Invincible Hero of Necromancer

Chapter 879: Expose 1

In Rhodes's view, although there are a large number of undead creatures on the top of the tower, the role these undead creatures can play in the face of Eric is still limited.

Once the real battle starts, if there is no special means, these undead creatures on the top of the tower will probably be completely wiped out by Eric in an instant.

According to Rhodes’s understanding of legendary wizards, with the addition of various professional specialties, the spells cast by legendary wizards can cause more damage than normal things. This is in some large-scale high-level spells. , The manifestation is extremely obvious.

In Lord’s impression, when the mage’s rank reached the seventh level and became a true legendary mage, he could make certain changes to the spells with fixed effects according to his own needs, so that the effects of the spells conformed to Current needs.

With regard to such a special ability, Rhodes had a very deep feeling in Rowling's body, and in previous games, Rhodes also had a complete experience of this.

Rhodes believed that Eric, who was in the air, obviously had such an ability to change the effects of spells and was no longer limited to the basic abilities of spells.

In Rhodes’s impression, even in Brakadane, there may not be many mages who can outperform Eric in terms of casting ability. Only a handful of mages who exist in the magic guild can do this. a little.

For this reason, in Rhodes’s view, these undead creatures gathered on the top of the tower, if there is no protection, only need Eric to release an undead killer, and even no other high-level spells can be used to kill them. Clean up, and by the way, even the death energy is completely purified.

In the hands of powerful wizards, the common spells in the past can often show unusual abilities, and the difference in ranks is destined for this situation.

As he moved forward, Rod's sight was also placed on Sandro, who still wanted to see him at this time.

Looking at Sandreu getting closer and closer, Rohde understood that he could detect the threat of the undead killer to the undead creatures, and Sandreu had no reason not to be aware of it.

Under this circumstance, Sandro still dared to let these undead creatures come to the top of the tower to gather, obviously with the means not to fear Eric.

In Rod's perception, as he moved forward, the death energy around the top of the tower became more and more intense, and this change did not show a tendency to stop.

Before that, when Rhodes sensed the abnormal change in death energy, he thought it was caused by a large number of undead creatures, or perhaps it was related to the power of the artifact in Sandru's hand.

But at this time, through the various abnormalities discovered in his perception, Rhode was able to confirm that the existence of death energy may not have much connection with the things he originally predicted.

From the large amount of death energy that appeared around, Rod noticed that the source of these death energy was not the undead creatures that came here, but the soul tower he was in.

Through the careful perception of death energy, Rod found that the place where these death energy first spread was the magic rituals on the surface of the soul-recruiting tower.

Because he was on the top of the tower, Rod could not directly see the ritual lines on the tower wall as before, but through his own perception, Rod could also imagine the scene there.

Numerous death energy around, at this moment, as if it had been guided by some kind of guidance, it condensed around the soul tower.

Rod noticed that there was no ritual pattern on the surface of the top of the tower. The last ritual pattern that Rod saw was on the wall of the tower when he reached the top floor through the stairs.

But at this moment, relying on his own perception, Rhode was able to perceive the traces of the operation of the magic ritual from the top surface.

It was the appearance of all these circumstances that allowed Rhode to confirm that the death energy existing around the top of the tower at this time was gathered through magic rituals.

In Rhodes’s perception, the gathered death energy began to produce special changes under the action of the magic ritual.

The surrounding death energy no longer exists in the form of a pure magic element, but gradually has an entity. Under the accumulation of a large amount of death energy, the periphery of the soul tower, especially the top area, is covered by a huge layer of half. Covered by the transparent black gauze, Lord, who was on the top of the tower, could clearly perceive this.

The various changes in front of him have naturally attracted Rohde's attention. Rohde believes that Eric, who is in the air, naturally understands what these death energies mean.

What makes Rhode feel concerned is that even if he noticed the changes below, Eric didn't seem to have any intention of stopping all of this, but instead let Sandro make all kinds of pre-war preparations.

Rod noticed that after these changes occurred, Eric once again looked at Sandro's eyes, and there were some inexplicable emotions in his eyes, and the expressions were no longer calm.

The discovery of this situation gave Rod a new perspective on Eric. Rod realized that for the former Sandro, Eric obviously did not just treat him as an ordinary student.

Recalling the scene where he saw Eric in a potion contest, Rod recalled that at the academy event where many high-level mages gathered at that time, Eric was still wearing a gray method without any decoration. robe.

In Rhode’s impression, including his previous life, when he saw Eric, he wore that kind of robe.

But at this time came to Diya to meet with Sandreu, Eric changed from the past and chose a dress that was extremely formal and at the same time best demonstrated his identity. It is enough to show his recognition of Sandro.

Rhodes believed that it was the existence of this recognition that allowed Eric to let this happen even though he was aware of Sandro’s pre-war preparations, and did not immediately take action when he first met Sandro. , Cast the most powerful spell.

After realizing this behavior of Eric, Rod looked at Eric again, and there were some differences.

Recalling the territory of Bracada, Eric had a very high evaluation among many mages. Even the legendary mages would recognize this in his heart, and Rhode understood why.

While Rod was observing Eric, above his head, this translucent black barrier composed of death energy was also fully formed.

The existence of the barrier separates Eric in mid-air from the undead creatures on the top of the tower, but it does not block the line of sight.

At this time, Rod had also come not far from Sandro.

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