Invincible Heroes - Hidden Architect

Chapter 239 Red Lotus Fire, Doomsday Judgment! (Five-in-one, please book in full)


Qige looked at the magic in front of her and fell into deep thought.

【Water Path

Level 4, water system, strategic magic, miracle

Leave a water gate in an area with a lot of water. In the sea or near a river, you can open a water path to reach any water gate.

The water gate can only be passed through by the hero himself.

The water gate can be destroyed. If there is not enough water near the water gate, the water gate will disappear.

The number of water gates is determined by the hero's water magic level.

If there is no water magic or primary water magic, you can leave one.

2 intermediate, 3 advanced, 4 masters, 6 legends, 10 demigods, no limit to god level

Mana consumption: 100, energy consumption: 60

(Leaving the water door or opening the water path is regarded as one cast)]

The name of this magic sounds inappropriate!

It actually requires stamina when being cast, which is even more unseemly!

Let's just say it's strong, it's strong enough, and it's completely worthy of the name of a miracle.

It is simply a super enhanced version of the Gate of Time and Space.

However, why do the conditions for leaving the Water Gate feel so strange?

Enough water?

What exactly does it take to have enough water?

The sea? river? bathroom?

I wonder if it's possible to teleport part of a limb. If so... wouldn't it be very convenient?

After calming down, Qi Ge stretched out his hand towards the stone slab.

This is a level 4 magic. The savior no longer has the ability to engrave it into the magic book because the level of wisdom is not high enough.

Therefore, the savior must want to go up again!

Shion blocked Qi Ge's hand with her dragon claw.

"Hey! Lord Savior, you can't go up any more. There is level 5 magic up there, and the guards will be stronger."

Ziyuan's expression of earnestness resembles that of an old woman who persuades her internet-addicted son to do his homework.

Qi Ge translated it by himself: Stop it, it’s all chaos.

He said with a sneer: "Well, I'll just take a look! Just take a look! I promise! We'll come out when we see the final chaos assembly."

Ziyuan snorted and said, "Then just take a look."

Qi Ge nodded wildly.

As you all know, I only gave it a try, and I absolutely cannot believe this statement.

- points - pigeons - lines -

But if Ruoke stood in the maze, there was nothing around him.

He had cleared the entire maze of guards, leaving only the last boss.

Happiness is just gone.

No, happiness just turns into potatoes

Ke Ruoke looked at the other side.

Ke Ruoke took out the small book Qi Ge gave him.

"Dungeon, Minotaur, giant, giant. Found it!"

【Tomahawk Tauren King

Underground city forces

Level: 5

Rank: 3

Quality: hidden

Speed: 10

Life: 160

Defense: 19

Attack: 18

Damage: 29~40


Attacking enemies cannot counterattack.

Heroic Fury: The Battle Ax Tauren has a minimum morale of +1.

Two-handed Battle Ax: If the Battle Ax Minotaur moves more than 4 distance, it will get a double hit on this attack.

Iron-Blooded Rush: The Tomahawk Tauren is attacked by any type of soldier (regardless of melee and long-range) and takes action immediately. (Can only be triggered once per round)]

This troop type is a bit troublesome.

It seems that we can't fight with troops, we have to use magic.

The lord said that although I am a magic genius, I can easily learn advanced magic.

But the more this happens, the more you need to learn to command and utilize your troops, and not rely too much on magic.

Comprehensive strength can better adapt to various situations.

However, the lord also explained that if magic is not used, it may cause damage to the troops, then use it as necessary without hesitation.

Then let’s finish.

Ke Ruoke stepped on the engine and hit the last Tomahawk Tauren.

Enter battle mode!

Summon what needs to be summoned and upgrade what needs to be upgraded.

Ke Ruoke took out the magic book.

Level 4 hidden magic, thunder cloud summons!

"Tauren, let's try the powerful magic given to me by the lord!

The surging magic power condenses into a world-destroying thundercloud that destroys everything and descends here! "


Following Koroko's call, streaks of lightning continued to condense in the air, and a giant thundercloud appeared on the battlefield!

【Advanced Thunder Cloud Summoning

Level 4 magic, air system, summoning system, hidden

Effect: Summons a movable thundercloud, which randomly releases 5 lightning bolts to enemy units within a 5-block radius every round. (Released up to 20 times)

The damage of the lightning bolt released by the thunder cloud is equal to the damage of the lightning bolt released by the hero, and may hit the same target.

