Under Rohde's display, a more intense black cloud of death appeared in this tower of souls.

As soon as the black cloud appeared, it quickly spread to other areas of this layer. The dark green death cloud that had been cast by other corpses was quickly covered by the black cloud in front of him.

There is nothing in the field that can stop this black cloud from spreading, and this black cloud itself represents the extreme strength of death energy, far surpassing the death cloud that originally existed around it.

Those clouds of death cast by the corpse witches were not so much covered by this black cloud as they were swallowed by this black cloud.

After swallowing the original death energy in the surrounding area, the black cloud grew stronger and stronger. In a blink of an eye, it quickly covered the ground full of corpse witches. In the end, the entire layer of the soul-recruiting tower was only left with this. The dark cloud of death exists.

As the original releaser of this spell, Rohde seemed to have considered something when he cast it. The black cloud did not involve the top of the tower in the process of spreading.

When the black cloud completely spread, this layer of the soul tower subsided instantly, except for the sound of the death cloud when it corroded things, there was no more sound.

If there is any necromancer who can see the existence of this cloud of death, he will understand in his heart the life-swallowing energy in this cloud of death.

As the cloud of death spread in this layer of the soul-recruiting tower, some of the cloud of death, after absorbing enough death energy, entered the connecting tower where Rod came, but it did not spread for long. These clouds of death seemed to be restricted, unable to make any movement in the connecting tower.

Since death cloud can work, it depends on the caster's spiritism level. Even among the undead creatures, the corpse witch who is best at death cloud will also be affected by this spell cast by Rohdesch.

As the cloud of death spread, these corpse witches did not even make the slightest struggle, and fell under the erosion of the intense death energy. For this cloud of death, which is close to the extreme, these corpse witches have no ability to resist. .

After the scene was completely calmed down, Lord did not intend to let these death clouds continue to exist. Under Lord's control, these clouds of death soon dissipated.

Different from those corpse witches, the dark green death cloud is displayed. The death cloud released by Rhode's full strength has a pure black appearance, which naturally has a better effect in shielding the line of sight.

When the dark cloud of death completely dissipated, under the light of the ritual pattern on the tower wall, the situation in this level once again appeared in Lord's eyes.

Through the erosion of the cloud of death, there were no more corpses left in the field at this time, and only the broken black robes they wore and the white bones all over the floor were left.

Except for this dead corpse witch, on the ceiling of this floor of the Convocation Tower, many bats are hanging on it by the barbs on their own claws.

Because the cloud of death that originally covered the field deliberately avoided the top of this layer, these bats were able to survive under the cover of the cloud of death. Otherwise, according to the strength of these bats, I am afraid that they will melt in this group in an instant. In the cloud of death.

When the death cloud completely dissipated, these bats no longer stayed at the ceiling, but they still had a little hesitation in their hearts about the location close to Rhodes, and they did not dare to act.

For the reaction of the group of bats not far away, Rod did not feel any concern in his heart at this time. Rod's attention had already been attracted by another thing.

Rohde noticed that after relying on the existence of the cloud of death, he cleared this layer of a large number of corpses in one fell swoop, but did not get the large amount of experience points that he should have imagined.

Among the many kinds of creatures, creatures with spell-casting abilities can provide higher experience points. This has been spread among players as early as in previous games, and Rhode naturally knows.

According to past experience, in Rohde's view, these corpses with strengths are infinitely close to Tier 6 creatures, and the experience value that a single can provide should be at the limit that Tier 5 creatures can provide, that is, 5000 points.

Before becoming a real sixth-order creature, no matter how strong the strength of a fifth-order creature is, the experience value provided after a kill cannot exceed 5000 points.

The identity of a hero can certainly greatly increase the experience value that a creature can provide, but this increase is more based on the original experience value provided by the creature, and an integral increase. The basic experience value provided by this creature still follows this limitation and cannot be surpassed.

As a fifth-order creature, regardless of its type and strength, as long as the rank reaches the fifth-order, the experience value it can provide is at least 1,000 points. This point will also not be affected by any factors.

Except for creatures of rank 5, creatures of every rank must also follow this restriction, except that the value of experience points is different.

Compared with the strength of the fifth-order creature, it can even be said to be the high-order and legendary creatures. The experience points they can provide are not as big as imagined.

Even if it is to kill a true legendary creature ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, the experience value obtained is only equivalent to killing a few more Tier 5 creatures.

Compared with the incomparably powerful strength of legendary creatures, the experience points gained from killing these powerful creatures naturally cannot satisfy the players at the time. To achieve this, killing a true legendary creature often requires players to pay painstakingly. cost.

Due to the various abilities of legendary creatures, even players who are also promoted to legendary creatures cannot defeat them alone, let alone kill them, unless they can be restrained by the way of fighting.

Compared with the huge experience points required for later upgrades, for players in the game, even if they do their best to unite multiple players to kill legendary creatures, they will only get so much experience points. The players who participated in the killing were separated and could not bring immediate improvement to themselves. As time passed, there would be no players, and the idea of ​​upgrading was cast on the legendary creatures.

For this reason, in Rhodes’s impression, players in previous games chose to obtain experience points, mostly the fifth-order creatures in the game, rather than high-level and legendary creatures that can provide more experience points. biological.

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