Invincible Hero of Necromancer

Chapter 2452: hero memory

69 Net 69, the fastest update of the Undead God of Heroes and Invincibility!   's body smashed the ice surface and sank into the freezing cold lake. In a trance, in front of Tanan's eyes, there were several savages fleeing in a panic.

   One of its female barbarians looked a lot like Yanada, Tanan's sister, but with a different face from Tanan's memory. Her face was softer, without the fortitude of Anada who took care of Tanan alone. From the eyebrows of another male barbarian, Tanan faintly saw his shadow.

   "Father, Mother"

  Ta Nan seemed to recognize those people and muttered, and those people also looked at Tanan with concerned eyes, but the next moment, the mage's lightning struck them hard.

"Do not!"

  Tanan let out a roar, he struggled hard, trying to change the scene in front of him, but when he came back to his senses, he had already floated above the water.

  Tanan has seen such a scene, it was in his dream, it was never as clear as this moment.

Tanan had the most terrifying nightmare. In the dream, he killed all his relatives, subordinates, and even his lover Yara. He also dreamed that the mage destroyed Kru Lord, and all he remembered. People, including himself, died in the mage. After waking up, Tanan was often scared into a cold sweat. Fortunately, it was just a dream.

   However, at this moment, those scenes lingered in front of Tanan's eyes for a long time, as if he had experienced it himself.

  Tears soaked Tanan's eyes. The crying of babies hides their anger that has nowhere to vent, and how should the anger of a hero be vented?

   "You are Tanan? That barbarian who can isolate magic?"

   A strong and majestic voice came from the top of Tanan's head, and the huge giant monster was embracing the twins, looking down at him from top to bottom, like looking at an insignificant bug. From his eyes, Tanan didn't see contempt, but just a contemptuous disregard.

   "Stop talking nonsense with him." The golden-winged sanctified angel walked over from the lake, "Kill him, and we can thwart Rhodes' evil conspiracy."

   "Protect Tanan!"

  The news of the attack on Tanan spread, and the members of the nearby legion rushed forward like crazy, trying to protect this natural hero at all costs.

The big demon Aglan stood in front of Tanan tremblingly and pulled Tanan to the ice surface. Defence, this was a lucky escape.

Looking at Carlette, who was completely killed by the Holy Trial Angel, Agran swallowed his saliva subconsciously, the fear of death filled his heart. , death does not exist for members of the Legion, but at this moment, this fear has returned.

   However, Aglan would not back down because of this, he kept in mind the command that belonged to the commander, even if they all died in battle, the hero Tanan could not be allowed to have an accident.

   "Have the ability."

   Somra will lift up, and the terrifying lightning that should have condensed in his palm has disappeared at this moment. If he could still cast spells, the flood of undead creatures in front of him would not be able to stop a chain lightning.

   Gu Qu

   "Angel, they will be handed over to you."

Andorra raised his sharp blade high, his eyes revealed a touch of enthusiasm, and he recited aloud: "I am the eyes of the blind, I am the feet of the lame, and I am the father of the poor, and now I will cleanse the injustice, cloud The city opened for me!"

   Her sharp blade burst out with dazzling golden light. Even in the forbidden magic domain, this golden light could not be dissolved. It was not the power of magic.

Above the sky, a magnificent golden door loomed. The nearby mage looked at this scene with shocking expressions. They had never seen such a wonderful sight. This is not something that can be measured by magic, it is like a kind of **** trace.

  With the opening of the golden door, countless archangels poured out, overlooking the battlefield by the icy lake. The dull pressure enveloped all the undead creatures on the field.

   "Is this the power of the Erathians?" Behind the guild, Esquill stared blankly at this scene, shocked by the power Erathia showed.

Beside   Esquel, Eli was silent. He wanted to use the power of the magic domain to completely disintegrate the nearby dead undead creatures and make Rhodes lose the possibility of resurrecting them, but now it seems that there is no need for that.

   Those angels have a unique ability that can completely wipe out the creatures that died in them. Used to deal with Rhodes' death field, this ability is more useful than Eli's magic field.

   "Damn the Angel Legion."

  Agran, who was protecting Tanan, seemed to have found something at this moment, so he couldn't help clenching his teeth.

   As early as in hell, Aglan had heard of the prestige of the Angel Legion, and the power of those angels had already penetrated into the hearts of the **** demons.

  Although the master had an advantage in the angels, the angel army at that time could not be compared with the current one. The angel army at that time did not have the power of the incarnation of the gods.

   Feeling the stalwart golden light on the angel's body, Agran's heart tightened. It was a terrifying power that could cut off fate. If they died, don't even think about using the death domain to resurrect.

   " They are coming for you, you must be careful. Later, while they are not paying attention, you secretly lift the ban on the magic field, and I will use the flame to take you to retreat"

   Just when Agran was anxious to explain his thoughts, Tanan's was placed on his shoulders.

   "Get out of the way, you blocked my fight with the mage."

  This chapter is not over, please click to continue reading! Page 1/2 of 2 was pulled aside by Tanan, and Agran was in a hurry: "Tanan! Now is not the time to worry about those contradictions before. The enemy is ready, we should evacuate first, and wait for the master and command. The official's order, even if the other legion members are dead, as long as you are still alive, we are not considered a failure!"

"You are already an undead creature, are you still afraid of death?" Tanan asked Aglan while holding the collar, "You should feel lucky, if you dare to say such a thing in the past, , I will put you to death before fighting the enemy."

   Agland was startled. From Tanan's eyes, he could feel the anger that belonged to the natural hero. Agland had no doubt that if he continued to block Tanan, he would be directly hacked to death. The current Tanan is like a sharp sword that has been sharpened thousands of times, and will cut off all obstacles ahead.

   Looking at Tanan who was moving away from the enemy, Agland stomped his feet, picked up his weapon and chased after him. Even if he died in battle with this hero, it would not be in vain for the trust of his master.

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