Invincible Hero of Necromancer

Chapter 2473: switch gear

"I can't think of a time to use this method."

While checking the situation in the system log, Rhode couldn't help feeling emotional while feeling the violent lightning that remained all over his body.

Due to the unique effect of the Destruction Ball, both the enemy and the enemy will lose their resistance to magic under the illumination of the black light. When Rhodes uses this treasure to deal with the mage, he must also be careful that the mage takes this opportunity to damage himself. Having lost his magic resistance, he couldn't stop Somura's spell bombardment.

To this end, Rhodes' solution is a unique technique called "switching equipment" by other players. When Somra's lightning magic approached, Rhodes unequipped the Orb of Destruction in the system log. In this way, the Orb of Destruction was temporarily invalid, and Rhodes' Electric God pendant could work again. Block the terrible lightning that Somra unleashes.

When Rhodes needs to attack, he will switch equipment again and re-equip the Orb of Destruction, so that he doesn't have to worry about the negative effects of the Orb of Destruction.

It is just a small operation, but the timing of switching equipment is something that Rhode needs to carefully consider. If the switching timing is not right, what awaits him will be seriously injured, or even directly killed by magic.

If you want to fight a powerful demigod like Somra, this is also a risk that Rhodes must take.

Lightning flashed by, relying on the switching equipment for the ball of destruction, Rhode blasted away Somura's huge body, and while he had not recovered, broke through the layers of lightning that was blocked around the giant monster, and rushed into. inside his body.

The only way to solve the elemental creatures is to destroy their elemental cores, otherwise even if their bodies are scattered countless times, they will recover again, which is also Rhodes' current plan.

Rhode's actions also made it difficult for the mages who were supporting from afar. They reluctantly dispersed the killing magic they had just prepared. Once their magic took effect, if Rhode was not injured, he would instead hurt Somura. That wouldn't be great.

Soon, the mages turned their attention to the undead creatures participating in the battlefield. After losing Tanan's forbidden magic domain, in front of the top mages of the guild, they were like lambs waiting to be slaughtered, and they couldn't show any resistance at all. strength.

Under the bombardment of spells, the originally beautiful scenery by the icy lake disappeared, the ground was deeply cracked, and there were corpses everywhere. Under the purification of angels and the melting of magic, they completely lost the possibility of resurrection.

The only standing Goliath body attracted the bombardment of countless spells. The thunder bombs alone did not know how much they blew up on him. Finally, the giant as large as a mountain fell down, causing a landslide. shock.

"The defeat of the necromancer is determined, and he must not escape!" Eli, the leader of the mage, shouted at this moment.

"As long as we kill Rhodes, we can end this war." The other mages of the Magic Guild echoed, showing resentment towards the necromancer in their expressions.

Under the dissolution of the magic field, the giant like a hill has also been completely transformed into a pure magic element, and there is no possibility of resurrection.

After doing all this, Eli's expression did not improve. He noticed that Somra, who was penetrated into the body by Rhodes, had a painful expression on the blue face that belonged to the gods and monsters, no longer the original majesty.

Relying on the protection of the Electric God pendant, Rhodes roamed rapidly in the body of the giant monster full of electric current, looking for the element core enough to cause fatal damage to it.

However, Rhodes found nothing, which made his complexion sink. Whether it was the heart in the center of his chest or the brain above his head, Rhodes did not find the elemental core of the giant monster, as if it did not exist at all. .

"This is impossible……"

Rhodes let go of his perception, but still found nothing, which made him feel a little urgent. What annoys Rhodes is that Somra in his previous life, like Eli, died at the hands of the hero Moriel in the battle to guard Brakada, and even Moriel could find a way to kill the giant **** The blame is eliminated, how can he not do it?

Realizing that Rhodes had nothing to gain, the giant monster held back the pain in his body and sneered disdainfully, as if he didn't look down on Rhodes' means at all, and immediately clenched a fist bigger than Rhodes' whole body and slammed towards him. The position of Rhodes under the skin blasted away.

Just listening to the bang, half of the giant monster's body was blasted away under his own power, and Rhodes was also knocked out in the impact. Fortunately, Rhodes defended in time before the attack came. No serious injury was sustained.

That's the case, the giant monster's full-strength blow also shook half of Rhodes' body into numbness. This is the case with Rhodes' powerful basic attributes, and the other big demons in the legion are ~ I'm afraid he has been seriously injured.

Looking at the giant monster, who seemed to have recovered without any injuries, Rhode took a deep breath and finally realized that something was wrong. Somra's body structure is more special than he thought. Perhaps the elemental core of the giant monster was not in his body from the beginning.

In the distance, the Holy Inquisition Angel also recovered from the original explosion of the ultimate lightning. The whole body seemed to be fine, and was rushing towards Rhodes at a high speed.

The fire continued to flash, and Rhode moved several times in succession, and then stopped when he came to the edge of the battlefield.

Under the attraction of Rhodes, the important members of the legion have been evacuated, and only ordinary undead creatures are left here. Even if they die, it is not a pity. It will take some time to re-transform the same number.

After losing Tanan, the members of the Undead Legion could hardly compete with the mages. Under the sweep of magic, even tens of thousands of corpse witch kings will be wiped out at the moment, not to mention that they are still like angels. 's reinforcement.

Among them, the lightning that belongs to Somura is the most terrifying. The undead creatures that die under the lightning are more than those who died in the hands of everyone else, including those angels. If Somla couldn't restrain the death domain Resurrection, he alone is enough to sweep away all the undead on the battlefield, that is the terrifying power that belongs to the demigods.

Although Rhodes lost the battle by the icy lake, and even the hero Tanan was polluted by his blood, he did not lose the entire war, and even gained a lot of advantages.

Taking advantage of the Mage's mobilization of all his strength and the emptiness behind him, Rhodes launched several surprise attacks on the towns behind Brakada. The newly harvested undead creatures were ten times more than those lost by the icy lake. Rhodes believed that the Mage would definitely help him in the future. regret your choice.

As for now... Rhodes slowly swept across the messy battlefield, and it was time to evacuate.

(End of this chapter)

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