Invincible Hero of Necromancer

Chapter 2497: toy puppet

"...When I found him, he was already dead under chain lightning, and I could only vaguely see the outline of his face. I found this from his hands, which may explain his identity."

The battle of Cirrus City was a complete victory, and the feat of the new mage Elago was once again spread throughout the whole of Bracada, and all mages were shocked by his achievements.

In that crucial battle, it could even be said that the horn of Bracada's counterattack sounded, Elago defeated the undead formed by Rhodes with several legendary mages and a group of temporarily recruited mercenaries. Workshop, this also shocked the mages who had seen the power of the undead legion. It turned out that the group of undead creatures was nothing more than the loss of the hero Tanan.

As the initiator of the campaign, Elago received the award from the Magic Guild. The president personally awarded him a medal symbolizing the honorary legendary mage. The elders of the guild also paid tribute to him. The mercenaries in the team also because of them The desperate act, got a generous reward, and began the next round of enjoyment.

Kaidan looked into the distance, several horses came to the city with a carriage of mercenaries, and out of the carriage was a group of mercenaries that were not well equipped. Rusted, jumped off the carriage and began to move.

Mercenaries above rank A can use the teleportation monument of the Freelance Chamber of Commerce. The level of the mercenaries in front of them is not enough, so they can only come on foot. Every day new mercenaries rush to the snow to fight in a war that doesn't belong to them, and then lose their lives.

"This is……"

In front of Kaidan, an old mage took the irregular iron block he took out and muttered.

He stretched out his wrinkled, dark brown-stained hand, and brushed lightly over the surface of the iron block. It was not a simple iron block. It's like an iron man that has shrunk countless times, and it's like a toy.

The emerald ring worn by the mage's thumb touched the surface of Iron Man, as if some kind of switch was activated, and Iron Man's limbs swayed. The wizard put the iron man on the ground, and the iron man swayed forward until it hit Kaidan's feet, and then fell to the side.

The iron man walking forward seemed to evoke some memories of the mage. He laughed, but there was a bit of loneliness hidden in the depth of his smile.

"Cough... how? Can this puppet explain his identity?" Kaidan coughed and asked after interrupting the mage's memory.

"I think so..." The old mage nodded and said, "Only my son can make such a delicate little puppet. He... He is a skilled craftsman, and Dean Eric once commented on him. He has the talent to become a high-level mage, but he still chooses to stay in the alchemy workshop. He likes this toy puppet, and believes that it will be popular in Bracada one day, but it's a pity..."

Kaidan listened absent-mindedly, he didn't come to do good deeds, he handed the puppet to Master Tazis, just for the reward of gold coins, although the battle of Cirrus Cloud City had brought him a generous reward, but who would Will you hate how much money you have?

"Why don't we talk about the reward." Seeing that the old mage was still planning to keep talking, Kaidan couldn't help interrupting his words, "According to the task you posted, although I failed to keep your son alive Bring it, but I brought the news of his death, and I can also get the task reward."

"Yes... yes." The mage seemed to have reacted, took off a golden yellow space ring, and handed it to Kaidan.

Kaidan penetrated his spirit into the space ring, and his eyes quickly lit up. The amount of these gold coins was twice as much as what he paid for the battle of Cirrus Cloud City. The strong mercenaries who accompanied him sacrificed their lives, but it was not worth the price.

After handing the ring to Kaidan, the old mage sat on the ground and stretched out his hand to play with the toy puppet, his eyes a little lost.

After reaping the generous reward, Kaidan was in a good mood. He looked at Mage Tazis sitting on the ground and couldn't help but say, "You don't have to be so sad, before he died in Cirrus City, he was already an undead. The creature is gone, and we have given him final rest so that he does not have to be enslaved by the Necromancer."

After listening to Kaidan's words, the mage shook his head: "Even if it is an undead creature, he is still... alive, and continues to make his toy puppets. I heard the situation on the battlefield, the undead creature made by Rhodes is a killer. The undead, he has the ability to resurrect undead creatures, and he still calls them the undead legion, right? You say... will he still resurrect my son?"

"I'm afraid that's not the case." Thinking of the situation on the battlefield, Kaidan shook his head, "In order to completely kill Rhode's undead creatures, we used the holy water granted by the angel to smear the weapons in advance, and those undead creatures will not be resurrected again~www Is that so..." Tazis's arm holding the toy puppet trembled uncontrollably, his words were always clear, and he choked a little more at this moment, "When people die, they can still become The undead continue to live, and after the undead die, what will they be left with?"

Kaidan was speechless. The old face of Mage Tazis not only overlapped with the scorched face in his memory, but when he remembered the pair of melted eyeballs, Kaidan believed that he must not want to know about Rontal's death. shape.

After saying goodbye to the Tazis mage playing with the toy puppet, Kaidan didn't take two steps before his shoulder was hooked by another arm.

"The harvest is good, at such a happy moment, aren't you going to invite your comrades for a drink?"

The one who hooked Kaidan was the red-haired mercenary who participated in the battle of Cirrus City with him before. She had changed into a new pair of shiny armor. The forging process of the armor was very extraordinary. Resisting a lot of spells, it seems to be better than the equipment of the Crusaders, Kaidan believes that it must not be cheap.

Kaidan shrugged: "At most, you can have a glass of ale, no more."

"Oh, you cheapskate, I saved you in a daze on the battlefield. Are you just going to buy me a glass of ale?"

Arriving at the tavern in the city occupied by mercenaries, the red-haired mercenaries couldn't help complaining all the way. Listening to her complaining, Kaidan, who was dizzy, couldn't help thinking that it would be better to invite this comrade-in-arms for a glass of ale. It wasn't some heinous crime, but at this moment, she could hear her shouting loudly as she entered the tavern: "Friends, all of your drinks today are paid for by the S-class mercenary, Your Excellency Kaidan!"

"What?" Before Kaidan could react, he was completely drowned out by the cheers of the nearby mercenaries. They surrounded Kaidan in the middle to toast, while the red-haired mercenary on the side snickered.

(End of this chapter)

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