Invincible Hero of Necromancer

Chapter 2470: Dangerous


In a trance, Tanan heard someone calling his name. The voice sounded very familiar, like his former subordinates and his family, but Tanan couldn't remember who it was.


Consciousness gradually blurred, and Tanan saw Aglan and the commander who were anxiously surrounding him. Was that their shout? It doesn't sound like much either.

"It's noisy." Tanan closed his eyes, but the shouts lingered in his ears, no matter how much he tried, he couldn't make those voices disappear for a moment.


The voice gradually returned to peace, and Tanan finally found the source of the voice, which was emitted by the faces on his body. Under the erosion of the filthy blood, he has completely lost his human form and looks like a xenogeneic monster.

Those were his own faces. Every hideous face can evoke Tanan's memories of the past, followed by indissoluble hatred, which is the anger of the hero. Even as a xenogeneic creature, Tanan is still that hero.

"The power of the forbidden field is fading, and the enemy has no way to escape."

Outside the battlefield, Eli, who was extremely sensitive to magic elements, also noticed the changes in the field. He raised his hand. According to the feedback from the magic elements, the enemy's forbidden area of ​​magic was shrinking.

For the mages, this is great news, which means that their strategy against the hero Tanan has paid off. Under the erosion of the filthy blood, Tanan has lost his original form and his ability to prohibit magic. strength.

"Victory is ahead! Before completely destroying Tanan, we must first eradicate the undead creatures that protect him."

Mage Nova Elago shouted at this moment. He pointed to the undead creatures exposed outside the gradually shrinking Forbidden Realm, and urged the nearby Mage.

Even the legendary mage admitted that Elago was right, and cast spells one after another, launching a fierce offensive against the exposed undead creatures.

Faster than them, it was the thunder that fell from the sky. The giant monsters have been waiting for this moment for a long time, and of course they will not miss the opportunity to destroy the undead creatures.

In the flash of lightning, the originally powerful undead creatures vanished into ashes, and the angels who heard the news purify the surroundings, cutting off the possibility of the undead creatures resurrecting again.

"The Forbidden Realm is about to expire." Falezer realized that the situation was wrong. Once he lost the power of the Forbidden Realm, in front of those legendary mages and Somra who was in charge of lightning, they would have no chance of surviving, master. The great plan will also come to an end, "Agran, at the moment when the Forbidden Realm completely fails, you take Tanan and Arama to escape with flames, and other legion members will help you stop the enemy. Vio Stupid, you lead the great demons under your command to raid Somra and contain his offensive, Karl, you and the rest go to block the angels..."

At a critical juncture, Faarezer also made a decision. Even if he sacrificed a considerable number of members of the legion, he must ensure that Tanan is safe. As long as the sorcerer Alama is still there, he can always find a way to restore Tanan.

"You don't want to run anywhere."

Above the sky, the whispers of the Holy Inquisition Angel came slowly. She threw down a blood-stained dragon head, and the dragon head rolled on the ground twice, and finally exposed to the eyes of Fareze and others, which belonged to the golden dragon general. La Cante's. The Golden Dragon general who came to support was beheaded by her with fierce means, and she couldn't even hold on for a moment.

The scope of the Forbidden Demon Realm is getting smaller and smaller. I don't know when, the filthy angels have been exposed outside the realm, and what awaits them is the merciless lightning bombardment of Somra.

Under the bombardment of lightning, the filthy angel disappeared, and there was no more power to stop the approaching sanctified angel. Even if Karl and other demons held their weapons tightly, they would inevitably tremble all over, fighting that angel and the outcome would be complete death .

A group of angels descended with Andorra to meet the members of the legion who protected Tanan, and Andorra slowly walked towards the alienated tower.

"Don't try to get close to Tanan!"

There was a flash of fire, and Karl clenched the scythe and blocked it in front of her.

The power of the Forbidden Demon Domain gradually faded away, and the big demon who was guarding Tanan's side regained the power to cast Flame Hide with the shrinking of the domain. Since Tanan is in the center of the realm, he must wait until the realm completely disappears before he can use the flame to escape.

Looking at Aglan beside Tanan, Carl knew that he had to buy enough time to prevent Tanan from being killed by the Holy Inquisition Angel. Even if he needed to die, he had to achieve this.

Karl swung the scythe forward, the scythe swept across the room, and the figure moved to Andorra's side in the flames. What appeared in front of Andorra was a sickle blade that was close enough to cut off her head.

In the next moment, Carl only felt that he couldn't move, his blood seemed to stop flowing, his body lost strength, and he could faintly feel a numbness.

"I don't need your help, those demons can't hurt me." Andorra said lightly, that was the last voice Karl The next moment, Karl's head, who could not dodge, rose into the sky, and his consciousness fell into dark.

"Hurry up and get rid of Tanan. I can feel that a terrible will is bred in his body... It's incredible. He is obviously contaminated by that kind of blood. Why can he still have such a strong will?"

The words of the giant **** and monster came over. Due to his huge body, his voice sounded like a normal tone of voice that was doubled, and then lowered his voice. He snapped his fingers, and the big demons who had come in suddenly were struck by lightning, and the devastating lightning jumped between them, and no one could survive.

Looking at Carl's death, Agran, who was guarding Tanan's side, was frightened. His strength was much weaker than Carl's. Whether it was an angel of sanctification or a giant monster, he could easily be pinched to death and escaped with Tanan. The heavy responsibility finally fell on his head.


Seeing Andor lift full speed, rushing towards him like a streamer, Agran's pupils shrank, and at the same time he put his hands on the alienated Tanan and the terrified Alama.

The Forbidden Demon Realm has been shrinking continuously, and now it has been completely closed. The furious lightning strikes from the sky, killing all the people below, and this is also the opportunity that Agland has been waiting for for a long time, and disappears in the Demon Forbidden Realm. , he wanted to get Tanan out of the field before all the attacks came.

However, no matter how Aglen urged his energy, he could not mobilize any flames, and his body fell into complete paralysis, just like Carl before.

"Do not……"

Aglan uttered a desperate cry in his heart, and the next moment was drowned out by the violent lightning, together with a few people beside him. The strong white light completely engulfed his vision, and he seemed to hear a muffled groan from the Holy Inquisition Angel.

(End of this chapter)

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