Invincible Hero of Necromancer

Chapter 2463: deep into the jungle

The shock gradually slowed down, and the gloomy and huge figure in the dense forest finally disappeared, and the cry did not disturb the deadwood guard, which also made everyone secretly relieved.

It wasn't until there was no movement at all that the mother released her hand covering the baby boy. Due to the urgency of the situation, the mother did not dare to spare a little effort when covering her mouth.

"Rod! Rod!" The mother hurriedly shook the baby boy with worry in her eyes.

On the side, Rowling, who had returned to the past, couldn't help but stretch out her hand to support her forehead. Unexpectedly, Rhodes encountered a life-and-death crisis when he was a baby, and was almost killed by his mother's hands. Who made him make an inappropriate voice?

Compared with baby boys, baby girls are much more well-behaved. Rowling keenly found that she had woken up when she was a baby, but instead of crying like a baby boy, she opened her curious eyes and observed the situation in the forest, as if she was happy to be outside the home. endlessly.

It was confirmed that the baby boy was fine, but his eyes were sluggish, his expression was sluggish, and the saliva kept flowing from the corners of his mouth. Seeing that the blood line on his head was still there, the mother was slightly relieved and was about to move on, but the hunter who came with him retreated. Drums.

"This is already in the territory of Eri, and I don't want to be trampled to death by those treemen... Maybe we can go back to rest and come back another day."

"I heard that those deadwood guards can entangle the enemy with the roots, and then insert the branches into the enemy's body to absorb nutrients. My family is still waiting for me to go back. Sorry, Mrs. Giaam."

Even seasoned hunters would not dare to go deep into the dark forests of Eri at night. Besides the deadwood guards, there is another terrifying creature lurking in the forest, which is amazing archery, good at forests. The guerilla elves, all the enemies they target, can't get out of this dense forest alive, they are like ghosts hidden in the forest, making all outsiders fear.

The mother understood their choice, but there was a chill in her heart. Looking at the blood line pointing forward, the mother didn't want to back down at this moment. After saying goodbye to the other hunters, she walked alone with her two babies.

"Clayton, you must not have any trouble. If something happens to you, my children and I will not live."

With a certain firm belief, an astonishing will arose in Jiam's heart, even the silent dark forest could not stop her footsteps, although she was just an ordinary peasant woman, but at this moment she showed Amazing courage, that is the courage to die.

Listening to her mother's muttering, Rowling's mouth twitched. She didn't expect that even as a child, she would now face a life-and-death crisis. The baby girl in her memory didn't understand what might happen to her, but instead gave a vague expression. laughter.

"Interesting... If this will is stronger, she may become a hero. The woman who can give birth to you and Rhodes is really not ordinary." Messika seemed to have found something, joking aside, Rowling embarrassed He smiled and did not comment on her words.

After walking for a long time, even Rowling, who was always observing the environment, could not identify the direction of the road. She was very worried that her mother would be completely lost in this dense forest. Going deep into the jungle, with or without the blessing of pathfinding, is really no different from looking for death.

The good news is that as the distance gets closer, the blood line on the top of the baby boy's head is completely solid, like a straight red line, looming on the road in the distance, and the end of the red line is where the father is.

Knowing that she and Clayton were getting closer and closer, her mother couldn't help but quicken her steps. The dead branches and thorns that could be seen everywhere in the forest had already ripped her clothes in many places. Her trousers were completely torn, and her calves were covered in blood. , but she walked straight to the end of the blood line as if she couldn't feel it.


Finally, she saw the person she missed. The news that the person was safe and sound was a great joy for her, but there were other creatures besides that person.

"Who's there?" Several long bows with full strings were aimed at her, and the strong killing intent from the field made her unable to move at all.

"No! Please don't hurt them, they are my family..."

Soon, Rowling saw the situation in the field clearly. In front of a big tree with a human face, a shirtless man was kneeling on the ground, begging in a low voice to a group of handsome creatures, his back was full. It was a bloodstain that looked like it had been whipped out by a long whip, and that person was Clayton.

Looking at the overwhelmed peasant woman who came through the jungle, and the baby in her arms, the elves subconsciously moved their bows and arrows away. After reacting, a long brown-haired female elf kicked Clayton down. the ground, angrily rebuked:

"Despicable Do you think that if you let your family come forward, you will be exempted from punishment? If we hadn't found out in time, you almost cut down a tree of wisdom just to satisfy your greed. want!"

Clayton, who was kneeling on the ground, begged bitterly: "No...let me go, I don't know the value of that tree, I still have a family to support, I still have two children..."

Seeing this, the mother also understood what had happened, and knelt on the ground and cried bitterly.

"How could you not know? That filthy chamber of commerce offered a high price..." The female elf wanted to say something, but her words were interrupted by another voice.

"Forget it, Lord Kailin, let them go." Behind Kailin, the big tree with a human face spoke up. His voice was hoarse and low, like an elderly man. Under the face, there are marks of being cut down by sharp blades, "You are the guardian of the jungle, not the evil one who harms others, not to mention, that man has two children. The wounds on his body are enough to treat him The punishment made him dare not step into the jungle for a few years."

Kaelin thought for a moment, and finally looked at the man kneeling on the ground: "For the sake of the tree of wisdom, I will forgive you this time. If you dare to hunt creatures in the forest again, I will definitely not let you go easily."

Clayton, who escaped from death, was overjoyed. After he stood up tremblingly, he ran to the peasant woman who came from afar, and hugged his wife and children tightly. What a good ending.

"It's such a pity." On the side, Messika looked at Kaileen who led the patrol away, and the Creighton family who survived the disaster, and couldn't help but said, "Those elves will never know, they almost , they will kill the evil new stars in the future, thereby changing the history of the entire world, but unfortunately, they will never have the chance to change the past."

(End of this chapter)

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