Invincible Hero of Necromancer

Chapter 2705: Counterattack

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Only the last minute is left until the end of the selection.

Alyssa watched the unicorn's every move nervously. In the last few minutes, the unicorn's speed of condensing the water element person was getting faster and faster. It had already understood the entire condensing process by heart, and it was easy to manufacture. , did not fall into exhaustion because of long-term cohesion, it is only a matter of time to surpass yourself.

More and more water elemental people were created by the sacred unicorn, and the nearby audience also exclaimed. Compared with this, even Eliza's previous actions seemed to be nothing.

Inside the high wooden house, Esquel looked at this scene with satisfaction, with a look of approval in his eyes: "I have already said that the unicorn will definitely win the final victory."

As he had expected before, when the unicorn adapts to the magical flow of making water elemental people, the subsequent production speed will be faster and faster, and its potential is far greater than that of Ai who took out all the mana from the beginning. Lisa is bigger.

The nearby mages also raised their chests at the moment, and the president's vision is still so unique, and any subtleties cannot be concealed from his observations. Although the wizard and the elves did not make any bet on the final ranking, it is still a long-faced thing to predict the final winner.

On the other hand, Jenny, who was highly valued by the Elf King, only had the last minute left. She still only gathered one water elemental person, and it seemed that she had completely given up on this competition.

Looking at this scene, let alone a mage, even the elves were ashamed and ashamed. I didn't expect the witch Jane to be so rebellious. It seemed that she didn't want to take on the responsibility of the guardian and be the enemy of the elemental monarch.

"The time is not over yet. It is too early to make a judgment now."

When all the elves sighed, the elf king Dandan said that although the method of cohesion of the sacred unicorn is amazing, he still has full confidence in the witch Jane, and he knows that Jane never gives up easily. Jenny is also a hero who has awakened his own will.

Esquel frowned. He didn't know why the Elf King valued Jenny so much. Could it be that she really had some way to turn things around? But now there is only the last minute left, no matter how good she is at making elemental people, it is impossible to make hundreds of them in one minute.

Under Esquel's puzzled eyes, Jenny finally moved.

Jenny glanced off the field, and just now, she heard a familiar arguing sound, and the object of the sound was her apprentice Sodofi, who was arguing with the mages for her reputation.

Seeing the apprentice's actions in her eyes, there was a burst of warmth in her heart. The competition in the field could be seen by all the Eli creatures. Among them, there were even more apprentices who were full of confidence in her. So lost.

Jenny took two steps forward and came to the red-haired half-elf who initiated the competition: "Hero Gru, can you do me a favor?"

"No problem. What do you want me to do?" Gru answered without hesitation, with a warm smile on his face.

Jenny turned around and looked at the water elemental person she had just condensed, and there was a different meaning in her eyes: "Please show the power of the sword and split my water elemental person in two from the waist."

Hearing the words, Gru took out the frozen sword, which was icy cold, and was ten paces away from the water element man. Second, the cold air that escaped along the way completely froze the ground under his feet, and even the Wisdom Tree couldn't help shivering.

The fractures on the water elemental people are extremely flat, and the contact with the ice and sword light makes their bodies completely stagnant. Before they fall to the ground, they are completely wrapped by the ice. When they land, they can only hear the crisp sound of ice collision. .

"What the **** does Jenny want to do?"

"It's okay now, she doesn't even have a water element person."

The audience nearby also saw this scene. They were puzzled by Jenny's actions and didn't understand what the witch wanted to do. Did she give up completely?

In the crowded audience, the mages headed by Hamor did not participate. At this time, Hamel was bowing his head, thinking about the words of the silver-haired elf.

"That witch..." Beside Hamel, another mage looked at Jenny with a look of disdain. He was about to slander, but was stopped by Hamel's eyes.

After arguing with the silver-haired elf, Hamel finally figured it out. The elf's words were deeply imprinted in Hamel's heart. His dissatisfaction and hatred for Jenny are now gradually letting go. What he should really hate are those for the world. Doomsday kings who bring disaster are right.

In the field, Alicia also saw Gru's actions in her eyes, with deep doubts in her eyes. As the leader of the court mage, he doesn't understand Jane's true intentions, let alone others. At least in Alisha's memory, there is no magic that needs to be cut in half. .

Thinking of this, Alyssa shook her head. It was a water elemental person who was split into two halves. If it was replaced by a normal creature, I was afraid that the blood was already on the ground, and the scene was terrible. It was instantly divided into two halves by the Sword of Frost, and then it was instantly frozen. I am afraid that even first aid would not be able to save it.

"and many more……"

Thinking of this, Alyssa was stunned.

In the elf kingdom Eli there is a person whose first aid has the power to reach the sky. As long as she breathes, she can make that person completely healed, and that person is Jenny who has mastered the medical field.

On an ordinary creature, the tragic situation like a slash in half is enough to completely take his life, but the water element person is different. As an element creature, it will not die because of this kind of injury.

"Could it be..."

As if thinking of something, Alyssa's body trembled, he retracted his gaze on the red-haired hero, and turned to stare at the frozen water elemental man.

I don't know when, the pure white domain opened from Jenny's whole body. In her domain, all creatures felt a warmth flowing through their bodies. Any injured parts were now restored to their original state, and even severed limbs could be recovered. rebirth.

Putting it on the broken water element person, the effect is even more significant. The ice that wraps the broken body of the water element person, which is also a water element, has now become the nourishment for their body reconstruction, just in the blink of an eye. , the water element person divided into two, condensed into two independent bodies.

Looking at this scene, Alisha opened her mouth in surprise, and Jenny, who had expected it, continued to say to the hero Gru: "Please continue to do this, and divide these two water elements into two."

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