Invincible Hero of Necromancer

Chapter 829: Abnormal

Compared with the abnormal death energy that emerged in the perception, what Rhode was most concerned about was the reaction of the vampires around him.

Under Lord's gaze, with the arrival of this abnormal breath, the surrounding native vampires no longer waited, but as if they were stimulated, they began to fight the undead creatures around the soul tower.

Through his own observation, Rod noticed that these vampires in battle in front of him gave him a feeling of enthusiasm. It seemed that it was under the influence of this zeal that these vampires would choose to fight. This undoubtedly made Luo De is extremely concerned.

Rod recalled that he rarely perceives the existence of this kind of fanaticism in undead creatures, or even not at all.

The particularity of undead creatures prevents them from being affected by the feelings of ordinary creatures, which naturally contains the feeling of fanaticism. What Rhode did not expect was that he could perceive this from these vampires.

Due to the gap in the level, when the battle occurs, the native vampire is directly in a great disadvantage, completely unable to contend with the undead creatures around the soul tower.

Especially some vampires who directly face the terrorist knights, under the powerful strength of the terrorist knights, these primitive vampires seem to have no resistance at all.

The original vampires who rely solely on their own claws for combat cannot cause any harm to them through the armor of the terrorist knights.

Even if compared to the orthodox knights in Erathia, the horror knights are equally powerful, and even stronger to some extent.

Rhodes noticed that the armor on the terrorist knight was made of the same material as the armor on Tamick previously seen, and had extremely good defensive capabilities.

In addition, under the armor of the terror knights are their extremely tough undead bodies. In terms of their basic attributes, they are not weaker than the vampires in front of them, and naturally they will not be threatened by vampire attacks.

Compared with these horror knights, the original vampires are undoubtedly caught in a great disadvantage, and the gap in the ranks has already been clearly revealed as the battle progresses.

As the existence of all the undead creatures that can be called the ghost dragon, the strength of the terrorist knight is undoubtedly, and it will not fall into chaos due to the attack of the vampire.

This group of horror knights are also Tamic's most powerful subordinates. In addition to what Rhodes saw in front of him, there are still some horror knights on their way to this place.

With so many advantages, the terrorist knight is often a symbol of the powerful status of an undead lord. Rhodes believed that even for the city lord Tamek, it would also cost a great price to make a powerful terrorist knight.

In Rhodes's view, the most difficult thing in the process of creating a horror knight is not the knowledge related to spiritualism, but the acquisition of the main material.

Among the manufacturing methods mastered by the Necromancer, there have always been extremely strict requirements for the materials used to make terrorist knights, even for dark knights that are slightly lower than the terrorist knights.

It is not so easy to obtain the corpse that can be made into a terrorist knight. Only professionals who have experienced many battles before their lives are qualified to be transformed into terror knights after death, far from those low-level professionals can compare.

In addition to the main body of the horror knight, there are also many restrictions on the mounts it possesses. Generally, a warhorse that does not have a rank is not qualified to carry out such a transformation.

The mounts of the terrorist knights also affected the strength of the terrorist knights to a large extent. Since the terrorist knight itself is transformed by the necromancer, the mount of the terrorist knight is naturally not limited to the undead war horse.

Among the many kinds of creatures, in the territory of Eri, the unicorn recognized by the elves as the most sacred and pure is undoubtedly the creature that fits the mount of the terror knight best.

The powerful strength that the unicorn possesses, and the physical quality that is not weaker than that of general sixth-order creatures, can be retained to the greatest extent after being transformed into a terrorist knight's mount, and combined with the terrorist knight's own strength, in battle Easily can make the enemy frightened.

However, in most cases, it is impossible for the necromancers in Diya to get the corpse of a unicorn, or even have the opportunity to see such an epic-level creature.

Under this circumstance, the Necromancer's choice for the terrorist knight mount can only take the initiative to drop a few grades, choose a lower rank, and not be weak and special creatures.

Only when these restrictions are met, the terrifying knight transformed by the processing of a highly skilled necromancer can truly achieve the state of being integrated with the mount.

The command of the horror knight on the mount can surpass the existence of the necromancer, and even in many cases, even if there is no order issued by the necromancer through the spiritual imprint, the horror knight's mount can complete extremely complex instructions.

This ability possessed by the terrorist knight is undoubtedly a powerful effect obtained after undergoing special treatment by the necromancer. At the same time, the existence of this ability is the reason why the terrorist knight is extremely powerful in the eyes of other creatures.

For the control ability of its own mounts, the terrorist knight will not be weaker than the orthodox knight in and even due to the mutual relationship, this ability of the terrorist knight tends to be more powerful, but it is only due to There are very few horror knights in the stage position of the mount itself, who can exert this ability to the extreme.

Among all the creatures that can be transformed into horror knights, the existence of centaur appears to be the most special.

According to the information that Rhodes understands, if the Necromancer transforms a centaur into a terror knight, then there is no need to follow the traditional transformation method. While transforming the main body of the terror knight, it also transforms the mount.

The existence of centaur directly meets this requirement. Once it was transformed into a terrorist knight, then the centaur itself became an independent terrorist knight, without special treatment by the necromancer.

Compared with ordinary horror knights, the centaur is directly a whole, and in some cases, it is often able to exert more powerful strength.

In Rod’s impression, he also transformed many centaurs into undead creatures. It's just that due to the relationship of rank, the transformation method Rhodes chose can only transform these centaurs into walking zombies, and cannot transform them into real terrorist knights. Naturally, there is a huge gap in strength. .

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