Invincible Hero of Necromancer

Chapter 2466: Darkness Chencang


After trying hard, Rowling blushed, and a few simple syllables popped out of her throat.

Under the effect of silence, she lost the ability to speak. Being unable to speak, also meant she was unable to use the power of the Dark Holy Word. Even with the blessing of the Prophecy Card, she already has the ability of the Holy Word of Darkness, but she just can't use it.

Behind the black dragon above his head, Jedette looked at this scene proudly, and sneered at Rowling: "You are unlucky, this is the ancient magic I prepared for Rhodes, I didn't expect you to have the power of holy words, but unfortunately in In front of the silence, everything is in vain, let you replace Rhodes first and experience its power!"

Rowling's heart condensed, the enemy had clearly investigated Rhodes' abilities, and knew his methods well, and even the strange magic of silence was already prepared.

The spread of magic is linked to their practicality. The most well-known magic in the world is definitely not the most powerful thunder bomb, but the lowest magic arrow.

The same is to limit the power of the organs, the blindness of both eyes can be said to be more familiar, but the silence is almost lost. Except for rare occasions, silence has no effect at all, and when it does, it often does wonders.

The only thing that reassured Rowling was that she helped Rhodes to discover the ability to keep silent, which also allowed him to take corresponding precautions when encountering the same spell in the future.

Seeing that she couldn't make a sound, Rowling responded calmly and cast an exorcism technique on herself, but the enemy would not give her such a chance, and the flaming dragon breath spit out again.

The few undead creatures left in the city, aware of Rowling's actions, rushed over, trying to block Rowling with her body, and Rowling also took this opportunity to flash and appear in the highest one in the city. At the top of the clock tower.

The exorcism has taken effect, not only dispelling the effect of silence, but also Rowling's flying thaumaturgy, but she didn't care. The moment she resumed her speech, Jadet, a death knight, There is no escape from the grip of the Dark Word.

"Stop those dragons!"

Grabbing the spire on the side, Rowling stepped on half of her foot in the 100-meter-high void. She let out a loud cry, but Jadet seemed to be nothing, just showing a mocking expression.

"how come……"

Rowling was stunned for a moment, the dark holy word actually lost its effect on Jadette, which is simply impossible. There are only two possibilities for the power to fail. One is that Jadet's spiritualism level is higher than that of Rowling. The basis for the effect of the Dark Holy Word is the spiritualism level. However, from Jadet's previous reaction, there is also the status of the underground world. Judging from it, he obviously did not master high-level spiritualism, and another possibility was that he did not hear the words of the dark holy word at all.

In order to resolve the dark holy word, in addition to making Rowling mute, Jadet has another way to deal with it, that is to make himself deaf. No matter how hard the power of the Holy Word is to resist, it cannot be effective against the deaf.

Before there was time to complain, a strong sense of crisis spread in Rowling's heart, and the harpy, who had been lurking at the top of the clock tower, shot out brazenly, sending out a series of breathtaking screams.

The shrill voice of the banshee reverberated continuously in the narrow space of the clock tower. After the huge bell spread, the strong sound wave made Rowling tinnitus, her whole mind fell into dizziness, blood slid down her ears, and she He also fell from the top of the bell tower as if he had lost his strength.

Jedette let out a sneer, wanting to fight a famous sorcerer like him, Rowling still lacks a lot of means. Just when he was about to give the falling Rowling a fatal blow, he suddenly felt that something was wrong.

"Come back soon!"

Seeming to think of something, Jadet shrank his pupils and hurriedly ordered the Chilong who rushed towards Rowling.

After all, Jedette's order was slow for a moment. Just when the Chilong was slightly stunned, the huge golden sword light swept towards it, splitting its body in two in the air, and the precious dragon blood was like raindrops. Generally sprinkle.

On the ground, a figure with a golden blade and a mask covered with bandages appeared in front of Jadette. His body was not thick and looked very thin. , but the heroic will as bright as the stars.

"Is that... a sacrifice ceremony?" Until this moment, Jedette realized the problem. What existed under the hero's feet was a unique magic circle, which even with Jedette's knowledge, could not be penetrated. All the mysteries in it are the highest sacrifice rituals in the past dynasties.

"No, I was fooled..." Jedette clenched his with a grim look on his face, recalling that after Rowling arrived, he used the power of the dark holy word with great fanfare, more just for the sake of To attract her own attention to complete her real arrangement, which is the ritual of sacrifice.

Up to now, there are no undead creatures left in the city, and even the bones that should have been left have died in the top-level magic ritual. Rowling exchanged the lives of those undead creatures and their souls for the splendid heroes of the ancient times.

Looking at the woman who had suffered some minor injuries and had a weak and quiet face, Jedette had to admit that he underestimated her. He didn't expect her methods to be so cruel. He directly used the sacrifice ceremony to sacrifice all the undead creatures in the city. Even if she recaptured Trisi City, it would no longer have any meaning. She did so, I am afraid, only to severely damage the Red Dragon Legion.

Jadette didn't dare to do like her. Those giant dragons were not owned by Jadette, but were handed over to the troops he commanded by Moriel. If there were a lot of losses, Moriel would not spare him lightly.

"The task given by Lord Moriel is completed, let's leave here quickly!"

Thinking of the consequences of angering the big red dragon, Jadet couldn't help but change his face slightly. That was not a good end. Even if he was enslaved by a necromancer, it was many times better than that. He hurriedly ordered to the nearby giant dragon.

However, the heroes awakened by Rowling did not intend to let them leave just like that. He waved the golden sharp blade in his hand, and a huge sword glow rose into the sky. The Chilong who couldn't dodge, even if it was just brushed by the sword glow, would appear on his body. A smooth, flat incision followed by severe pain.

As the wild nature of the dragon, the few injured red dragons ignored Jadet's orders and rushed towards the hero, trying to use their best method to completely tear the enemy in front of them and answer their questions. , there is only a golden sword glow that completely divides them in half.

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