Thundercloud cannot be attacked. Can be dispelled by master level dispelling magic. Infinite duration. 】

One thundercloud after another was constantly summoned by Ke Ruoke, and soon the sky was completely covered.

The high morale of the Tomahawk Tauren caused them to rush towards Keruoke in disarray.

As soon as the first Tomahawk Tauren entered the thundercloud area, he was chopped into corpses by lightning all over the sky.

But if Ruo Ke had quick eyesight and quick hands, he quickly used the Midas Touch. While making a little money, he summoned a cannon fodder fairy who could stop the opponent for a while.

The infinite magic value of the Magic Pyramid makes Koruo want to stop.

[Midas to gold: During battle, a group of dead enemies can be turned into random resources. The level and quantity of the resources are determined according to the enemy's combat power.

(The release consumes the number of hero actions, limited to once per battle)

Wealth can lead to gods: After using the Midas to turn stone into gold, the demon elite soul troops corresponding to the resource type will be randomly summoned.

Magical Summoning: Strengthen the summoning effect of Cai Ketong:

Use magic value to increase the number of times Midas turns into gold, 20 magic value/time

Good luck: Use Midas and Fortune to trigger luck.

Guardian Shield: When the hero suffers fatal damage, the summoned creature that can communicate with the gods will automatically bear the damage on his behalf. (Limited to 1 time per battle)]

Turning stone into metal is a hero's special skill, just like Qi Ge's architect knocking buildings, it has no CD time.

Coupled with the infinite magic value, it made Koroko go crazy with joy.

The charging Tomahawk Tauren, in Koroko's eyes, is no less valuable than resources and gold coins running towards him with legs.

Occasionally, if the Fortune Turn is triggered, you can get double gold coins and resources.

But if you can make a lot of money, you will feel happy.

continue! Don't stop!

Unfortunately, the good days are over.

The moment the last battle-axe tauren fell, Ke Ruoke's quick eyesight and quick hands successfully converted it into 200 gold coins and 1 sulfur.

After withdrawing from the battle, Ke Ruoke felt a little disappointed.

Happy ending.

Looking at the stone slab in front of her, Ke Ruoke felt a little greedy in her heart.

Do you want? Give up this magic and go up there again?

Bang bang bang!

Ke Ruoke patted her cheek.

"It can't be like this. The Lord has said that gold coins and resources can be earned again. The key is to increase one's strength.

Don't let the small lose the big.

Moreover, going up to the next level will definitely be more dangerous. Whether you can beat it or not is another matter.

If the Lord were here, he would definitely learn magic and then leave.

Won't take such unnecessary risks. "

Ke Ruoke calmed down and touched the stone slab.

【Miracle Gold Coin Bean

Level 4 magic, all attributes, strategic magic, hidden

Effect: After casting this magic, a gold coin can be turned into a miracle gold coin bean.

Plant the Miracle Gold Coin Bean, and after two months, the gold coins will randomly grow into:

Bread Tree: Obtain 10,000 units of bread.

Money Tree: Get 2000 gold coins.

Duobao Tree: Obtain 1000 units of random level 1~2 resources.

Miracle Tree: Get 10 random attribute points or 1~2 skill points.

This magic can only be cast once per day (3 times for advanced effects).

All "trees" born from this magic are at risk of withering.

Mana consumption: 80]

If you can:? !

What kind of divine magic is this! !


"One day of planting trees will yield hundreds of years of benefits!"

"Today, sow a seed; tomorrow, you will harvest a meow nest."

"More cat sharks and more trees will give the cat sharks a house to live in in the future."

Little Galaxy stood among several goblins with her arms folded across her chest.

In front of her, a large number of Meow Sharks were working hard to use their fat Meow Shark Claws to shovel the golden sand and silver-white soil from the sand island under the Magic Pyramid.

They held the magic oar removed from the Sea Elf heavy cruiser in their chubby fleshy paws, thrust it into the sand, scooped up the oar's sand, and poured it into a large tank.

There is a big red circle painted on the big vat, with the word "rice" written inside.

According to a certain hellhound who did not want to be named, he copied this rice vat from a rice shop during the turmoil in Sea of ​​Fire City.

