the skin of justice. Perhaps the people of the Thieves Guild were coerced by the necromancer and had to pass on this information, but in any case, Brakada did enslave Krulod, and the hero Tanan also existed, but he found it. A good excuse to go to war..."

Arella said urgently: "Does he think these false information can blind other creatures? We all know that it is just a false excuse."

"I'm afraid this wasn't written for Thinking of the contents of the parchment scroll, Jenny's face became solemn, and she quickly figured out the key to the matter. "Whether the necromancer is righteous or not, Naturally, in the hearts of all of us Eri creatures, there is no need for the Thieves Guild to judge, but not those stubborn and pedantic angels. If the banner of justice cannot be held high and the deeds of absolute justice cannot be done, those angels will not be able to help Bracada, and even the Erathians will be prohibited from intervening. "

"How could this be..." Hearing Jenny's analysis, the Elf King became anxious, "Are those angels really so clueless? They don't even understand this?"

"I'm afraid that's the case." Jenny, who had dealt with angels before, said helplessly. She had a deep understanding of the stubbornness of those angels.

"Many of Eli's court mages have gone to Brakada for further education to learn the more esoteric fifth-order magic in the realm of mages. If even Brakada can't resist that necromancer, they will lose the protection of the giant dragon. Elia, how should I deal with it..." Arella's words also revealed a bit of despair.

"You don't have to worry, Elf King, we have the protection of the forest will, as long as all the creatures in the forest work together, we will be able to survive the doomsday safely." Jane comforted.

Even though she knew that Jenny was comforting herself, Arella was still feeling a lot better. When the whole Eli was about to be in danger, he needed exactly this kind of comfort.

Arella took a deep breath. Jenny, the guardian of the jungle, seemed to have anticipated Eli's current situation a long time ago, but she, who was in charge of treating the wounded, had no ability to change all this, which caused Now the reason for all this is also related to Arella's inaction: "I think it's time to think about it, about the frozen sword."

(End of this chapter)

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