Invincible Hero of Necromancer

Chapter 2480: Inheritance Dragon

"Rewind time and space!"

With Inota's spell casting, a bright golden portal opened in front of Rhodes. The inside of the portal, unlike the gate of different dimensions, is a space vortex that can be seen to the end, but a long and continuous extending inward. aisle.

"follow me."

Inota grabbed Rhode's hand, and the two jumped into the space-time channel together.

The long and narrow shadows, as well as the throbbing pointers, spread all over the interior of the passage, and you could vaguely see a distorted picture, which belonged to Inota's memory. Rhode even saw a lot of himself, but it was just that Illusory confusion, a little careless, you will be completely lost in it.

The warmth from the palm of his hand kept Rhodes from getting lost. Under the guidance of Inota, the two crossed the passage of time and space and came to a pale space like a dream.

Rhodes was slightly stunned, and when he looked around, there was a vast expanse of white nearby, but Inota cheered: "We are here! The Holy Female Dragon is here, teaching me those spells."

"here is……"

Rhodes quickly realized that this was the memory of Inota being trapped in the cocoon. Different from the scenery seen by the outside world, the inside of the giant cocoon is unique, or it is simply the spiritual space of Inota.

Soon, the nearby white fog gradually dissipated, and a big golden dragon appeared in front of Rhodes. She was bigger than all the dragons Rhodes had ever seen, and the scales on her body were more dazzling than gold. She exuded a gentle gentleness. Breath, all the creatures she looks at will feel the warmth from the heart. The restored fairy dragon Inota is lying in front of her, listening to her teachings.

"She is the holy female dragon..." Inota, who went back to the past with Rhodes and still maintained her body, saw herself in the form of a giant dragon, and also saw the big golden dragon. The dissipated memory is now a little bit clearer.

Rhode nodded solemnly, even in the memory of the past, facing an ancient existence like the Holy Female Dragon, it is still better to be careful.

At the same time, the holy female dragon's teaching to Inota seems to have come to a critical moment:

"The next thing I want to teach you is the 'Time Domain'. All the magic I taught you before can only show its real effect with the cooperation of the Time Domain."

"The realm of time..." Rhode was stunned for a moment, but saw a huge disc emerge from the foot of the holy female dragon. The disc was as golden as her scales, and the pointer could be faintly seen swinging.

As the Holy Female Dragon used this power, silver-white chains appeared in the void. As soon as the chains appeared, they were suddenly wrapped around the pointer of the disc, forcibly restraining the rotation of the disc.

The holy female dragon took a deep breath, and the golden light on the disc was released, but no matter how she tried, she couldn't break free from the chains, and instead the disc itself was entangled in the chains. The indestructible chain completely blocked the operation of the realm of time.

Finally, after several unsuccessful attempts, the holy female dragon sighed and gave up continuing to operate. The abnormality around the body quickly recovered. Whether it was the disc or the chain, it disappeared again in the void and disappeared again, as if everything It never happened, and the neighborhood is still a vast expanse of white.

"Have I... obtained the realm of time?" Inota, who was in the form of a fairy dragon, asked with wide eyes and some anticipation.

On the side, Rhode's mouth twitched. Even he could see that some kind of accident happened when the Holy Female Dragon was using the time domain, but Inota didn't realize it. After asking, he immediately asked the person beside him, "Are you serious?"

The purple-haired girl who returned to the past with Rhodes pouted with a red face and did not answer.

After stopping the time domain, the holy female dragon showed a bit of regret: "I'm sorry, your potential is not enough to inherit the time domain, you lack the most important thing, that is to cut off the destiny. strength."

"Cut off fate..." Fairy Dragon muttered those words, her eyes full of doubts.

The holy female dragon nodded kindly: "The realm of time is a magical ability, you can go back to the past, change the mistakes you made, and make up for your past regrets, but the premise of all that is that you have the power to cut off your destiny. Otherwise, no matter what you do or how many times you try, you can't change what you're destined to do, you can only watch the same ending play out again and again."

"How do I get that power?" Fairy Dragon asked eagerly.

"Be a hero." The holy female dragon leaned down and gently rubbed Inota's face, but there was an inexplicable sadness in his eyes, "Only heroes have the power to cut off fate, they are fighting against fate. , cut off the shackles that bind everything, and was born in this world. If you want to inherit the realm of time, then become a hero."

"Hero..." Beside the two Rhodes seemed to have heard something, and couldn't help but be slightly taken aback. He had heard Messika mention that about the hero and the struggle against fate, he couldn't think of the holy female dragon. Said the same words.

Rhodes glanced at his side thoughtfully, and from nowhere found a purple-haired girl who had eaten a handful of jelly beans. He couldn't help but stretched out his hand to support his forehead, hoping that Inota would become a hero, rather than relying on his adopted daughter, An Neng, to become a hero. Maybe That is more reliable.

"Want to try it?" Noticing Rhode's action, Inota handed the jelly bean over. Before Rhode could wave his hand, Inota put the jelly bean into his mouth.

Cherry flavored.

Rhode smacked his lips, and the sweetness of jelly beans remained in his mouth. At this moment, he heard a long sigh from the holy female dragon:

"Being a hero...that's a very difficult thing, especially for dragons, and heroes are destined to be nowhere with us. Fortunately, my other successor, she is a hero, she It's also my child. I'm sorry, it seems that you are doomed to miss the realm of time, forget everything that happened here, forget the spells I taught you, just treat it as a beautiful dream, I will erase this part of you memory of time."

The fairy dragon showed a puzzled look. Just as he was about to say something, he saw the clock disc appear from the foot of the holy female dragon again. This time there was no chain blocking. Soon, Inota's eyes gradually became confused. He got up and finally fell asleep on the ground.

"Ah, how could..."

Looking at this scene, the purple-haired girl showed a surprised expression, while Rhodes face completely sank.


In the mouth of the holy female dragon, who was the heir to the hero who was not Moriel? Unexpectedly, in the end, the time domain belonging to the holy female dragon came to Moriel, which is not good news.

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