The boss behind the rice shop is an NPC evil god lord, and he is very evil.

The city of Fire Sea has just experienced a war and is in ruins.

Not only did he not help, he also hoarded rice and sold it to the humans in Sea of ​​Fire City at ten times or a hundred times the price.

How could Namesi endure this? He chopped off the heads of the evil god lord's entire family on the spot and hung them on the gate of Sea of ​​Fire City for public display.

"One! Two! Three! Get up!"

The World Hegemony players worked in groups of six and worked together to lift the vat.

Tian Zixue was in charge of the command next to him. Following his orders, the heavy tank filled with sand was placed on the rescue boat on the shore by six players.

"one two three!"

"Sister, you take the bow of the boat! Brother, I'll walk ashore!"

Xiao Tian sat on the boat humiliatingly, howling indiscriminately.

A group of players used ropes to pull the rescue boat. The more they listened to Xiao Tian's singing, the less strength they had.

It wasn't until they couldn't bear it any longer and dragged Xiao Tian down and beat him up that the situation improved.

Xiao Tian was brutally humiliated, but one dog was helpless against many punches, so he could only lie on the ground indignantly.

"Damn it, the men in the castle bullied me into being a weakling. Remember, hellhounds will never be slaves."

Other players of the Meteor Organization World Hegemony also took the opportunity to dig a large amount of sand and tie it to their bodies.

"Let me tell you, the sand under this magic pyramid is definitely good stuff.

It cannot be packed into the space package, and it is extremely heavy. This handful of sand is almost as heavy as a stone, it’s definitely not easy!

Even Yinhe is rushing to transport this sand to the ship. I think there must be something fishy about this. "

Not to mention, Meteor was really right.

Xiao Yinhe is a silver flower demon who is born with a special sense of soil and plants.

The small sand island under the magic pyramid moves with the magic pyramid.

When the magic pyramid disappears from the map, the sand island disappears with it.

These small sand islands are, to put it bluntly, the residue of the world that is discharged when the power of chaos on the runes of order is purified.

Chaos has swallowed countless worlds.

The remaining fragments of these worlds were analyzed and absorbed by the Yasha world. The remaining parts, things that were incompatible with the rules of the Yasha world, materialized into this golden gravel and silver-white soil.

Galaxy sensed the plants on the ship's desire for soil and gravel, and asked the Meow Sharks to dig some.

"Meows, please come on! Just a basket of sand can earn you 1 gold coin!

What you are moving now is not sand, but your home! "

Galaxy's highly inciting encouragement boosted the Meow Sharks' motivation. They waved their hands violently, and one tank after another of sand and soil was transported to the Silver Spirit.

Galaxy is not afraid of digging too much into the sand.

When the Meow Sharks have almost paid off their debt, they can sell the sand dug out by the Meow Sharks to make high-end Meow Sharks, so that the Meow Sharks can owe another debt.

The old nest is replaced by a new nest, and the cat sharks are even happier.

The Milky Way is also doubly happy.

This is what the Lord often says, sustainable development.

Qi Ge in the magic pyramid doesn't know the situation outside, otherwise he would be very moved by the growth of the Milky Way and feel that he has a successor.

At this moment, Qige's attention was completely attracted by the super giant slime swimming in the lava river below.

【Red Lotus Slime

neutral force

Level: 3

Rank: 6

Quality: Mythical

Attack: 0

Defense: 0

Damage: 0

Ability Power: 40

Knowledge: 40 (500 mana)

Casting distance: 40

Life: 600

Speed: 9

Special Skills: Super Giant Troops: Covering an area of ​​19 squares (two hexagonal circles), the damage caused by all non-super giant units is reduced by 40%. When the enemy does not have super giant units, its morale is -2.

Amphibious creatures: can move on land, sea, and lava.

Red Lotus Armor: Immune to all magic

Super Giant Flesh: All physical damage taken -50%

Liquid body: In water, it recovers 20*number of health points per round. In lava, it recovers 50*number of health points per round, and can be resurrected.

Lava Fireworm Summon: When located in lava, each round the surrounding magma will be converted into 20 times the number of lava fireworms.

Spellcaster: Can cast magic

Possess magic:

Damage: Hell's Fury, Fire Meteor, Doomsday Judgment, Lava Burning.

