Invincible Hero of Necromancer

Chapter 551: Change 3

The original powerful high-level wizards, under the influence of this red barrier, could not cast any spells, let alone deal with the powerful cyclops. All they could do was watch the cyclops destroy the walls.

Although these high-level mages are not willing to accept this in their hearts, in this case, all they can do is to evacuate from here as soon as possible and pass the news of the Cyclops. Once the action is a little slower, there may even be The danger of being killed by a Cyclops.

For these high-level mages who came to support, it was obviously the most important thing to save their own lives in such a powerless situation.

In itself, the high-ranking mage who came here did not take the attack of these cyclops in his heart, so naturally he did not intend to die in battle. In the eyes of these mages, with so many high-level mages, the cyclops naturally cannot cause any threat. They came here, more to show their own attitude.

In the process of the Cyclops destroying the city wall, some high-level mages with powerful treasures used the treasures they held to break away from this red barrier.

The emergence of this red barrier restricts all the magic elements in the space, but as long as the treasures worn by the wizard are not related to the magic elements, the red barrier does not have many restrictions.

The high-level mages who appeared here all came from the powerful academies in Bracada, and the treasures that existed on their bodies belonged to the highest quality category.

Under the influence of the red barrier, these mages were unable to cast spells on their own, but they were still able to use their treasures.

If these high-level mages cooperate with each other and use the treasures that exist on them regardless of loss, they will undoubtedly be able to hold the group of cyclops for a long time, and even reverse this group of cyclops is not impossible, but for these high-level mages For the mage, they were obviously unwilling to do this.

If you want to rely on the power of the treasure alone to stop these cyclops, not to mention how many precious treasures will be lost in the process, these high-level mages themselves have no such idea.

After being enveloped by the red barrier, even these high-level mages whose strength and status are far superior to those of ordinary mages will feel a kind of fear in their hearts.

Even compared to ordinary wizards, losing the ability to cast spells is a catastrophic experience for these high-level wizards. After losing the ability to cast spells that seems like instinct, these high-level wizards do not want to fight the upcoming cyclops. Just want to get away from here as soon as possible.

At this moment, almost all the high-level mages fled towards the rear one after another. After losing the ability to cast spells, all these high-level wizards can rely on, apart from the treasures on their bodies, are only their bodies.

At this moment, the only one who did not flee backwards and still stayed on the city wall was Suok.

Feeling the vibrations coming from underfoot, and looking at these high-level mages who have long lost their demeanor behind them, just want to flee first, for fear that he is a bit slower than the others, except that Suoke feels funny, the rest , There was only a chill.

Before the start of this battle, Thok did not expect that these cyclops would have such a means.

With the support of many high-level mages, Thok originally thought that he could easily repel the group of cyclops, but it was not until the start of the battle that Thok understood the mistake of this idea.

The emergence of this red barrier undoubtedly blocked all the abilities of Thok as a mage, for which Thok also had no solution.

For these high-level mages who turned and fled, Sock wanted to accuse them of their behavior and mocked a few words in his heart, but in this case, Sock knew that these behaviors did not have any meaning.

No matter what behavior these high-level mages did, the worst loss would only be the Ice Blue Magic Academy.

Since Cyclops’ methods were not foreseen in advance, even if he knew that Cyclops’ target was the Ice Blue Magic Academy, Thok did not let the ordinary wizards in the Academy leave in advance. Under this situation, these wizards would obviously not end well. Where to go.

Perhaps some lucky mages can follow the high-level mages who come to evacuate using the time-space gate together, but more mages will only die in this battle.

In Thork's view, the death of these mages does not have any value, but they are slaughtered at will, and even until the end of their lives, they don't need any magic that they usually learn.

At this moment, Suoke was extremely self-blame, and Suoke hated his previous behavior. In Suoke's view, everything that appeared at this time was caused by his careless underestimation of the enemy.

Before the battle began, Thok could not have imagined that this group of savage creatures who had been enslaved by Bracada for countless years could achieve this level. Even with the help of this special red barrier, Thok had to admit the strength of this group of barbaric creatures.

Facing the attack of these cyclops, the destruction of the Ice Blue Spell Academy seems unavoidable. Because Thok did not respond in advance, after the battle, the Ice Blue Spell Academy may cease to exist, and even if it is rebuilt later, it is impossible to recover. The original scale.

Under this circumstance, Thok seems to have lost all his goals. As long as Thok is willing, he can evacuate with the high-level mages. After the battle is over, he can also join other high-level mages with his identity. In the Magic Academy, but apparently, Sock didn't have this idea.

Looking at the gradually collapsing city walls around did not take any action, still standing on one of the city walls.

At this time, a huge rock was thrown towards the location of Thok. All Thok can do is just instinctively protect him with his hands.

With a loud noise, the boulder hit the wall where Suok was located. Although the city wall hadn't completely collapsed, Sock's figure was buried by the shattered boulder.

In the distance, the heroic one-eyed king is not idle. After using the red crystal in his hand to limit the magician's ability to cast spells, the heroic one-eyed king picked up the boulder that existed on the side.

According to the information he had sensed before the battle began, the heroic one-eyed king would throw the boulder in his hand in the direction where the sense of threat was the strongest.

After the throw was over, the heroic one-eyed king looked around and found that there was a bigger boulder at a distance from his side.

The heroic one-eyed king picked up the huge boulder beside him, but suddenly stopped in place as if he realized something, only looking at the cyclop-eyed giant who was destroying the city wall in front of him, and did not move in the direction of the boulder.

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