, !

"Hero Gru has started swinging his sword again... Will those water elements continue to double?"

Seeing the hero Gru's actions, the audience off the field exclaimed.

Every time Gru swung the Frozen Divine Sword, the number of water elemental people in front of Jenny doubled, from 1, 2, and 4 at the beginning, to now, it has reached a huge 512.

In just one minute, Jenny changed from having only one water element person to having a whole mighty army of water elements. In this situation, how could he not make the nearby audience exclaim?

This time, the icy sword glow wielded by the hero Gru was hindered. After slashing more than 400 water elemental people one after another, the power of the sword glow also reached its limit and failed to divide all the elemental people in front of him into two. cut.

That's the case. Gru's sword swing also added more than 400 water elemental people to Jenny. The field in front of him has no water supply. , causing the forest creatures near them to scream.

Although there is still a little time left, Gru has stopped swinging his sword. The result of this competition is doomed, and nothing will change. Gru also feels the limit of his strength when he holds the sword of ice. Destroying more than 400 water elemental people is the limit of his power.

Soon, the time for the competition came to an end.

At the last moment, the holy unicorn had already stopped condensing, and looked at the situation beside Jenny with a shocked expression. Alicia was even more speechless. He never thought that the witch Jenny was the opponent he had been ignoring. .

"I didn't expect that there is still such a use in the medical field." After realizing the difference in quantity, Alyssa no longer insisted, and took the initiative to say to Jenny, "I lost this competition, it seems that we have found a suitable chosen."

The sacred unicorn didn't think so, and it scolded the nearby forest creatures: "I disagree with the results of the test! The witch Jane cheated, we are all using our own power to condense the water elemental people, but she tells the hero Gru is asking for help, it's not fair to us at all!"

The words of the sacred unicorn also aroused the discussion of the nearby audience. If you think about it carefully, the water element people can be divided into two, and it really depends on the power of the hero Gru. Otherwise, the number of those water element people will not be able to quickly increase. multiply.

"It's right! The witch Jenny should be disqualified!"

"That's not Jenny's own power at all!"

Soon, the nearby audience became restless, and they demanded to cancel Jenny's ranking. Only a few forest creatures were thoughtful and did not participate in the noise.

"Of course that's the power of Lady Jane! Don't you feel her realm?"

Just when a group of forest creatures questioned Jenny, the silver-haired Sodophie was still speaking for her, not hesitate to argue with other forest creatures.

"She is right, the power of the domain is of course allowed to be used, and there is nothing wrong with Jane's approach."

At this moment, Sodophie heard the words that also defended Lord Jane, and then she showed grateful eyes and looked in the direction of the words, but the next moment, her smile froze, for Lord Jane. The one who spoke was clearly the previous mage.

In the field, Jenny did not justify his actions, Gru also showed a thoughtful look, and instead said loudly: "Quiet, we might as well ask Arang, the wisdom tree as the referee, what to say."

With the voice of the hero Gru, the nearby forest creatures also quieted down. The prestige belonging to Gru has long been deeply rooted in the hearts of every forest creature.

Called by Gru, a gentle smile appeared on the wrinkled old face of Arang, the tree of wisdom: "Do you know why we have this competition?"

Asked by the Wisdom Tree, the nearby forest creatures pondered, and I don't know who answered loudly: "In order to select the right person to use the Divine Sword to challenge the elemental monarch."

"Exactly." The branches and leaves of the Tree of Wisdom shook, and the leaves fell one after another, "You said that Jenny used the power of Gru, but in my opinion, it would be better to say that she used the power of the Divine Sword. The purpose of the competition is precisely to select the user of the Divine Sword. Her actions did not violate the original intention of this selection, and her results are of course valid!"

The words of Arang, the tree of wisdom, also announced the result of the test, and the creatures in the forest accepted its words. In Eri, no creature would feel that they are wiser than the trees of wisdom. Many uncertain ideas need to be Ask your local wisdom tree for advice.

Although the oldest tree of wisdom in Eri, Yuk, has long been cut down by the evil Lord, the roots of the tree of wisdom will not be cut off. After Yuke died, Arang, the tree of wisdom, as the representative of the remaining trees of wisdom, inherited the seat of the guardian of the jungle, but his ranking dropped a lot, and he could only rank at the bottom of the top ten.

The water element person beside Jenny is several times more visible to the naked eye than the other two combined. She will obviously win the final victory, but the rules of the game must still be followed, and soon a big elves will come up to count the water element people. quantity.

The last sword of the hero Gru did not cut all 512 water elements into two pieces, so the elves could not directly calculate the final result of Jenny, they had to count them one by one.

In a short time~www.wuxiaspot.com~ the elves finished the inventory and reported the results to the hero Gru, and then the red-haired half-elf announced to all the nearby creatures:

"Witch Jane created a total of 950 water elemental people, and won the first place in this competition, followed by the sacred unicorn Naju who produced 107 water elemental people, and the last one was to create 105 water elemental people. Court Mage Alyssa. In a few days, Jenny will officially inherit the Sword of Ice and challenge the evil water elemental monarch who devoured the ocean and tried to destroy the plane!"

Because at the last moment, the sight of the sacred unicorn was all attracted by the abnormality on Jenny's side, and stopped the movement in his hand, so that the water element people it created were only a few more than Eliza, Compared with Jenny, I don't know how much worse. This result naturally made it difficult for the sacred unicorn to accept.

It is also difficult to accept this result, and there is Esquill, who is watching all this from the top. He is the most optimistic about the sacred unicorn, but he can only rank second. Instead, it is Jane who is valued by the elf king. Go ahead at the last moment and become the last successor in one fell swoop.

"How? Lord President?" The Elf King smiled and then looked over.

Esquill let out a cold snort. Although he was unhappy, he still maintained the demeanor of the president: "I only hope that Jenny really has the potential to defeat the water element monarch."

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