Possession magic: Bewitching people, blindness

Explanation: Chaos can not only turn into creatures in the world of Yasha, but also transform troops devoured from other worlds.

The red lotus slime from the lava world is the undisputed overlord of that world.

Yasha's power suppressed its physical combat ability, but its magical ability was still top-notch. 】

Isn’t this tmd too top-notch? !

A spell-casting unit that can cast Doomsday Judgment, with a casting range of 40?

Just like Shion in her childhood.

Although they have no physical attack ability, they can summon lava fire bugs!

The Lava Fireworm is a level 1 unit, a local unit in the Asa Continent. It is estimated that in the original world, this is not what the red lotus slime transformed into.

The combat ability of the Lava Fireworm is very weak, not even as good as the Big-Eared Monster. It just has an extra fire magic immunity.

But there are a lot of them, a full 20 per round.

If there are 10 red lotus slimes, it will be 200 in one round, and if there are 100 red lotus slimes, it will be 2000 in one round.

After 10 rounds, there are 20,000.

There is a saying that the ants kill the elephant.

How to fight?

"Brother Savior, we have finished watching, can we leave?"

Shion felt a little timid as she felt the powerful power of Red Lotus Slime.

Although Red Lotus Slime is not as powerful as his adult self, that is because the energy level of the world where Red Lotus Slime is located is too low.

In essence, there is no difference between Red Lotus Slime and Purple Dragon. They are both the strongest creatures produced at the beginning of the birth of a world.

They all have certain rules.

"Wait a little longer, wait a little longer, finally see such a powerful creature, I'll appreciate it again."

Ziyuan said doubtfully: "Savior, you won't challenge it, right?"

Qi Ge quickly assured: "Don't worry, absolutely not! I'll just take a look."

Shion, who was new to the world, just believed it.

A man's look, nuzzle, and touch are the same as those of a man.

Eventually it will develop into, "Ah, I accidentally got in."

- points - pigeons - lines -

When Ke Ruoke came out of the magic pyramid, he saw a busy construction site in front of him.

The small sand island where the Magic Pyramid is located has been dug 3 feet deep.

A group of Meow Shark and World Domination players were working in full swing.

The three giant goblins were holding various signs in their hands. They were surrounded by a bunch of goblins who were beating gongs and drums to cheer for the Meow Sharks.

What's going on?

But just when Ruoke wanted to ask the goblins, the players from Tianxia Hegemony all shouted and came over.

"Ke Ruoke is out!"

"The deputy hero of the Seven Pigeon God!"

"Uncle Ke Ruoke, have you got the magic?"

"Oh, this, this, this..."

But if Ruoke was surrounded by a group of enthusiastic players, she felt a little overwhelmed.

"Everyone give way, everyone give way. Stop surrounding people, it's too rude."

Meteor pushed through the crowd and squeezed in. He smiled sincerely and said:

"Mr. Goblin, I'm sorry, everyone is just a little curious, I don't have any other bad intentions.

Doesn't that scare you? "

To be honest, Ruoke was a little touched. He had never been so respected before.

But he knew that the reason why these Yasha Gods respected him so much was because he was the deputy hero of Qi Ge.

He pondered for a moment and said: "I have obtained the magic, but what level of magic it is and what its effects are, I can't tell you until Lord Qi Ge gives me permission.

Otherwise, I would not dare to make my own decisions. "

Meteor nodded quickly and said: "It should, it should!"

He came over curiously and asked: "Mr. Goblin, can you tell me, it's not a level 1 magic, right?"

Level 1?

But Ruoke shook his head and said, "How can I open my mouth?"

Meteor instantly understood that it must be more than level 1.

He quickly winked at a handsome boy among the onlookers.

Soaring Crane immediately stepped forward.

"Uncle Ke Ruoke, I am the chosen one of Yasha who desperately wants to improve my skills.

The command and operation of the Seven Pigeon Master are too strong, I am definitely no match for him.

Can I challenge you? I want to feel what a real strong person looks like. "

"Strong one? Me?"

But Ruoke was a little confused.

Can you be considered a strong person yourself?

Ao Xianghe nodded crazily and said, "Yes, yes, let's compare!"

" not good."

"Does the Seven Pigeon Master disagree?"

