Invincible Hero of Necromancer

Chapter 2722: realm of love

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In addition to exchanging for the realm on the Hell King, sin karma points can also be directly exchanged for skill points, attribute points and other things, thereby directly improving Rhodes' strength.

During the period of obtaining the source of karma, Rhodes did not allow karma points to accumulate slowly, but used sporadic karma points in exchange for a lot of free attribute points and various useful abilities.

For the first time, you can exchange attribute points through the source of sin. Each attribute only needs to consume 1 sin karma point. After that, each time you exchange attribute points, it will increase by 1, and there is no final upper limit. There are still many fields, and Rhodes will naturally not do such a thing.

Now, after Rhode's many exchanges, each free attribute point needs to consume 11 sin karma points. This cost has exceeded Rhode's expectations. After all, even if it is to exchange the power of the field, it only needs several million. Sin karma points, these millions of sin karma points can only be exchanged for dozens of points if they are exchanged for free attribute points, and they cannot completely change their own strength.

The power of the domain is completely different. Each domain represents a special skill that has reached the pinnacle, enough to enter the level of gods. No matter what kind of domain, as long as it is used well, the improvement of its own strength will be a qualitative change. Dozens of free attribute points are far less valuable than a field.

In addition, if you want to upgrade a special skill to a legendary level, you can also consume 100 attribute points to achieve it. In general, the cost-effectiveness of free attribute points is too low. Rhodes just took advantage of the cheap free attribute points in exchange for 10 points to supplement his weak attributes.

According to Rhode's guess, the source of sin karma has the same effect on every king. Rhode can use the source of sin karma in exchange for various promotions, and those **** kings can also do it.

Compared with Rhodes, the Hell King obtained the source of karma earlier, and the power accumulated was naturally stronger. They didn't have to do anything, and they could use the source of karma to enhance their own strength to the extreme. Why is the lazy king sleeping all the time, but its strength surpasses most of the seventh-order creatures in the world.

On Rhodes, there are advantages that those **** kings cannot have. The source of his karma is not a single one, but a whole set of copies of the gods.

As far as the **** king is concerned, with only the source of lust, she automatically accumulates around 200 sin karma points every day. Since **** is an irresistible sin karma for most creatures, this makes her accumulated karma points per day far exceed 200. , maintained at the level of 300 per day all year round.

Relying on the accumulation of points every day, the **** king can exchange the domain of the **** kings and other abilities. However, she can only exchange the abilities that belong to the **** king, and cannot exchange for other kings, such as the arrogant and angry kings. Various abilities.

Rhodes is not limited to this. There are seven sources of karma on his body, which accumulates 1400 karma points for him every day. The karma points he accumulates in one day are equivalent to the number accumulated by other **** kings in seven days.

In addition, the objects that Rhodes can exchange for abilities are not limited to a single **** king. Rhodes can exchange all the abilities of the Hell King, even the Stigmata.

Even the Destiny Domain of the Stigmata, in the source of sin, is clearly priced at 3,000 sin karma points. According to the average daily accumulation of 1,400 sin karma points, Rhode only needs to accumulate sixty years of sin karma points. You can switch to the same field of the Stigmata, which is a scene that the kings of **** can't even imagine.

After only 60 years of dormancy, it is possible to obtain the domain of destiny that rules the world and controls the direction of life of all things. What kind of beauty is this? If such a good thing falls on the heads of other **** kings, I am afraid that they will wake up laughing from their dreams. However, their single source of sin karma is destined to be limited in function, and everything about the stigmata is not something they can get involved in.

Over time, relying on the accumulation of points in the source of sin, Rhodes can exchange all the domains of the **** kings of the past dynasties and become the strongest in the world.

It's a pity that the time is not for me. If Rhode can't solve the current predicament, he will never see the moment in the future. After all, even time has been reversed. Rhode can't take that much time to slowly exchange for the king of hell. the power of. I'm afraid that Rhodes has not accumulated enough 3,000 sin karma points, and this world has already been destroyed by the kings of the doomsday.

While using sin karma points in exchange for free attribute points, Rhode did not forget to keep enough sin karma points for emergencies. Rhodes' remaining karma points are always above 500, which is enough to exchange for the same field of love as Cecilia.

Feeling the oppression coming from the **** king, and the sin of **** that leads people to degenerate, Rhodes also showed a sneer, and then he controlled the source of karma, and exchanged 500 karma points in exchange for love. field.

"Consumes 5,000,000 sin karma points, and the remaining sin karma points are 483,100. You have obtained the [Field of Love]..."

Following a new reminder in the system log, Rhode took a deep breath. He clearly felt that there was something different in himself. It seemed to be a reborn transformation, which also made Rhode very happy. That is, after the domains are superimposed, so powerful effect.

The Cecilia in front of him was still unparalleled in beauty, and hooking his hand could capture the soul, but Rhode could stare at her calmly, as if he was admiring a beautiful flower, and there would be no waves in his heart. .

Cecilia still doesn't know the changes in Rhodes, and is still exerting her own charm:

"Are you worried that Moriel will be jealous? Don't Creatures of any species and gender cannot resist my charm, even the hero Moriel will be fascinated by me ."

The King of Lust showed a sweet smile. She seemed to have seen that Rhode obediently agreed to her request. As she said, there is no one in this world who can resist the charm of the King of Lust.

Cecilia once let Rhode run away, and even she had to admit that she underestimated Rhode's potential. The seemingly ordinary undead lord unexpectedly became the overlord among the kings, and this time she would not make the same mistake.

From the moment she arrived in the Magic City, Cecilia used the power of the realm of love to firmly entangle Rhode's soul. No one could escape the palm of the King of Lust. She believed Rhodes. It is bound to perish forever.

However, soon, the smile on Cecilia's face froze. She noticed that Rhodes' vision had recovered, and the original struggle disappeared. Instead, he looked at himself with a half-smiley look.

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