Invincible Hero of Necromancer

Chapter 803: Perception 2

Under the guidance of the vampire, Rhode got closer and closer to the soul tower that existed in the city of death.

Before the Lord, although he had already noticed the existence of the tower, he only observed it from a distance, and did not observe the entire tower at a relatively close distance as it is now.

As the distance approached, the perceptions that existed in Rhode's mind became more intense at this time.

Through his own perception, Rohde noticed that there is an extremely huge death energy, under the control of the soul tower, covering the entire city of death. In the entire city of death, the operation of death energy is similar to that in front of him. The tower of soul-recruiting has a great connection.

Although the original Lord also felt this, in the eyes of Lord at that time, this was only the foundation of the city of death as the city of the dead. The soul tower that existed in it was only a kind of guidance for death energy, and Use the death energy in the city to complete the transformation of undead creatures.

But at this moment, Rod noticed that the situation in the City of Death may be very different from what he expected.

The existence of the soul tower not only controls the flow of death energy in the city, but more importantly, the death energy that exists in the entire city of death seems to be gathered by this soul tower.

In Rod's view, the existence of this tower of souls is undoubtedly the core of the entire city of death. Without the existence of this soul tower, perhaps the entire city of death would not be able to attract so many undead creatures to come, and naturally it would not be able to attract Sandru's attention.

For the establishment of this soul tower, the original Lord has realized that it may have a great relationship with the existence of Stephen the Lich. He perceives the presence of the soul tower at close range, and Lord can confirm this. a little.

In Rhodes's perception, there may be no change in the spirit tower's ability to guide death energy. The only change should be the death energy guided by the spirit tower.

In Rod’s perception, there was some difference between the death energy permeating the city of death and the energy in his own impression. In the original normal death energy, there seemed to be another kind of fusion, something that resembled death energy in Rhode’s perception, but was not death energy.

Just like the previous Lord, the death energy he perceives from the group of undead creatures outside the secluded house is the same. At this time, this special death energy that has been diluted multiple times has filled the entire city of death.

According to Rod’s perception of himself, he also absorbed a lot of this type of death energy during his shallow meditation. However, the death energy absorbed by Rod did not bring any negative effects to himself. .

With the blessing of legendary spiritism, in Rod’s perception, when he absorbs this death energy, he can immediately dissolve the special things in it and assimilate it into his own death energy. Naturally, he will not let this There is no residual energy of special death.

Although Lord said that he could rely on legendary spiritism to get in touch with the effects of this death energy, the existence of this special death energy was not so easy to remove for other creatures in the city of death.

Without the blessing of legendary spiritism, other creatures can't easily get rid of the influence of this death energy like Rhodes. Even discovering anomalies in the death energy can't do it. They can only passively absorb the death energy. .

At this time, Lord still could not perceive the existence of any special aura from the vampire in front of him, but Lord believed that once he could perceive it, most of what he felt from this vampire was also this special. Energy of death.

As he got closer and closer to the soul tower, based on his own perception, Rod also realized that this special death energy originated from the soul tower in front of him.

This discovery undoubtedly made Rhode aware of some situations, but for the idea that appeared in his mind, Rhode could not really confirm it.

In Rhodes's view, the abnormal changes in the death energy are obviously inseparable from Sandru, who exists in the City of Death, and it is very likely that Sandru was caused by it alone. Rod believed that only after he saw Sandreu could he verify this situation.

In the entire city of death, the tower of souls is the tallest building. In Rhodes's impression, even the manor owned by the city lord Tamek is difficult to compare with. Even without this vampire leading the way, just looking at this, the iconic building of the necromancer forces, Rhodes can reach here.

The vampire led the way, undoubtedly speeding up the arrival of this process, so that Rod did not need to circle the city more or be disturbed by other undead creatures.

Following the vampire in front of him, it didn't take long for Rod to come to the tower of souls.

Before arriving at the Soul Recruiting Tower, Rod noticed the anomalies around him.

Rod found that a large number of undead creatures had gathered at the periphery of the tower. What made him feel concerned was that among these undead creatures, Rhode even noticed the figure of the terrorist knight.

The tall figure covered with jet black armor riding on the same undead war horse, naturally attracts Rhode's attention more than other undead creatures around it.

Under the shining of the red lines outside the soul tower, the armor on the horror knights reflected dark red light, making the already powerful them add an inexplicable aura. If this scene falls in the eyes of ordinary creatures, I am afraid they It will only lose all courage and flee in a hurry.

Different from low-level creatures, the terrifying knight's awe of aura naturally hardly affects Rhode in front of him. Rhodes cared more about the corresponding things behind them than the terrorist knights themselves.

According to the information that Rhodes had learned before, in the City of Death, the only person qualified to control these terrorist knights was the existence of City Lord Tamek. Obviously, the elite terrorist knights appearing here have a great connection with Tamick.

Unlike Rhode's expectation, the surrounding terrorist knights did not seem to have the intention of attacking this tower of souls. The formation formed between them seemed to be defending something.

After noticing the formation of these horror knights, Rohde understood that during the time he was meditating, in the City of Death, there was obviously something unusual happening.

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