"That's not true."

Qi Ge agreed. In fact, Qi Ge had already guessed that some of these players would be eager to challenge Ke Ruo Ke.

It can only be said that the fact that they have endured until now is really beyond Qi Ge's expectations.

"Mainly, I still have a lot to do."

Qi Ge has already explained that it is okay to challenge, but you have to pay for it.

Ke Ruoke stretched out two fingers and touched her ears, implying 20 gold coins. "

"Uncle Ruoke, my challenge is not in vain. I'll pay the tuition. How about 2,000 gold coins per game?"



No wonder Master Qi Ge said that this ship, Yasha God’s Chosen, is kind-hearted, young and rich, and it’s true!

But if you can agree immediately.

"It's not impossible. Then let's have a friendly discussion?"

Ao Xianghe nodded quickly: "Okay! Okay!"

Meteor was very proud.

He had already found out about Ruoke's character.

Aiming at Koroko's weakness, one strike will kill him!

This is the intelligence collection and integration ability of a top guild.

Soaring Crane extended an invitation to Keruoke.

Although his griffon died in battle, he is a legal hero and possesses many level 3 magics, including highly lethal serial fireballs and thunder and lightning.

If he really wanted to fight, he didn't dare to say that he would definitely win.

After all, he is the deputy hero of the Seven Pigeons, so he cannot be calculated using common sense.

But there is still no problem in forcing Koroko to use some trump cards so that the intelligence department can collect more information.

As soon as the news came out that Soaring Crane was challenging Keruo Ke, players in Hegemony all over the world became excited.

Even the sand and soil were not moved, and people came to watch the battle.

The top player in the world's hegemony VS the deputy hero of the Seven Pigeons.

What kind of sparks will this kind of top vs. top showdown create?

The duel between the two deeply touched everyone's hearts.

If you can enter combat mode, remember Qi Ge's instructions.

The heroic soul troops in the competition mode will not really die in battle, so they can completely waste their time.

First bring two teams of level 4 goblins. If the two teams of goblins have not advanced to the main combat unit, use magic to kill the opponent in seconds.

But if you can do a flash.

10 seconds later, as soon as the world's hegemonic players poured into the spectator mode, there was a cry of exclamation! !

"Damn it! Giant soldiers!"

"Two giant teams, 30 each? 60 in total!"

"Damn! I've only seen giant arms when wild monsters trigger difficult battles. The deputy hero of the Seven Pigeons actually has giant arms."

"That's a bit of a stretch."

Meteor quickly sent a message to Hai Qinyan.

"Master Hai, what kind of giant military unit is this? Is there any data in the intelligence database?"

Hai Qinyan: "No. I just checked and it's the first time I've seen this type of soldier."


It’s difficult.

Meteor looked at the huge figure of the stone-throwing goblin and felt a little headache.

He knows the strength of Soaring Crane very well. If these 60 giant arms are not good, then with Soaring Crane's strength, there is a high probability that they will not be able to defeat them.

Unless Soaring Crane can operate.

For example, using a sharpshooter to fly a kite or something like that.

Meteor carefully observed the stone-throwing goblin and found no equipment similar to ammunition bags on the stone-throwing goblin.

The opponent is likely to be a bulky melee unit, and it probably doesn't look very smart in appearance. It is most likely a meat shield type melee unit.

Soaring Crane also had a headache. He never expected that when he entered the battle with confidence, he was suddenly struck by lightning.

How to fight this?

But if you can remember Qi Ge's instructions, don't expose too much, and move forward obediently.

Soaring Crane’s eyes lit up!

Only 6 speed!

There is hope!

The marksman has 7 speeds, and I have intermediate acceleration, which can increase the speed by 5. After the speed is increased, it will be 12 speeds, and it can also make up for the opponent's sluggishness.

As long as the opponent's HP is not so high that even my 52 sharpshooters can't kill him after shooting all 24 arrows, it doesn't mean he can't be beaten!

First use mana to consume the opponent's quantity.

The Soaring Crane waved his hand, and a thunder and lightning struck down, and the three stone-throwing goblins were killed!

Soaring Crane's eyes lit up.

My thunder and lightning can hit 250 health points, which means that the opponent's health points are between 63 and 83.

Not a lot!

It's slow and doesn't have much health. It seems to be a high-output melee unit!

