Invincible Hero of Necromancer

Chapter 883: Existence 3

In Rhodes’s impression, the existence of the **** of the mage would arouse suspicion by players in previous games. In addition to not being shot in multiple expansions, it also has a certain relationship with the entire game process.

Rod recalled that in the third expansion, many legendary peak creatures appeared and fell in battle after battle.

With the progress of the expansion, the creatures at the pinnacle of the legend can no longer suppress the players at the time. For this reason, the players at the time predicted that in the fourth expansion, there will inevitably be an eighth-order creature that surpasses the legend, that is God-level creatures.

This kind of statement, even Rod, as a legendary mage in previous games, is convinced in his heart, which shows its profound influence among all players.

In order to find clues for the fourth expansion, the god-ranked creatures undoubtedly became an extremely important part of the players' judgment standards at that time.

Rod recalled that based on many clues such as god-level creatures and artifacts, the players at the time had discovered a lot of important information for the forthcoming fourth expansion.

Among them, what is recognized by a large number of players is naturally the ultimate hydra that exists in the trench of the elemental plane of water, and its corresponding artifact, the Horn of the Abyss. Even Rod, before coming to this world, also believed that "Horn of the Abyss" was the name of the fourth expansion.

However, in addition to Horn of the Abyss, among the players at the time, there was another version of the fourth expansion.

According to the information that players knew at the time, in the entire game world, the only one who could be called a **** was the wizard **** of Bracada, Gwen Magnus.

Even if it is determined by many players that the ultimate Hydra that will be promoted to the eighth tier before the fourth expansion is officially opened, before the promotion is completed, it still cannot be called a true god-level creature, only the **** of the wizard. , Is the **** that already exists in the game.

For this reason, many players believe that, as a creature that has been circulated in the mouth of the wizard for a long time in the entire game world, and even existed countless years ago, the strength of the **** of the wizard is naturally extremely powerful.

In the eyes of these players, although the **** of the wizard did not bring any help to the battle encountered by Bracada in the first few expansions, it will definitely show its most powerful in the forthcoming expansion. Strength.

According to the judgment of these players, the forthcoming fourth expansion will have a great relationship with the **** of the mage, and the real name of this expansion should be called "The Awakening of Gods."

In Rod’s impression, the appearance of this statement was opposed by most players at the time.

In order to verify the errors made in this statement and to prove their original point of view, many players chose to come to Bracada, hoping to explore the mage from the remaining classics or from the mouths of some powerful wizards. Traces of God's existence.

Since the main plot of the fourth expansion was involved, a large number of players who hoped to use the general trend of the plot have obtained a lot of information about the **** of the mage. Under the overlap of information, the problem has been exposed.

According to the information obtained by the players at the time, the **** of the mage was superior in strength, his appearance remained unchanged, he would not grow old, and was always active in the territory of Bracada. Behind many large-scale events in Bracada, you can see the shadow of the **** of wizards through the magic guild.

It was during this process that the players at the time found out that the origins of the enchanter and the necromancer were actually in the territory of Bracada. It was the former **** of the wizard who facilitated the expulsion of these two types of wizards. .

Rhode’s channel to learn about this information is also through the game forums of previous lives.

In Rhodes’s impression, the most important point of information about the **** of wizards is that in a certain period of time, the **** of wizards suddenly lost all traces, even in the magic guild, he believed in his wizards. We can't contact it by any means.

The record of the deeds of the mage completely disappeared during this period. After this, no mage could perceive the existence of the **** of mage.

Prior to this, the **** of wizards had already become a symbol of Brakada. The existence of the **** of wizards has long been regarded by the wizards of Brakada as the root of Brakada's power.

No mage can anticipate the occurrence of this situation in advance. In the eyes of these mages, Bracada's glory seems to dissipate with the silence of the mage god.

When the **** of wizards completely disappeared, Bracada also began to corrode rapidly. The wizards forgot the true purpose of learning spells, and instead used them as a tool to achieve their own goals, using spells arbitrarily to enslave everything in the surrounding area. biological.

After that, the biggest impact on the already corrupted Bracada was the battle in which the hero Tanan led the savage creatures for revenge.

In Rhodes’s impression, the players at the time had two completely different opinions about the disappearance of the **** of the mage.

The player who firmly believes that the forthcoming expansion is the "Awakening of the Gods", who believes that the disappearance of the **** of the mage is just because they are tired of all the past matters and want to have a long sleep like a vampire.

According to these players, the **** of the mage in his long sleep will definitely wake up in the fourth expansion and show all his powers in front of the players. This is also the fourth expansion that will be called " The reason for the awakening of God.

As for the artifact corresponding to the Awakening of Gods expansion,, it did not stump the players at the time. According to the speculation of the players at the time, the artifact possessed by the God of the Wizard must be the "source of magic power" it once mastered.

Thinking of this, Rod seemed to realize something. The existence of the magic amulet, one of the components that constitute the combination artifact, the source of magic power, has long been won by Rod in the finals of the potions competition.

For those players who do not agree that "The Awakening of the Gods" is the fourth expansion, the silence of the God of the Mage is a good proof that the God of the Mage has long since disappeared.

More importantly, according to the information these players know, the **** of the wizard is not a hero, and does not have the bonus of the hero template, which does not meet the setting of the protagonist of the expansion.

All kinds of sayings about the **** of the mage have been heard by Lord Rhodes in his previous life.

What Rohde did not expect was that he could hear a brand new statement from Sandro at this time, that is, the **** of the mage is not a god-ranked creature at all. This, even with various experiences in previous lives, Rod never doubted.


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