Invincible Hero of Necromancer

Chapter 2492: Eye of Destruction

Under the burning of the destroying dragon's breath, even a hotbed of flesh and blood with extremely strong vitality could not stand it at this moment. The Dragon Breath of Destruction can restrain all recovery abilities, and no matter how strong its self-healing ability is, it cannot recover the injuries on the body.

"The power of the hotbed of flesh and blood is fading. She may not last long. We can't watch the xenogeneic army rout."

"Lord Jadette, the Eye of Destruction is ready, what should we do now?"

The sorcerers who were always outside the shackles of war, observing the battle, were in a hurry by the sudden opening of the Burning Ash Domain, and hurriedly reported the situation to their leader, the sorcerer Jedette.

"It's time for us to do it."

Jedette saw the situation on the field in his eyes, and after several thoughts, he finally made a decision.

"The fusion ceremony will definitely teach Rhodes a painful lesson. The last time he didn't know what means to use to escape, Mr. Moriel was already furious. We must not fail this time!"

Under the shouts of Jedette, the nearby witches looked resolute. Even if they had to face the terrifying necromancer directly, they would never back down. The final victory must belong to the Dragon King Moriel.

What the other sorcerers didn't notice was that Jadet himself showed a bit of unwillingness.

From Moriel's mouth, Jadet learned that he actually died in the battle of Tris City. He was not killed by Rhodes. It could even be said that he was killed by Rhodes' sister without even seeing Rhodes' face. How could he accept this result? He must be embarrassed in this battle.

Thinking of Rhodes, Jedette took a deep breath. Rhodes was like his nemesis. At first, the artifact on Sandro was taken away by Rhodes, and Jedette himself died in the hands of Rhodes. Once, I had to be reborn as a death knight to fight against Rhodes, and it seemed that there was nothing good in the end.

What Jadet is more concerned about is the power of Moriel to reverse the past, even the God of Mage can't do it to this extent. What shocked Jadet secretly was that the current Moriel had become a greater existence than the God of Mage, and she would definitely be able to destroy that undead mage.

In the face of the power to reverse the past, even death is no longer scary. Jadet believes that when the Dragon King Moriel rules the world, he will definitely be reborn in the past time and space.

"Bring up the Eye of Destruction and get ready for the fusion ritual!" Under Jedette's order, the nearby sorcerers made preparations. At this moment, they all stepped into the shackles of war. Under the cover of the hotbed of flesh and blood, he performed a fusion ritual towards Rhodes and his party in the air.

After the improvement of countless sorcerers in the underground world, the fusion ritual has become a powerful ultimate move, enough to fuse any creature with the space it is in, thereby depriving it of all mobility. The only fly in the ointment is that this fusion ceremony requires a large number of magicians to perform at the same time, and it has high requirements on human hands.

After entering the chain space, Jedette leaned over slightly, took two pieces of flesh and blood from the hotbed, and sealed his ears. He didn't want to be controlled by Rhodes' dark holy words.

The movements of the sorcerers naturally couldn't escape Rhode's eyes. Seeing that the hidden enemy finally shot, Rhode just snorted coldly, and then snapped his fingers, and the members of the legion on standby behind him responded. For a while, the flames lingered, and many big demons launched a surprise attack on the magicians.

Compared with mages, the physique of sorcerers is stronger, and many of them have been transformed by sorcery many times. The fate of the second.

Jedette felt the difficulty of the big devil. He stomped his feet violently. The hotbed of flesh and blood below surged, and the slender arms burst out from the surface of the hotbed, facing the burning of the destroying dragon's breath, and moved towards the nearby. Army members captured.

A few big demons accidentally or didn't put those arms in their eyes at all, were caught straight, and then the flesh and blood surging all over their bodies began to quickly merge into the hotbed, no matter how hard they struggled, they couldn't stop process of fusion.

"It's now!"

Jedette let out a loud shout, and with the reinforcements of the hotbed of flesh and blood regardless of damage, the great demon that Rhodes called was in chaos, and this also gave the magicians the opportunity to perform the fusion ritual.

Following Jedette's order, the sorcerers responded, and Qi Qi stretched out their hands towards Rhodes in the air. The nearby space was slightly distorted, and turned more solid. Rhodes in the middle was even more unable to move.

Seeing this scene, the sorcerers cheered, and the sorcerer holding a huge eyeball behind jumped up excitedly, as if he had seen the situation of completely destroying the enemy, and immediately ordered: "Eye of Destruction, Destroy that enemy!"

"and many more……"

Jedette seemed to have discovered abruptly stopped the sorcerer's movements, but it was a little late. Under the sorcerer's order, the huge eyeball swelled, and cracks appeared on the surface. Cracks, you can see the dazzling light condensed inside.

When the power accumulated by the eyeballs reached the limit, a dazzling laser shot out from it, forming a huge beam of light in the air, bombarding Rhodes in mid-air, and Rhodes, who was imprisoned by the fusion ceremony, could not move at all. Under the wash, the entire body turned into foam and dissipated.

"We succeeded! Without that necromancer, others are not afraid at all."

"I knew that the final victory must belong to Lord Moriel!"

Unlike the cheering sorcerer, Jadet's complexion did not improve at all. Looking at the Eye of Destruction, which had lost its strength and became sluggish, his complexion was even more ugly.

"That's not Rhode's real body!" Jedette scolded, his roar made the other magicians instantly quiet, "Don't you realize that there were two people beside Rhode just now, and now there are only two left. Is he alone?"

Listening to Jadette's words, the nearby witches realized that something was wrong. If what Jadette said was true, Rhodes might still be alive and well. Just when all the magicians were at a loss, a cold hum came down from the air.

"The fusion ceremony? Do you think I will still be recruited?" Along with these disdainful words, another Rhode appeared in the sky, not giving the magicians a chance to perform the fusion ceremony. In a flash, he came to the center of the Hexcaster's formation, and the lightning surging suddenly exploded, and the Hexaman's formation was emptied in an instant.


Jedette seemed to realize something, and just wanted to issue a reminder, but it was undoubtedly too late, and Rhodes' body with a divine sword appeared in front of him again.

(End of this chapter)

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