Soaring Crane showed a joyful smile.

My kite flow is designed to defeat units that are slower than me!

After 4 rounds, the stone-throwing goblin passed half the court.

Soaring Crane immediately took out the magic book and slowed down a group of stone-throwing goblins.

Here it is, it’s time for me to operate.

The World Hegemony players who were watching the battle also vaguely sensed the aura of victory.

Meteor was even more happily thinking about it, saying that he could force out the magic that Koroko had just learned in the magic pyramid!

A new round comes, and a team of stone-throwing goblins throw stones to create a huge stone out of thin air!

The shooting range has arrived, and Soaring Crane's destiny has also arrived.

[Boulder attack: Use very huge stones as ammunition to attack creatures within 19 blocks at the same time (regardless of friend or foe)].

The stone-throwing goblin has an exaggerated range of 20 and ultra-high damage of 40~50.


The boulder fell to the ground, shattering all the confidence of Soaring Crane.


80, -52, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1

52 sharpshooters, 80 halberdiers, and five other teams of scattered royal griffins were all hit by a boulder and died instantly.

The stone-throwing goblin completed 7 kills!

Until he exited the competition mode, Soaring Crane still didn't recover.

"19 range attack ranged arms!"

"Wow! What kind of damage is this? Soaring Crane's troops are gone in one attack."

"How about evenly matched speech?"

"Wait a minute, the secondary hero's troops are all given by the main hero.

But if you all have such terrifying troops, then the Seven Pigeons Master..."

"Although I already knew that the Great God Seven Pigeons would be very powerful, I never expected that the Great God would be so terrifying!"

"It's over, Soaring Crane was stunned by the blow."

Hearing the discussion around him, Soaring Crane suddenly woke up.

not like this.

I have the amnesia method that can control long-range troops, but I don't know that the opponent is long-range.

Otherwise, we wouldn’t have lost so completely.

If there is another round, I still have hope!

He ran to Ke Ruoke and said humbly: "Uncle Ke Ruoke! You are so strong, but I feel that I still have room for improvement.

Can you give me another chance? "

Ke Ruoke was hesitant: "Well, I've been delayed for a long time. There are still many things on the ship."

"I'll add money! 3,000!"

"make a deal."

Ke Ruoke was pulled away by Xiao Yinhe who came over, while Aoxiang He stood aside with a solemn expression.

Meteor came over and patted Soaring Crane on the shoulder.

"It's okay, Xiaohe, don't take it to heart, you are already strong."

Soaring Crane shook his head and said:

“I’m actually fine.

If I lost the first time, I was still a little unconvinced, but the second time I already recognized the gap.

The next few times, I tried to type out as much of it as possible.

So that the guild can collect more information. "

Meteor nodded and said seriously: "Very good, this is the trump card of our guild. Master Hai, what did the Intelligence Analysis Department say?"

Hai Qinyan kept looking at the information and repeated: "Soaring Crane lost five games in total. The first four games were defeated by four teams of completely different goblin units, including one team of long-range, one team of melee, and two teams of casters.

The specific data analysis of military units has been sent to you.

The Intelligence Office initially estimates that the strength of the five arms should all be level 5.

And we made a big discovery.

5 videos.

In the first second of the battle, if you slow down the playback 10 times, you can see that the two teams of goblin units have advanced to become units that can defeat the Soaring Crane.

These two teams of elf troops are available in the database.

The name is Giant Goblin.

Therefore, Koroko’s specialties or professional skills can probably turn a level 4 fairy into a level 5 fairy!

According to the analysis of the Intelligence Department, this kind of advancement must come at a certain price.

The specific price required is not yet known, but it should not be very harsh, otherwise Ke Ruoke would not use it in the competition.

The summary is that Ke Ruoke has extremely powerful and terrifying specialties or professional skills. "

Soaring Crane asked thoughtfully: "What if there is no price?"

Hai Qinyan shook her head and said:

"It's impossible. That would affect the balance of the game too much.

That’s not to say it’s impossible.

Rather, if Koruoke really can advance the level 4 goblin to level 5 in battle without any cost.

Then, Ke Ruoke must have an extremely special role in the world of heroic souls.

In other words, it is a world protagonist NPC.

