Invincible Hero of Necromancer

Chapter 989: Rowling 2

The increase in spell casting ability gave Rowling a certain advantage in the battle, but the enemy she had to face was a genuine legendary mage.

Phil also mastered this ability to change spells. Rowling's improvement in the battle only slightly made up the huge gap between the two and failed to regain the previous disadvantage.

Perceiving the change in Rowling's method of casting spells, Phil's expression gradually changed, and he began to become dignified, without the sense of controlling everything.

Phil can clearly feel how Rowling’s spellcasting method has changed compared to when the battle just started. From the beginning, the spellcasting level of ordinary high-level wizards has reached the level of legendary wizards, and it is still legendary. The mid-term level of the mage, this couldn't help making him extremely surprised.

Phil understood that it was mostly the heroic qualities of the necromancer in front of him that were taking effect. Among orthodox mages, there have always been few heroes. For this unique and powerful ability, Phil does not have any good countermeasures.

Since the start of the battle, Phil has been silently recording the mana consumed by Rowling, and can always guess how much mana is left in Rowling, so as to find the best time to shoot.

But at this time, when Rowling showed this ability, Phil's original predictions were all disrupted, unable to accurately record the mana consumed by Rowling.

Phil’s ability to record mana consumption is not very useful when a true legendary mage is fighting. The reason is that the legendary mage can see the consumption of mana at a very large rate, and it is impossible to use specific The amount is judged.

For some reason, in the process of coming to this city of the dead and fighting Rowling, Phil always had an ominous premonition in his heart.

For Phil, who had been promoted to a legendary mage a long time ago, she rarely felt this kind of feeling. The last time there was such an ominous premonition, it was at the headquarters of Brakada Magic Guild, the hometown of Mage City. , In the city of magic, when it was enveloped by the banned magic ball.

Although I don’t understand why this hunch occurred at this time, Phil has already noticed too many anomalies in the undead city in front of him. Whether it is the corpse witch hidden in the city or in battle, he can quickly improve his ability. The hero of the Necromancer, these are things that Phil could not predict before.

Relying on the combined Eri creatures, Phil found the hidden corpse witch, and used his own strength to suppress the heroic necromancer, but she didn't know what else was hidden in this undead city.

For this reason, when such an ominous premonition occurred, Phil realized that once the battle continued, something that he could not predict might happen, perhaps it was the abnormality of the hero in front of him, or it might be something else. what.

Based on the previous records of mana, in Phil's view, the hero Necromancer at this time should have consumed most of his mana, even if he later reduced his own mana consumption by adjusting his shaping spells, but Nor can it make up for the mana previously consumed.

Slightly anticipated in his heart, Phil did not intend to continue to consume it, raising his hand to Rowling who was not far away in the air, casting an attack spell.

In the sky, lightning leaped rapidly toward Rowling's head. Feeling the strong mana fluctuations around, Rowling did not panic, but responded quickly.

In the previous battle with Phil, Rowling had already seen the type of elements that this mage mastered. Among the spells cast by Phil, most of them were fire magic and air magic. As for the other two types of magic Magic, Rowling didn't see how to use it.

This discovery also led Rowling to judge that Phil is a legendary mage who is good at fire magic and air magic. Although she did not see the pattern of magic elements on her robe, Rowling could also Clearly confirm this.

Among the two types of magic, the fifth-order magic of the Qi and fire elements, Phil has performed. The fifth-order magic of the Qi system provides him with the ability to move freely in the air, and the fifth-order magic of the fire system , Then she can ignite the entire Sao City.

According to Rowling’s understanding of magic, among the fire magic, even high-level spells, there are very few damage spells that specifically target a small number of targets. As the level of the spell increases, the damage range of the fire magic will become larger and larger. .

The legendary mage may be able to change this by his own ability, reducing the fire magic that should have been applied to a large area to a certain range, but it still consumes a lot of mana, and it is far inferior to using other magic.

For this reason, in Rowling's view, what Phil used when he shot was most likely Qi magic, not other kinds of spells.

The lightning smashed in the sky also confirmed Rowling’s expectations. Although she had already applied the qi and fire thaumaturgy to herself, Rowling did not intend to bear the spell head-on, and instead used teleportation. , Move to another position in the air.

Lightning struck Rowling’s original location. It was clear that there was nothing there, but there was still an explosion. In an instant, as the magical elements continued to condense, a lower body was enveloped in the whirlwind, and the upper body was purely composed of dark clouds. , The humanoid elemental creature faintly shining with thunder and lightning in the body appeared in the position struck by the lightning.

Seeing the appearance of this creature Rowling was stunned, but immediately after the next flash of lightning, she slammed down quickly. Perceiving the crisis, Rowling cast teleport again to avoid this spell.

It was another elemental creature, which was created in Rowling's position just now. Relying on the knowledge of elemental creatures in his memory, Rowling recognized that these elemental creatures in front of him belonged to the advanced stage of the elemental Qi, the elemental thunder.

Soon, the two summoned Thunder Elementals attacked Rowling, and huge lightning condensed from their bodies and threw them towards Rowling's position.

Rowling just wanted to cast a spell to evade, suddenly she felt black in front of her eyes and couldn't see anything around her.

Deprived of his visual ability by the spell, Rowling didn't have time to perform exorcism on herself. Before the lightning arrived, she used teleportation to evade.

Rowling's figure just appeared, and the next moment, a strong explosion exploded where she was, and immediately enveloped her.

When the smoke and dust of the explosion gradually dissipated, Rowling could no longer maintain her figure in the air. Without the support of the Hercules Shield, she began to fall downward.

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