As long as the game planner's brain is not broken, it is impossible for an NPC of this level to become the player's secondary hero. "

Meteor whispered: "The liberation of fairies."

He frowned and quickly said to Hai Qinyan: "Master Hai, let the Intelligence Department analyze whether Ruoke may be related to the true god-level main mission "The Liberation of Goblins"."

"Vice President, what do you mean?" Hai Qinyan was a little surprised.

Meteor touched his forehead, suppressed his emotions and said, "I realize that the planning brain is really broken."

Ao Xianghe added: "Don't forget, during the fifth battle, Ke Ruogu let go of a powerful lightning magic.

With just one spell, almost all my troops were wiped out, leaving only 2 Royal Griffins.

This proves that Ke Ruoke's magic power must not be low. "

Hai Qinyan nodded and said: "The estimate given by the magic intelligence department is to start at a guaranteed level 3."

"If it is confirmed that Ke Ruo is a protagonist-type NPC, we will reconsider our relationship with Qi Ge.

Reanalyze the priority of the main quest "Liberation of the Fairies" in our guild. "

Meteor clapped his hands and said, "This is it for now. We will discuss the rest after the intelligence analysis is completed."

"Xiao He, Ke Ruoke doesn't seem to be too disgusted by your challenge. Let's go see him for more discussions when you have time.

Build good relationships. "

Soaring Crane nodded solemnly and said:




"Ziyuan, I really thought of a foolproof way!"

"Hey! I don't believe it. The one above is the savior. You said so too.

If you hadn't thought of another way, we would have fallen into the hands of the bird-tailed mantis shrimp. "

“It’s really foolproof, Ziyuan, please don’t stop me.

Level 5 magic! Miracle magic!

Shion, you also want level 5 magic, right?"

"Hey! Ziyuan is not trying to stop the savior. I just think it's too dangerous. I hope you can be more cautious."

"I am very cautious, absolutely foolproof!"


Let the war begin!

Enter combat mode.

The flowing lava is scalding and hot, and the air is filled with a sickening stench of sulfur.

Qi Ge felt unbearably hot, as if his whole body was about to be dried out, and the system even automatically lowered Qi Ge's body temperature.

He stepped on the black solidified magma and could feel a faint sinking.

Qi Ge pulled up the sunken feet and stepped to the other side. The small pit that was stepped on gradually rose up under the squeeze of the underground lava.

Battle venue: Inside the furnace volcano, water magic cannot be released, and fire magic damage increases by 50.

Ziyuan saw that Qi Ge only brought 3 Thousand Thousand Sword Dancers, and became more and more frightened.

Zi Yuan couldn't figure out what method Qi Ge would use to defeat the Red Lotus Slime.

The damage reduction of the super giant soldiers cannot be broken by the little green dragon, and the damage of the centaur marksman is even more scratchy.

The Enchantress can't get close to the Red Lotus Slime at all, and will be burned to ashes by the Red Lotus Slime's Doomsday Judgment.

She thought of many ways, but she never expected that Qi Ge would bring three Wan Qian Sword Dancers!

This was the case on the upper level. The savior confidently brought only the Enchantress, and then almost failed.

This time the red lotus slime will not commit suicide due to dehydration.

"Shion, let's go, let's investigate first."

"Hey, Lord Savior. The red lotus slime's field of vision is the same as mine. We can see them, and they can also see us."

"It's okay. I know. What do you think this is?"

"Combined treasure magic eye?!"

Seven Pigeons said proudly:

"Hehe. In the big battlefield mode, as long as we fly slower and be more careful, we'll be fine."

Although the Magic Eye is the lowest mass-produced combination treasure among the combination treasures, this does not mean that the Magic Eye is useless.

The detection range of the magic eye is +4, which can be effective in all environments with limited vision, not just large battlefields.

With the help of the magic eye, Qige and Ziyuan successfully discovered the red lotus slime that was constantly producing lava fire worms in a huge lava lake.

[Lava Fireflies:

Hell force level 1 and 1st level troops

Grade 1

Level: 1

Quality: ordinary

Attack: 2

Defense: 1

Damage: 1-2

Lives: 4

Speed: 9


Fire magic immunity

Attacks deal fire magic damage. 】

A single lava firefly is indeed weak, but the enemy has 30 red lotus slimes.

When Qi Ge and Zi Yuan found the Red Lotus Slime, the number of lava fire bugs had reached 6,600 and was still increasing.

"Shion, let's go. We have to cut off all the lava rivers flowing into the lava lake first.

Otherwise, these lava fire worms will continue to generate and live endlessly.

That's trouble. "

Ziyuan carried Seven Pigeons to a lava river and acted as a dragon-shaped crane, dropping large rocks into the lava river one after another.

Lava itself is less fluid than water, and these rocks quickly clog the lava river.

The overflowing lava flows to the surface, where it gradually hardens.

Those rocks were also burned red, and if time went on for a long time, they would probably melt.

Fortunately, there are only three lava rivers leading to lava lakes.

Qi Dove and Shion generally blocked the lava river while observing carefully.

Without the constant flow of magma into the lava lake, the amount of lava in the lava lake is visibly reduced by the transformation of red lotus slime.

"Very good! The plan went well!"

Ziyuan also breathed a sigh of relief and asked:

"Lord Savior, what if there is an underground lava river, or there are too many lava rivers to block?"

"You can still fight, but the losses will be much greater."


Ziyuan was a little puzzled. There were only three Thousand Thousand Sword Dancers in total. What was there to lose?

Soon, the lava lake dried up completely, and at the same time, the number of lava fire worms also exceeded 600,000.

Six hundred thousand lava fire worms!

In the real world, this is a powerful force that can destroy a city.

A large number of lava fire worms were twisting restlessly in the lava lake, and red lotus slimes were happily roaming among the lava fire worms.

Whenever a Red Lotus Slime swims by, the Lava Fireworm will be pushed aside.

Preparations are complete, let’s start the war!

Qi Ge asked Shion to get close to the Red Lotus Slime, and the Red Lotus Slime immediately rioted.

Groups of terrifying and powerful fire magic and earth magic condensed from the bottom of the lava lake.

You may not believe it, but I am currently targeted by 30 Doomsday Judgments at the same time.

As the summoned creature of Red Lotus Slime, Lava Fireworm shares the field of view with Red Lotus Slime.

When the Red Lotus Slime began to condense magic, the lava fireworm jumped out of the pit of the lava lake and crawled towards Qige and Ziyuan wriggling like maggots.

Doomsday Judgment, like Ice and Snow, requires a certain amount of chanting time when cast.

This is the key to the seven pigeons breaking the tie.

The terrible pressure is about to fall, and a large number of lava fireflies are quickly approaching Qi Ge.

In the void, the fiery and terrifying fire magic power continued to expand.

Qi Ge wanted to leave, but the lava fireworms had not been completely lured away from the lava pool, so they could only wait.

Qi Ge was extremely anxious, but fortunately, the lava fire bug finally arrived at Qi Ge's intended location.

"Shion, retreat quickly!"

"Hey, Lord Savior, it's too late!"

As soon as Ziyuan turned around, huge flame balls fell from the sky.

"Lord Savior, it's too late."

"Thousands of sword dancers, change!"

Being prepared, Qi Ge had already made preparations that Ziyuan would not have time to escape from the scope of the Doomsday Judgment.

Qi Ge appeared some distance away from the red lotus slime. Thousands of sword dancers raised their swords in both hands. The sword-shaped ornaments on their bodies were shining brightly. They looked up at the sky filled with fire rain.

Thousands of sword dancers sacrificed.

[System prompt: Your team 3, Thousand Sword Dancers, quantity 1, has died. 】

I will remember you, Thousand Sword Dancers.

As soon as the battle is over, I will use the Army of the Dead to resurrect you.

The Seven Pigeons love their soldiers as much as their sons. If they can fight without losing anything, they will fight without losing anything.

But this does not mean that Qigehu will not dare to sacrifice its troops.

The first Ten Thousand Sword Dancers died in battle. He used his magical magic with unlimited casting distance to help Qi Ge eat the first wave of Doomsday Judgment.

This is the first wave and will be the last wave.

Red Lotus Slime, I will definitely avenge thousands of sword dancers.

Qi Ge stared at the endless lava fire worms all over the mountains and plains, feeling very proud.

Next, Red Lotus Slime, you won’t be able to cast a single spell, and the team will be destroyed! I said!

"Come on, Ziyuan, let me bring you victory!"

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